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We are all sent email forwards that are cute or make our day or make us think. Some are Christian, some are secular, some you aren't really sure what they are. In this area of the site we decided to make use of the collection of email that we receive and put the Christian twist on you need a quick pick me up with a brief teaching of a bible principle you came to the right place.
Since they got sent here it would only be right to send them along to your friends and family....Especially the ones who aren't saved....After all you are only trying to entertain them...not preach at them....If they happen to stay awhile and visit with us, so be it....that's kind of the idea anyway...right....?!?
There is a link at the upper right corner to send this page to your friends and family, or you can use your web browser to send the page. .




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Page was last updated 4/27/2002 6:56:05 PM
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