Point Of Impact
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Real Madrid
Roberto Carlos
Marvel vs. Capcom

"All of us have potential. Few ever realize it...."

Was there any doubt? Of course this guy would be in the game! I mean, it is a Streetfighter game ain't it? Anyways, still searching for the meaning of the word "fight" Ryu is back to challenge his fellow Streetfighters and Marvel Heroes alike! He is an all around good fighter, because of his strength and the fact that he has the best fireball! His supers take off massive damage and he has a ton of ground combos! His air combos take some getting used to but they are devastatating once you learn how to stick in a Shinkuu Hadoken or Shin Shoryuken in there! He also loses very little life whenever he gets hit! Like riding a bike, old time Street Fighters will be very familiar with this guy in their control! In the MvC version, Ryu has somehow adopted both Ken and Akuma's respective styles and can use them as he wishes.

Special Moves
Guard Break Punch à+MP
Ryu lunges forward and punches downward. This move is unblockable except in a standing position. This makes it extremely useful to pull off on turtles that just love to crouch block all day. Watch out because it takes him a while to actually start the punch, so careful opponents will see it coming and either block correctly or counter.

Tornado Kick à+MK
Ryu takes a hop forward while spinning his leg around. This is a great move to use in his ground combos because it will help him get extremely close to his opponents while hitting them at the same time. Most opponents get faked out and try to hit him after they block this. Hit them with a quick attack and follow through with a combo.

Hadouken âæà+P
You all know what this is right? Well, for you newcomers, this is the standard Shotokan projectile. This is THE definitive fireball! It is huge! It's almost as tall as he is! It can be done in the air as well and often tag unsuspecting opponents when they jump! The strength of the punch determines the speed of the fireball! It comes out quite quickly and it can be used as an air combo finisher! Throw a lot of these out at random and after comboes! They are the basis of Ryu's offense and should be used often!

Shoryuken àâæ+P
Ryu's dragon punch doesn't hit multiple times like Ken's or Akuma's, however, it does the same amount of damage because it is very strong! This makes it a better anti-air move than the other Shotkaner's Dragon's because of the fact that it doesn't need to hit many times! It combos after most of his crouching punches and kicks! Throw it out at the last moment against jumping opponents, but beware if it's blocked cause like other Dragon Punches, it has horrible recovery time!

Tatsumaki-Senpuukyaku âåß+K
The classic spinning kick. Ryu's version is slow and powerful. It hits once and always acts as a knockdown attack. It has very good priority too, so it will beat out most of his opponents counter attacks. When done in the air, it somewhat follows the arc of his jump and is his most powerful AC finisher.

Super Combos
Shinkuu Hadouken âæà+PP
Ryu charges a little ball in his palms and then lets loose a beam of death towards his opponent! This super comes out very fast, has incredible range and will beat out all other beam supers! It can be used as an air combo finisher for massive damage and eye candy! This is his most versatile super and can be set up in many different ways. It will also combo after a S.Fierce. His ability to do it in the air makes it a great counter attack move because he can pull it off immediately after his opponent misses a counter attack or super. Should be used when possible! However, blocking opponents can nullify almost all of the block damage by using the advancing guard so use it wisely! Also, the beam sucks the victim up, so it's better for you to be slightly higher than your opponent when you're pulling this off for maximum hits or the chap will just be bouncing on the top edge of the beam and you'll not get the full potential of the super.

Shinkuu Tatsumaki Senpukyaku âåß+KK
Ryu spins in the air, creating a huge vortex and pummeling his opponent with his feet. This move will OTG any downed opponent, making Ryu's C.Roundhouse the best setup for it. The damage that it does is nuts and it's useful for turning the tide in your favor. Ryu is invincible to any physical attack while in the middle of it. Rushing supers like Berserker Barrage X will always lose to this one. Even extremely fast attacks like Maximum Spider will trade hits at best. Only beam supers will be able to penetrate this move consistently. Push blocking and rolling are both gambles cause sometimes a blocking opponent might get sucked in while trying to push it away and your character will risk getting hit anyway.

Shin Shoryuken àâæ+PP
This was the most popular super in SF3 so Capcom decided to stick it in here! Ryu does a three hit Dragon Punch which just kills the opponent! I mean that it does massive damage! The problem is that I often find myself doing Shinkuu Hadoukens instead of this move! They should have made it a fireball motion with a kick but that's just wishful thinking. It is an awesome air defender because he is invincible during the moves start up frames. If he doesn't manage to connect while on the ground, Ryu will jump up and do a seven hit air version. The air version will combo perfectly off of his launcher. After it connects, the opponent will fall toward the ground, unable to block, setting up some awesome combos for Ryu. His most intimidating super in my opinion!

Shotokan Switch àæâåß+P (MvC version only)
Ryu turns his back and changes identities. I don't know how they're gonna explain this story-wise, but it seems that Ryu has absorbed Akuma and Ken. He can become either one at will. Jab results in Ryu, Strong results in Ken and Fierce results in Akuma.

Ken Mode, Akuma Mode

Team Attack
Hadouken MP+MK (MvSF version only)
A good team move because Ryu does have the best fireball in the game! Use it to support your current team member in offense but it's not that great for defense!

Team Counter
Hadouken ßåâ HP+HK
This is a good counter because it can reach quite far and tag opponents who are mid screen away. You can use this move to counter single hit fireballs as well as up close attacks. Don't use it to counter beam supers and multi hitters though because Ryu will just end up getting hit as he comes in.

Team Super
Shinkuu Hadouken âæà HP+HK (2 Levels)
This is an awesome team super because of its damage potential and its long range! Anything and everything compliments this move! It can even combo if Ryu is the team leader! Jam on the buttons to get as many hits as possible!

Moves, Combos, Strategies