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      © 2014/2015 Arranged & Produced By Robert Metzgar
      Lyrics by Janie West Metzgar [deceased] ASCAP
      Other Lyrics and music by Robert Metzgar (ASCAP)
      Contact Copyright Administrator for further information
      Published by ® Aim High Music/Zomba-BMG Publishing (ASCAP) . Nashville
      © 2014/2015 By Robert Metzgar, Arranger of ASCAP SONGS
      © Ultimate Greatest Gospel Arrangements

       Verse One:

      That old coal oil lamp....
      Is burning late tonight....
      And a mother's on her knees.....
      The clock's way past midnight....

      She prays....God please find my son......
      For six years he's lost and gone.....
      I know that faith in God's....
      The only thing....will bring him home....

       The Chorus:

      [and the Lord spoke]
      Have faith in God.........
      Have faith in God.........
      Have faith in God for deliverance........
      Have faith in God.........

      Verse Two:

      An angel leaves from Heaven.....
      With instructions from on high....
      Search the earth and find that child...
      Give him.....a guiding light....

      Show him how to find his way....
      On the roughest seas of life....
      And bring him back.... home again......
      To his mother's arms tonight....

      Verse Three:

      A knock comes at the door....
      One Sunday afternoon....
      And a lonely mother's heart ......
      Crys out, "My God.....can it be you?"

      There waiting on the steps.....
      The prodigal's returned....
      After six long years of waiting....
      Faith in God has seen her through....

       The Chorus:

      [and the Lord spoke]
      Have faith in God.........
      Have faith in God.........
      Have faith in God for deliverance........
      Have faith in God.........


      Just have faith in God for deliverance.......
      Have faith in God....

The true story of my brother, Jonathan David Metzgar's safe return
home from the savage seas of South America
due to his mother's prayers

© Publishers & Songwriter's Credits

      Published by the
      ® Aim High Music Company/Zomba-BMG Publishing Group (ASCAP)
      Contact: Robert Metzgar
      ® Capitol Management Group
      330 Franklin Road
      Brentwood, TN 37027-3282
      800-767-4984 (toll free)
      615-321-0600 (wk)
      615-338-4497 (fax)
      All rights reserved by Aim High Music (ASCAP)
      Arranged and conducted by Robert Metzgar (ASCAP)
      ®Platinum Plus Records
      License Requests To: Contact Us
      © 2014/2015

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330 Franklin Road . Brentwood, TN 37027-3282
800-767-4984 (toll free) 615-321-0600 (wk) 615-338-4497 (fax)
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Arranged and Produced by Robert Metzgar (ASCAP)
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