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    2) Immigrating To Canada
    3) Citizenship-  Becoming a Canadian
       -To become a Canadian, You must: 
       -You Cannot Become a Citizen If:
       -How do Children Become Citizens?
    4) Do you want to Immigrate To Canada?
    5) How are immigrants Chosen?
    6) Terrorists In Canada
    7) Who is Able to sponsor fo
       permanent Citizenship?
    8) Who is legal to apply for Sponsorship
       in the family class?
    9) What are the requirements for 
    10) Can I sponsor any other family
    11) How long am I financially responsible
        for my relatives?
          to Canada
          Not all immigrants had come to Canada from Europe. Blacks had departed 
          from Africa as slaves during the 18th and 19th centuries. When slavery 
          had ended in Canada, blacks had once again departed to Canadian territory 
          to escape slavery in the United States. Asians had also immigrated to 
          Canada. Many of the Chinese and Japanese immigrants settled in British 
          Columbia and other parts of Western Canada. After both World Wars, people 
          came as refugees from Europe. More immigrants also came to Canada from 
          Africa, the Caribbean, Asia, and the Pacific Rim. All of these newcomers 
          had helped build Canada's peacetime economy. Canada's experience during 
          and after World War II raised awareness of the needs of refugees and 
          the need of families to be together. All of this had been reflected 
          in Canada's immigration policies. Today, Canada is home to immigrants 
          from every part of the world. People from ore than 200 different countries 
          cam to Canada. The majority were Asians, Africans, South Americans, 
          and Central Americans.

             Becoming a Canadian

         Once someone has been on Canadian soil for at least
         three years, they may wish to become a Canadian citizen. Canadian citizenships allow
         you to participate in all aspects of life in Canada. As a Canadian citizen, they may:
         -Vote and run for political office in federal and some provincial elections
         -Travel outside Canada on a Canadian passport
         -Enjoy full economic rights
         -Be eligible for some pension benefits

         To become a Canadian citizen, you must:
             -Be a permanent resident of Canada (landed immigrant)
           -Must have lived in Canada for at least three years
           -You must be lat east 18 years of age to apply on your own
           -You must complete an application form, mail it, along with the appropriate 
             documents, photographs, and free, to the CPC in Sydney, Nova Scotia
           -You must be tested on your knowledge and understanding of English and French,
             of Canada as a nation, and of rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship
      -If you pass the test, you will be invited to a citizenship ceremony where you will
             take the Oath of Citizenship and receive a certificate of Canadian citizenship
    You cannot become a Canadian citizen if you:
           ˇ Are considered a risk to Canadian security
           ˇ Are under a deportation order
           ˇ Are in prison, on parole, or on probation
           ˇ Have been found guilty of a serious crime in the past three  years

            How do children become citizens?
     A parent who already is a citizen, or who is applying for citizenship, may apply on behalf on any children 
          who are aged 17 years or younger. The following conditions are apply:
           -The child must be a permanent resident of Canada, but is not required to have been in Canada for three 
           -An application must be submitted for each child with the appropriate documents, photographs, and fee
           -Children do not have to take the Citizenship language and knowledge test, but any child aged 14 and
            over must take the Oath of Citizenship
           It will take eight months to a year to process an application, from a submission of the application form to 
          the citizenship ceremony. The current fee for an adult aged 18 and over is $200. This includes a $100 
          Right of Citizenship. If an application for a Grant of Citizenship is refused, then $100 of citizenship fee is 
          refunded. The fee for children underage 18 is $100 as they are not required to pay the Right of 
          Citizenship fee.

    Do you want to immigrate to Canada?
       Anyone can apply to immigrate to Canada. If someone is married, they can apply. Anyone can apply 
          at a Canadian Embassy, High Commission, or Consulate. They can also apply with the financial help of a 
          close  relative living in Canada. If someone is visiting Canada and decides to live in Canada, they still will be
          required to apply for a permanent  residence from abroad. If their application shows that they will probably 
         settle successfully in Canada, they will be called for a personal interview. If the application is approved, the 
         visa officer will give them information about working and living conditions in Canada and answer any 
         questions that they may have about the country.
        There are three types of immigration classes: family, refugee, and humanitarian, and independent and other
          class. In the family class, you must have a close relative in Canada who has legally promised to give you 
          financial help. In the refugee class, applicants in the class are admitted under special rules. And finally, in the
          independent class, you can apply on your own, with or without the financial help of relatives in Canada. 
          Everyone who applies is assessed and chosen by the same standards. These standards show how well a 
          person can adjust to Canadian life and settle successfully. Except for refugees and members of a family
          class, everyone is assessed on a point system. Points are given for various things:
         ˇ Job training
         ˇ Work experience
         ˇ Occupation
         ˇ Arranged employment
         ˇ Age
         ˇ Demographic factor
         ˇ Ability to communicate in either English or French
         ˇ Personal suitability
         ˇ Having a relative live in Canada
         You must have a medical examination and your background checked. The reason for this is to see if there 
         are health or legal reasons that would stop you from begin admitted to Canada as a permanent resident.
         Canada's immigration policy is both a federal and provincial responsibility. Whether or not you are selected 
         may be affected by the immigration priorities of the province in which you wish to settle in.
         How are immigrants chosen?
        Immigrants can either be selected for the economic contribution to  Canada or for family 
        reunification. They can be sorted in the 4 different categories: skilled workers, business, family, and 
        refugees. Both the skilled workers and business workers are put into the economic or independent 
        category. The skilled workers are needed for the Canadian labour market.The business workers are used 
        to invest and experience in running a home or in-city business. The family class immigrants are sponsored 
        and supported with money by immediate family members who are Canadian citizens, and Canada provides 
        safe homes to refugees running away from persecution.


         Terrorists in Canada
        On September 11th, America had gotten a deep wound in its heart. Airplanes were flown into two 
        of the United States' most memorable building: the pentagon and the World Trade Centre. People 
        were killed and severely injured, while others were left with loved ones who will never be seen again 
        because of the madness of terrorists. They have always been causing horror around the earth in order to 
        receive certain demands. Although many are in prison, terrorists can even be found when they are trying to 
        immigrate into different regions, such as the U.S. or even Canada. Canada has not been in treacherous
        battles very often, besides fighting in Afghanistan with out American allies to hunt down Osama Bin Laden,            
        the world's #1 public enemy. He and his other terrorists must be stopped in order to make Canada a more 
        safe and productive country.

         Who is able to sponsor for permanent citizenship?
        The person who wants to sponsor the immigrant, must be a Canadian Citizen or an adult 19 or over, who           
         are permanent residents. The sponsor should be able to provide living space, care, maintenance and other
         normal settlement options. If one of the sponsors can't live up to their responsibilities as a sponsor, may
         not be able to sponsor an immigrant.The application kit for the sponsor includes the information needed to 
         complete the financial evaluation for the sponsor. 
         Who is legal to apply for sponsorship in the family class?
         ˇ Wife/husband
         ˇ Fiancé
         ˇ Parents, grandparents
         ˇ Brothers, sisters, nephews, nieces, and grandchildren (who are orphans unmarried and under age 19)
         ˇ Dependant sons or daughters
         ˇ Children under 19 who the sponsor plans to adopt
         ˇ Or any other relative

         What are the requirements for dependants?
       All dependants must meet the same visa requirements as the main applicants, such as medical and
          background checks. They must include the names of all their dependants on their immigration application, 
          whether or not the dependants plan to immigrate to Canada or not. 
         There are three ways sons or daughters can be relying on their parents:
         ˇ Under age 19 and unmarried (must be unmarried when they apply and when the student visa is given to
         ˇ Full-time students, married or single, or studying/training when they apply
         ˇ Unfinancially supported children because of their disability and supported by their parents financially
         Can I sponsor any other family members?
         Any Canadian citizen who does not have a spouse, child, parent, grandparent, siblings, uncle, aunt, nephew,
         or niece in Canada, may sponsor one relative dispite their relationship.            
        How long am I financially responsible for my relatives? 
         Sponsors have financial responsibilities for family class relatives immigrating to Canada. Sponsors must 
         agree to assist family class relatives for 10 years, during the time-sponsored relatives must not ask for 
         social assistance. If they apply for welfare, their sponsors are considered in faulty and might be taken to 




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