Poem Related Scripture

Exodus 20:3

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, I hope you're doing fine,
as I make my Christmas list.
I wasn't going to write to you,
but my Father did insist.

I know you're such a busy man,
with so many needs to meet.
To organize Christmas the way you do,
is such an amazing feat.

I do not need a bag of toys,
or a stocking filled with fruit.
No candy canes or choo choo trains,
or a B B gun to shoot.

I do not need a Sega game,
or a puppy to lick my face.
No Barbie Dolls or basketballs,
no cars that I can race.

I do not need a rope to skip,
or a trampoline to jump.
No bike to ride or plane to glide,
or movie of Forrest Gump

I do not need a T.V. set,
or a jam box for my room.
No old cassettes or Chia pets,
no video games of Doom.

My request is but a simple one,
though strange I must admit.
For just one day, I'd love to bathe,
in the praises that you get.

My Birthday falls on Christmas Day,
but no one has a clue.
They forget my birth, upon this earth,
and all praises go to you.

I have always taken a backrow seat,
as my Birthday rolls around.
As old Saint Nick, begins to click,
I keep on losing ground.

But Santa, I know it's not your fault,
that my people turn to you.
Instead of their King, your praises they sing,
so what's a Messiah to do.

So if you don't mind, Dear Santa Claus,
please give me a day of thrills.
Just one day of praise and all of the craze,
just to know how it feels.

Your Dear Friend
Jesus Christ

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett
Under the direction of God's Left out Holy Spirit
Date Written..December,4,1999

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