Subject Index
[ saved]
[sound (mind, words)]
[Spirit of God, Christ]
[spirit of fear (timidity)]
[spiritual harassment]
[subliminal messages]
Sabbath: - Sabbath Page - (Hebrews 4:9-11,4) - sabbatismos
sabbatismos: - Greek word used in Hebrews 4:9
sabbatismoV (kjv translates as "rest") - Greek lexicons define as: a keeping of Sabbath, Sabbath observance or Sabbath-rest. Commonly portrayed conserning this verse is as that it represents the millenium Sabbath, when Christ will reign 1,000 years (as some Bibles reflect on ONLY). Yet a mention of disobedience is given conserning this sabbatismos. The Sabbath is one of the ten commandments of which, as a commandment of God, we should be in obedience to His commands through faith in Christ, that He might favor us, and our relationship with Him in it.
-- This Greek word is used only once in the New Testament.
-- also See: [offerings] [praise]
-- salvation of the flesh on earth vs. eternal salvation
-- saved by grace which is the gift of God ... unto good works (Ephesians 2:8-10)
-- those who endure until the end will be saved - (Mat 10:22)
-- by grace -- see: salvation
-- Once saved always saved vs. Apostacy vs. (Re-)Dedication to Endurance
Sayings: (that encourage toward God and Christ)
. . - seven spirits of God - (Isa 11:2 • Rev 1:4 ; 3:1 ; 4:5)
. . - seventh day: See: Sabbath
. . - seven days in the week
. . . - (named after Tutonic gods):
. . . . - (1) Sunday {named after the Sun god}
. . . . - (2) Monday {named after the Moon [god]}
. . . . - (3) Tuesday {named after the god Tiu}
. . . . - (4) Wednesday - {named after the god Woden}
. . . . - (5) Thursday - {named after the god Thor}
. . . . - (6) Friday - {named after the god Frigg}
. . . . - (7) Saturday - {named after the god Saturn}
See also: sinner
. . - transgression of the Law - (1 john 3:4)
. . - knowing good and not doing it - (James 4:17)
. . - Paul was cheif of sinners (bad history of past, but turned around (repented)).
. . - six days work, rest on the seventh day - See: Sabbath
. . - 666 - see Mark of the Beast
sound mind: - (2Tim 1:7)
sound words: - hold fast the form of - (2Tim 1:13)
. - (Pro 4:24) - Put away from you froward mouth & perverse lips
. - (Pro 6:2) - snared, taken with the words of your mouth
. - (Pro 8:6-8) - speak truth, righteousness, nothing perverse or froward
. - (Pro 17:20) - he that hath a perverse tongue falleth into mischief
. - (Pro 17:22) - a merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones
. - (Mat 12:36) - giving account for every idle word
. - (1Co 15:33) - evil communications corrupt good manners
. - (Eph 5:4) - there must be no filthiness,silly talk,coarse jesting, rather giving of thanks
. - (Col 3:8) - put aside anger,wrath,malice,slander,and abusive speech from your mouth
. - (Phi 1:27) - Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ
. - (2Ti 2:23-24) - refuse foolish,ignorant speculations,producing quarrels;be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged
. - (Titus 3:2) - speak evil of no man
. - (Titus 3:9-10) - avoid foolish questions, genealogies, contentions, strivings about the law
. - (1Pe 1:15) - be ye holy in all manner of conversation
. - vain and profane babbling
Spirit of God: See: ~Holy Spirit~
Spirit of Christ: See: ~Holy Spirit~
spirit of fear (timidity):(2Timothy 1:7): (God did not give us, but [God gave us the spirit] of power, love and a sound mind.
spiritual harassment:
Many Christians do face spiritual harassment. Once they begin to weigh the spirits for themselves, having spiritual birth of the Spirit of God, one can then detect the differences between the Spirit of Christ and unclean spirit(s) that is able to enter within.
Subliminal messages:
suicide - For those considering...read this
- no man hates his own flesh, but cherishes it (Eph 5:29)
- be strong and courageous (2 Chronicles 32:7)
- be in health (3rd John 1:2)
Sunday: - the first day of the week
also See: confessions, traditions
- first day (Sunday) verses in the New Testament:
- compare to the Old and New Testament Sabbath in Scriptures
- Change is not always good!
. - also see: [oaths & vows] [sound words] [communication]
-- communication
---- evil communications corrupt good manners - (1Cor 15:33)
---- profane and vain babblings - (1Tim 6:20-21 · 2Tim 2:16)
. . Swine (pork) as Food
. . . - unclean food - (Lev. 11)
. . . - those who eat swine's flesh will be consumed - (Isa 66:17)
. . - Jesus casts unclean spirits into swine... (Mat. 8:28-34)