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Light Connection Intentions:

  • To share information that may help others with their spiritual growth and development. The process of allowing ourselves freedom to be who we really are...which can only follow a deep process of self exploration and discovery. This process involves moving out of 'self' and the illusion of separateness, and into the energies of unconditional love where we are all whole, equal beings. This is the freedom, the love, the place of being we've all been seeking, through one form or another in many lives. It can only be found within....and within is where we see many changes, along with challenge, as we walk the pathways of becoming whole.                   
  • To share as we learn to live our light, to anchor the energy of Unconditional Love on Earth, and through that process heal ourselves and the planet.                                        
  • To create a space for people to 'connect' with one another, share insights, and aid one another during these times of change upon the planet.                                         
  • To build and strengthen the gridwork of the planet through the connections made between people.

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   About Light is a project guided by The Teachers of The Universal Mind and brought into physical by Blessing Feather. It began as a website in 1998 on Angelfire with 3 or 4 pages and has grown greatly since then. 

Light Connection is intended to share information which is helpful to Light Anchors. Information is being 'poured' onto the planet during this time, there are many 'threads' of the same messages coming to us all...using different terminology, different perspectives...intended to reach a wide variety of people on Earth. 

The intention is share as we all learn to use the abilities and spirit within them, to remember who we really are. Each of us has the capability of communicating with  guides, higher self and other levels of self. As more of us learn to do this, we become empowered. We begin to 'feel' our way through daily events, rather than to approach them logically, defensively, or whatever is our chosen method in this lifetime. We follow spirit, and changes occur in our realities. These small changes will create planetary change.


About The Teachers of The Universal Mind

I first 'met' and began working with the Teachers in 1993.  They are a group soul who exist on an 8th dimensional level of reality. They are composed of many 'spirits' who are of like energies, although many different planetary origins and varied perspectives. They no longer are as individual spirit, but are a group energy (much, I'm told by those who have met them, like the Seth or Abraham or Kryon energies.) They share a bond as Family of Light also, and work to help us from their point of reality.

About Blessing Feather 

Jo is a conscious channel/spirit communicator, intuitive counselor, teacher, author of "Where Are You Really From?" a book on planetary origins (no longer in print),  numerous articles and the creator & webmaster of Light Connection website. Jo has been channeling since 1993 and currently lives in Houston Texas. 


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Last updated: March 05, 2003.