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      Maize is also a plant of tropical regions. It is said that Columbus was cultivating it in Amercia before of its discovery. Hereafter this plant was brought to the Euorpean countries from Amercia and gradually this was being planted in Asian and Africian countries. Maize is not only the diet of the human beings, but it is also an important part of food. This plant has sufficient height(i.e, 6 to 8 feet) and its production per acre is more than as compared to the production of wheat. Beside this two or three crops in a year are obtained.


PHYSICAL FACTORS:- For the growth of Wheat following Physical conditions are wanted.

TEMPERATURE:-The moderate regions are suitable for its production, however, its cultivation can be carried out in the (mild moderate regions). At the time of cultivation the temperature required is 70 degreee F and at the harvesting time temperature required is higher. Forst and intense cold climate is injurious to its growth. The areas where the temperature os less than 40 degree F, cultivation of maize is not benigicial.

RAINFALL:- The maize cultivation does not require abundant quantity of rain. The areas where the rain is approx. 20” annually are suitable for its cultivation. The areas where the annual rainfall is less than 20” cultivation cannot be carried out without irrigation intermittent Rain of Water is the cause of good maize crop.

SOIL:-For the cultivation of maice fertile soil is required. The soil formed through natural elements e.g. The soil brought by rivers, air, glaciers is more suitable. And black soil can also be planted.

ECONOMIC FACTORS:-Economic factors plays an important role in the better cultivation of maize. The following are the main economic factors for the cultivation of maize:

CULTIVATION AREAS:      Though maize possess many characteristics, however, it is considered next to the wheat and rice crops. It is not only food but as used as human animal feed it is not only food but as used as human animal feed it is also used. Though in all provinces of Pakistan, maize is cultivated but in most of the areas more than one crop is also cultivated.

     The northern areas of our country are considered suitable for maize cultivation because in these areas there is more rain than the southern parts, and irrigation facilites are also available here. However in Pakistan, NWFP, possess prominent place in the production and areas of maize. And in the second than Sindh and Baluchistan are considered for production of maize.


1996-97 871
1997-98 869
1998-99 885.4
1999-2000 814.6
Percent increase 7.95%

The following graph shows the production of rice in past years of Pakistan.

The following map shows the production of wheat in Pakistan per hactors. The map shows that Punjab produces almost 50% of wheat of Pakistan.

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