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22 verses
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(6:1- ) - the wickedness and judgement of man
(6:2) - the sons of God taking daughters of man to wife
(6:3) - the Spirit of God not always with man, because he is flesh
--- 120 years
(6:4) - Giants - sons of God
(6:5) - wickedness of man great
--- imagination of evil continually
(6:6) - God repents that He made man, it grieved His heart
(6:7) - God states that He will destroy man and beast from the face of the earth
(6:8 - 9:29) - Noah
(6:8) - Noah finds grace in the Lord
(6:9) - Noah is a just man, perfect in his generations
(6:11) - earth corrupt and filled with violence
(6:13) - all flesh to be destroyed because of violence
(6:14-16) - Noah's Ark - measurements
(6:17) - Flood of Waters warning (of God it will come)
(6:18) - covenant with Noah, that his family should enter the ark
(6:19-20) - two of every kind of flesh bring into the ark
(6:21) - store up food for them and the other creatures
(6:22) - Noah did according to all God commanded him
6:1 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 1:28
6:2 Genesis
cross ref.:
vs Gen 6:4
Gen 4:19
Deu 21:11
Job 1:6 ; 2:1
6:3 Genesis
cross ref.:
Job 10:9 ; 34:14
Psa 78:39 ; 103:14
Isa 40:6 ; 57:16
Gal 5:16-17
1Pe 3:20
6:4 Genesis
cross ref.:
vs. Gen 6:2
Gen 11:4
Num 13:33
6:5 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 8:21 ; 38:7
Job 34:26
Psa 14:1-3
Jer 1:16 ; 44:5
Eze 3:19
6:6 Genesis
cross ref.:
Exo 32:14
1Sa 15:11,35
2Sa 24:16
1Ch 21:15
Isa 63:10
Jer 18:7-10
Eph 4:30
6:7 Genesis
cross ref.:
vs. Gen 6:17
Gen 7:4,21
Deu 28:63 ; 29:20
Eze 33:28
Zep 1:2,18
6:8 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 19:19 ; 39:4
Exo 33:12,13,17 ; 34:9
Num 11:15
Rut 2:2
Eze 14:14
Luk 1:30
Act 7:46
6:9 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 2:4 ; 5:22 ; 7:1 ; 17:1
Deu 18:13
2Sa 22:24
Job 1:1 ; 4:6 ; 9:21 ; 12:4 ; 31:6
Psa 15:2 ; 18:23 ; 19:13 ; 37:37,39
Pro 2:7
Jer 15:1
Eze 14:14,20
Dan 10:11
Luk 1:6
Heb 11:7
2Pe 2:5
6:10 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 5:32
Luk 3:36
6:11 Genesis
cross ref.:
Deu 31:29
Jdg 2:19
Psa 7:9 ; 73:6
Eze 7:23 ; 8:17 ; 28:16
Mal 2:16
6:12 Genesis
cross ref.:
Exo 32:7
Deu 4:16 ; 9:12,24
Psa 14:1-3
6:13 Genesis
cross ref.:
vs. Gen 6:17
Gen 7:4,21-23
Deu 28:63
2Ki 8:19
Ezr 9:14
Job 34:15
Isa 5:6 ; 24:1-3
Jer 44:11,27
Eze 7:2-3
6:14 Genesis
cross ref.:
Exo 2:3
Heb 11:7
1Pe 3:20
6:15 Genesis
cross ref.:
6:16 Genesis
cross ref.:
6:17 Genesis
cross ref.:
vs. Gen 6:7,13
Psa 29:10
2Pe 2:5
6:18 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 7:1,7,13 ; 9:9-16 ; 17:7 ; 19:12
Exo 6:4 ; 34:10,27
Deu 29:13-15
Psa 25:10 ; 74:20 ; 106:45
Isa 55:3
Jer 32:40
Eze 16:60
Hag 2:5
1Pe 3:20
6:19 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 7:15
6:20 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 1:11 ; 7:3,15
6:21 Genesis
cross ref.:
6:22 Genesis
cross ref.:
Gen 7:5,9,16
Exo 7:6 ; 39:43 ; 40:16,19,21,23,25,27,29,32