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Real Madrid
Roberto Carlos
Marvel vs. Capcom

Ryu Akuma Mode
"Evil is what I am. Death is what I bring"

During his fights with Akuma, Ryu was forced to use the Dark Shotokan techniques to defeat him. This left a trace of evil within the warrior. Though he's generally a nice guy, Ryu's evil side sometimes surfaces, turning him into Evil Ryu. After turning his back, Ryu's costume turns black and he has access to all of Akuma's moves and supers. He dominates the air with his large assortment of air specials and he can be relentless on the ground with his multiple comboes and two in ones. Devastating in the hands of experts and beginners alike. Use the "evil intent" to kick some major bootie! Watch out because while in this mode, Ryu takes damage like Akuma used to. Too bad he's not the all powerful, god-like secret character that he used to be, but I guess that's why they made Cyber Akuma.

Special Moves
Collarbone Slice Chop à+MP
Ryu lunges forward and karate chops downward. This move is unblockable from a crouching position. This makes it extremely useful to pull off on turtles that love to crouch block all day. Watch out because it takes him a while to actually start the punch. Careful opponents will see it coming and either block correctly or counter.

Demon Spin Kick à+MK
Ryu takes a hop forward while spinning his leg around. This is a great move to use in his ground combos because it will help him get extremely close to his opponents while hitting them at the same time.

Gou Hadouken âæà+P
The second smallest Shotokan fireball next to Dan but far more effective. The Akuma version fireball is the fastest of the three. While in the air, he hurls small projectiles diagonally downward at his opponent. Ryu is able to throw several of them in a row, making it a great keep away move. Good speed, good damage, range and versatility make this one of Ryu's most effective attacks, both offensively and defensively.

Gou Shoryuken àâæ+P
The Akuma version Dragon Punch hits multiple times and sets the opponent on fire just like the Ken version. It's sort of in the middle of the pack when it comes to Shotokan DP's. It doesn't have the horizontal range of the Ken version but it's got more than Ryu's and it does the least amount of damage per hit. A good move to use once in a while but if you're a Dragon kind of guy, pick Ken mode.

Gou Tatsumaki-Senpuukyaku âåß+K
Ok ok so I guess Ryu got THE Fireball and Ken got THE Dragon Punch so Akuma got THE Hurricane kick. The Akuma mode Hurricane Kick is the best of the three. It's quick, comboable and hits multiple times while electrifying the opponent. Ryu has almost not recovery lag on this move and he can OTG immediately afterward. It also has extremely high priority allowing it to beat out certain supers. Use this move very often while in Akuma mode. Good Akuma players should learn how to time the Demon to come out just when they're getting back up.

Diving Demon Kick (air) âæà+K
While in the air, Ryu changes direction and comes down at a sixty degree angle while kicking the opponent. It hits multiple times and has almost no recovery lag, making it an extremely difficult move to counter. Make sure that he makes contact with his opponent though cause he'll be vulnerable to beam supers and all kinds of other nasty stuff if it misses. Also, he's not invincible against air defenders so make sure that you surprise em with it. Mix it up with air fireballs to keep em guessing.

Teleport âæààâæ or ßâå+PPP or KKK
A useful tactic for confusing your opponent or getting out of tight situations, such as corners. He slides along the ground in a funky stance and he is totally invincible while doing this. However, he pauses quickly while recovering from this move so wise opponents can usually counter if they see it coming. The direction of the motion determines the direction that he slides in. Also, using the punches make him go further than the kicks do.

Super Combos
Messatsu Gou Shoryu âæà+PP
The evil version of the Shoryu Reppa. I do believe that this hurts less than Ken's Mode but like the Shoryu Reppa, it's easy to combo and it comes out very very fast. It rivals the Berserker Barrage X as fastest super. It also has great range so use it to punish opponents for stupidity. However, it also has the Shoryu Reppa's tragic flaw. If it's done on a heavy character such as Hulk, then you're just asking for a world of hurt because the big guys will land first and be able to counter with anything that they want. I wonder if the same goes for Cyber Akuma? Yeah I guess...but that's only if you survive it!

Tenma Gou Zankyu(air) âæà+PP
Ryu opens up his palms and releases 30+ air fireballs at his opponent. A good surprise move to pull off and it's even possible to use this as an AC finisher. It's his best chipping super because of the fact that each fireball that is blocked does it's own share of block damage. This is an extremely useful moves against characters like Ryu, Cyclops and Dark Sakura cause you can jump over their beams and hit em with it.

Messatsu Gou Hado âåß+PP
Ryu rears back and releases a beam of death at his opponent. It's very similar to the normal Shinkuu Hadoken except for the fact that it doesn't do as many hits and it doesn't last as long. The damage that it does is roughly the same as a Shinku Hadoken, so it's just as useful if used in a combo. It's useless as a chipping super though so I don't recommend using it for that. I've gotta admit though that the chi gathering for the Messatsu Gou Hado looks a lot cooler than the Shinku Hadoken.

Shun Goku Satsu (The Raging Demon!) JP, JP, à, SK, FP (3 Levels)
Ryu with the "Evil Intent"! You gotta love it. This has gotta be my most favorite move in the entire friggin game, even though it does take three levels super meter. Do the motion and Ryu slides along the floor with his hands in a grabbing pose. If he touches his opponent, the screen goes white and he pummels the living crap out of them. After fifteen hits, they reappear with the opponent on the ground and Ryu with his back facing the screen. This move hurts! It takes off at least a third to a half of an opponents life bar instantly. It is unblockable so sitting there and blocking will not save you from it. The only escape is to jump out of the way or to throw Ryu before he can grab. A definite crowd pleaser and the mark of a master. Save up your super meter to do it, cause it's definitely worth it if it connects. Too bad the Chinese character Tian is now gone if you finish a match with it....

Shotokan Switch àæâåß+P (MvC version only)
Ryu turns his back and changes identities. Use it to switch over to Ryu or Ken mode when you get sick of the "evil intent".

Ryu Mode, Ken Mode

Team Attack
Gou Tatsumaki Senpukyaku MP+MK (MvSF version only)
This is one of the best team moves because if he connects, he hits your opponent several times very, very slowly. This gives your other character time to do whatever he wants with your hapless opponent. Anything that will connect horizontally can be comboed after this move. From Beam Supers like Shinkuu Hadoken, Mega Optic Blast, Yoga Inferno to Rushing Supers such as Berserker Barrage X, Crawler Assault, Hyper Charging Stars to Combo Supers like Weapon X, Final Justice, Cross Shadow Blitz and yes even grab supers like Chaos Dimension(ouch!) and the Final Atomic Buster (double ouch!), almost anything will connect after this move. Dragon Punch supers might not be that great cause they'll hit three or four times at most and your opponent will fall to the ground while your character is left vulnerable. Akuma is one of the best partners to have because of this fact. Use it and use it often, but don't get predictable or both your characters will be eating super.

Team Counter
Gou Shoryuken ßåâHP+HK
This is an ideal counter because of the speed and the invulnerability that he has while pulling it off, making it great against moves like Senretsu Kyaku and Bereserker Barrage X. Just don't try to counter any beam supers with this cause both your guys will get trashed.

Team Super
Messatsu Gou Hado âæàHP+HK (2 Levels)
This is a good super to use as a team attack because it complements just about every other move. Honestly though, I'd rather save up my meter for a Raging Demon....it's cooler and more impressive.

Moves, Combos, Strategies