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      © 2014/2015 Arranged & Produced By Robert Metzgar
      Lyrics by Martin Luther & Frederick H. Hedge, tr. [Traditional]
      Music By Martin Luther [Traditional]
      Contact Copyright Administrator for further information
      Published by ® Aim High Music/Zomba-BMG Publishing (ASCAP) . Nashville
      © 2014/2015 By Robert Metzgar, Arranger of ASCAP SONGS
      © Ultimate Greatest Gospel Arrangements

      Verse One:

      A mighty fortress is our God...a bulwark never failing.....
      Our helper He amid the flood...of moral ills prevailing....
      For still our ancient foe...doth seek to work us woe...
      His craft and power are great...and armed with cruel hate....
      On earth is not his equal.....

       Verse Two:

      Did we in our own strength confide....our striving would be losing....
      Were not the right man on our side...the man of God's own choosing....
      Dost ask who that may be?....Christ Jesus it is He.....
      Lord Saba'oth his name...from age to age the same....
      And He must win the battle....

      Verse Three:

      And tho' this world, with devils filled...should threaten to undo us....
      We will not fear, for God hath willed...His truth to triumph tho' us....
      The prince of darkness grim...we tremble not for him....
      His rage we can endure...for lo his doom is sure.....
      One little word shall fell him.....

      Verse Four:

      That word above all earthly thanks to them abideth....
      The Spirit and the gifts are ours....through Him who with us sideth....
      Let goods and kindred go....this mortal life also.....
      The body they may kill...God's truth abideth still......
      His kingdom is forever.....

      Repeat Overture

      Let goods and kindred go...this mortal life also....
      The body they may kill....God's truth abideth still....
      His kingdom is forever.....
      His kingdom is forever...

      The Final Closure:

      A mighty fortress is our God...a bulwark never failing.....
      Our helper He amid the flood...of moral ills prevailing....
      For still our ancient foe...doth seek to work us woe...
      His craft and power are great...and armed with cruel hate....
      On earth is not his equal.....


      A mighty fortress is our God!

© Publishers & Songwriter's Credits

      Published by the
      ® Aim High Music Company/Zomba-BMG Publishing Group (ASCAP)
      Contact: Robert Metzgar
      ® Capitol Management Group
      330 Franklin Road
      Brentwood, TN 37027-3282
      800-767-4984 (toll free)
      615-321-0600 (wk)
      615-338-4497 (fax)
      All rights reserved by Aim High Music (ASCAP)
      Arranged and conducted by Robert Metzgar (ASCAP)
      ®Platinum Plus Records
      License Requests To: Contact Us
      © 2014/2015

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800-767-4984 (toll free) 615-321-0600 (wk) 615-338-4497 (fax)
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