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[Torah] [613] [Hebrew OT] [Greek Bible]
The first of five books in the TORAH
[outlines] [613 in Gen] [verses per chapter]
_#? of 613 commandments in Genesis
Genesis - Outline 1
Creation (Gen 1:1-31)
God rests on and blesses the 7th day (Gen 2:1-3)
Genesis Notes page links - (1 page per Chapter)
[A] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
[10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19]
[20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29]
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[40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49]
Genesis 613 Commandments list
1:28 - (63)
17:12 - (17)
32:33 - (165)
Verses Per Chapter:
[1] - 31
[2] - 25
[3] - 24
[4] - 26
[5] - 32
[6] - 22
[7] - 24
[8] - 22
[9] - 29
[10] - 32
[11] - 32
[12] - 20
[13] - 18
[14] - 24
[15] - 21
[16] - 16
[17] - 27
[18] - 33
[19] - 38
[20] - 18
[21] - 34
[22] - 24
[23] - 20
[24] - 67
[25] - 40
[26] - 37
[27] - 21
[28] - 43
[29] - 46
[30] - 43
[31] - 55
[32] - 32
[33] - 20
[34] - 31
[35] - 29
[36] - 43
[37] - 36
[38] - 30
[39] - 23
[40] - 23
[41] - 57
[42] - 38
[43] - 34
[44] - 34
[45] - 28
[46] - 34
[47] - 31
[48] - 22
[49] - 33
[50] - 26
Adam's line - (5:1-6:8)
Noah - (6:9-9:29)
Shem, Ham and Japheth ; (10:1-11:9)
Shem - (11:10-26)
Terah - (11:27-25:11)
Abraham's son Ishmael - (25:12-18)
Abraham's son Isaac - (25:19-35:29)
Esau - (36:1-37)
Jacob - (37:2-50:26)
9:22 "saw the nakedness of his father" = slept with his mother (his father's wife)