September 5, 2001This sight is copyrighted and manufactured by
WHOOO HOOO! Joe T.'s neva been happier in his life. Not only did I break my case (Click here if ya ain't familiar w/ it), but I also won a countersuit for $4,500! So....I bought season tickets for the Pats, paid my wrestling school, and still had enough to start up my wrestling federation.First, a big round of applause for J.A. Cooper, the lawyer that won me $4,500. Take that Boys and Girls Club! That's the last time those rat bastard kids will ever stick up for themselves, and file a suit when a counselor holds their head underwater.
I showed that little punk some respect not only in the water, but in the pockets too. No Christmas for little Johnny this year. He's been a bad boy! Haha. Sorry, little carried away there. But really, hire J.A. Cooper for everything. As you can see by the picture he reads and stuff. He's smarter than Jesus, that's why theres a halo on him. Ya so I've been cleared on everthying except the public intoxication thing. But jeez, if I had a nickel for everytime that happened. I won the countersuit because no one believed that a grown man as myself would hold a kids head underwater. But now that I'm cleared and can't be tried for the same trial twice, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say. I DID IT. But the jury felt bad for me cuz they wasted my time and money. So Joe T. got a big fat $4,528.47 check.
At first I wanted to blow it all on a new car. I had the 1993 Honda Accord in mind. Only 149,000 miles. Just needed a little bodywork. But I remembered cars are only temporary (especially with me). So I invested in Patriots season tix. $1080 dollars for two seats. So this Sunday, I'M THERE! PATS 4 LIFE! Wooooo! So then I paid the $1250 for wrestling school. Joe TOMO-hawk chop is gonna be my finisher. Next entry I'll tell ya about wrestling school, unless somethin' comes up.
Now I got a little over a grand to start up my wrestling fed w/ Eddie, Jerry, and Teddy. Jerry threw in $200, Eddie ordered and extra large trailor to have the matches in, and Teddy's gonna use his political connections to help the fed become reality. Joe's supplyin' the dough. More next week. I'll have a better idea where it's headed then. If you live in Southern NH and wanna be a part of the fed, drop me a line and I'll send you info. Till next week, later dudes.