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Please scroll down and post your location on our new map, if you are participating in the Light Anchor Project!! Thanks! Jo~ 6/29/2002   


                     The Light Anchor Project   

 Is People  around the planet, who unite in focus and energy to bring Unconditional Love to the planet. 

Each Thursday from 8-9. we focus on:             

       1) Sending unconditional love to the planet.
       2) Sending unconditional love to the planetary gridwork and her people.
    Anyone who is drawn to join energies with us, we invite to do so. The Light Anchor Project is focused on stepping beyond illusions of time. Although we use 8-9 as a focus point, there is no need to adjust for times zones and locations. Simply link energies with us from 8-9 p.m. each Thursday (or any 'time' Thursday) and know that the planet will receive it as unified energy. The power of intention is greater than the illusion of time!

    If you'd like to develop stronger 'connections' with others in the Light Anchor

Project visit the new LightConnection BB . This BB has been created to allow communication, sharing of the work being done, and information which may be received. It is developing into a very strong connecting/support/learning and exploring spot, so please visit us there if you'd like to :) This is where to go if you have questions you'd like help with or wisdom you're willing to share. As Light Anchors, our learning to work together is important...especially for those of us drawn to it :)  We've got some great members and would love to meet more of our Family of Light in this way. 


To be kept up to date on Energy focus requests, suggestions, and world peace mediation/projects please join the E-mail list below. LAP joins numerous groups worldwide in Prayer/Peace/Energy projects, information on these are shared through the LAP email list.                   

To join the Light Anchor Project email list, fill in your email address below:

Subscribe to LightAnchorProject
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     If you will be joining us in energy linking, add a 'dot' for your location, on the map below, so that we can better visualize our network of light .  If you need more help, or would like me to do it for you  email.gif (13928 bytes) let me know. You'll be added as soon as possible!   Thanks!!

   June 27, 2002: Click on the button to visit the new LAP map. I have just installed it and need to 'recreate the dots', please visit it and post your location. It is an interactive map, and allows you to leave your name, location, choose an icon to represent yourself, leave your url if you have a website, and any comments you may have :) 

       If you need help: 

Click on the button above. It will open in a separate window. 

You'll see a little screen that explains the options. To start, click where it says Hide Welcome Message. 

Next, Click where it says Zoom at the top (with the + sign), and then click anywhere on the map. After it refreshes, do this one more time. 

Then right click anywhere on the map with your mouse. Hold the button down and drag the map to the area where you live and anchor light. 

When you've found your spot on the map, Click at the top where it says Post. Your mouse will become a little thumbtack, put it in the right spot and right click :)  

Then fill out the little box that pops up, this is what others will see when they view your spot on the map, so if there is anything you'd like to say, put it here. If you don't have much to say, feel free to just say hi or smile :) . If you'd like to meet other Light People in your area, put it here and leave your e-mail address. If you offer services, have a website with info to share, etc...leave it here. This will help us all with giving the gridwork a stronger sense of personal connection and deepening our understanding of how we all work together. When you're done, hit the button that says submit. 

If you hit the wrong spot the first try, or second try, just hit cancel and you'll get another little thumbtack to try again. 

Once you're done, you can hit the little list button at the top, and see your message along with all others. Or you can zoom in again, and when you touch each spot with your mouse, you'll see the person's message. 

Hope this helps :)

Love and Peace, 





This is our original "LAP map" an original drawing by LAP anchor "Fly" in Australia, made for this purpose in 1999 (? i think? anyone remember? ). Due to several pc 'deaths' thru the years, I no longer have everyone's names and e-mail if you are on the old map, and drop by please add yourself to the new map :)  I have no way of contacting everyone on the original map. If you have problems and need me to do it for you, just let me know! 

Thanks again Fly!! This map has served it's purpose well.  I'll keep this map posted here so we'll be able to see growth in the future :)      


               The Light chat room is here.             




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Last updated: March 05, 2003.