I have a special gift for you, the best gift you've ever seen.
It's a wonderful gift, wrapped up nice, A treat for Halloween.

It's not a bag of M & M's, or a juicy tootsie roll.
It won't satisfy your sweet tooth friend, it will satisfy your soul.

It's not a spook or little goblin, not an evil pumpkin face.
Not a witches brew to get you through, just simple loving grace.

Not Freddie Cruger running wild, not a hockey mask to scare.
Not Casper the Ghost or Devilish host, just the love I have to share.

It's not a trick, just a special treat, upon this spooky day.
No trick or treat, and smell my feet, no goofy things to say.

My special treat, it is so sweet, A sweet tooth it will cure.
With no evil hex, or ill effects, But a treat that is so pure.

So get ready now, and hold on tight, as my treat is now revealed.
Because Halloween, will now be seen, as the day your soul was healed.

My gift to you, and special treat, can never be truely priced.
So I now extend, my special friend, his name is Jesus Christ.

Accept him now, that's my prayer for you, that your soul will now be clean.
That this brand new start, will bless your heart, this very Halloween.

1 Thessalonians 5: 22

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett

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