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Light Connection E-Mail Lists are primarily informational, for the convenience of those who join. If you would like a more informal, discussion type atmosphere please visit us and join the Light Connection BB

Family of Light  is an information sharing email list, open to any who would like to join :)  To join the list fill in your email address below!

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Light Anchor Project is focused on aiding the planet, and creating a support network among Light Workers. This list is for members of the Light Anchor Project.  The list may be used for sharing information related to light anchoring. if you are a member of the list and participate in other similar Peace/Light Anchoring projects, please share the info with us here !  To join the LAP List, enter your email address below :) 

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  Daily Offerings combines the daily positive messages of New Perspectives done by Eileen Lock, and daily positive thoughts and messages by Orea de SaHana. Big thanks to both of them for providing this service!  Other positive daily thoughts and sharing are welcomed from any list subscribers who wish to share.  

If you are looking for the list with A'oleah Eara's Mayan T'zolkin Days, this is where is was :) We thank A'oleah for the time she shared the daily messages with us. Like many things, the cycle 'completed'. The past messages are available to list members in the yahoo achieves should anyone wish to review them. 

To Subscribe to Daily Offerings, Enter your email address below:


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Last updated: March 05, 2003.