Poem Related Scripture

Luke 2:8-20..Matthew 2:1-12

A Shepherd Boy

My Brothers and I were tending our flocks,
on a clear and peaceful night.
When up in the sky, a star appeared,
it's brilliance strong and bright.

As we gazed upon this glorious star,
an Angel of God appeared.
And spoke these words in the glory of God,
there is nothing to be feared.

I bring good tidings, the Angel said,
good tidings filled with joy.
For on this day a child is born,
yes a precious baby boy.

A Savior is born upon this day,
your Savior, Christ the Lord.
In the city of David, you will find,
this child to be adored.

Then our Angel was suddenly not alone,
but was joined by his Heavenly kin.
Glory to God in the highest they sang,
peace on earth, good will to men.

Then the Angels of God were gone away,
the ones that God had sent.
Filled with excitment, we gathered our flocks,
and to Bethlehem we went.

We told everyone we passed that night,
even telling a total stranger.
Til we found Joseph and Mary his wife,
and the Christ child in a manger.

As we stood by the stable door,
Mary spoke to me so mild.
Please come closer, don't be afraid,
come close and see the child.

I knelt before the manger bed
and in awe my silence fell.
As a feeling swept straight through my soul,
no words could ever tell.

I took the child's little tiny hand,
and I kissed his finger tips.
And with each kiss, his precious touch,
brought praises to my lips.

The Savior child looked in my eyes,
and I knew that moment's worth.
My lips had touched, my eyes had seen,
the Savior of this earth.

Then to visit the child, came three wise men
of this we all concur.
They praised the child and gave him gifts
of frankincense, gold and myrrh.

We had no gifts to offer the King
and my sadness slowly grew.
Then Joseph said, with a loving voice,
he is Heaven's gift to you.

My Brothers and I, then took our leave
and we spread the word around.
We told everyone the things we saw,
we told everyone in town.

But no one we told, believed our words
and the witness that we bare.
They laughed at us and called us mad,
and no one seemed to care.

But we Brothers know the things we saw
and the child we adored.
And how the Angels came to us,
proclaiming Christ the Lord.

My life will never be the same,
my heart so filled with joy.
It humbles me, that the Father God,
chose me, A Shepherd Boy.

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett
Written under the direction of God's Holy Spirit
Date Written...December,4,1999

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