Can't you feel it in the air my friend?
Can't you sense his soon return?
When you read the ancient prophecies
Can't you feel the pages burn?

We sit inside our glorious Church,
but we never read His word.
Our eyes are blinded to His truth,
our ears have never heard.

We pray to a God that we don't know,
we only know him by his name.
We fail to hear His still small voice,
our faith is put to shame.

While Mercedes gets our weekly tithe,
Time Warner is our God.
Our Bibles sit and gather dust,
our love for him a fraud.

When will our slumber ever end?
When will our apathy subside?
When will we stop this foolishness,
and start acting like His Bride?

Have you ever led a soul to Christ?
Have you wept through someones loss?
Have you carried burdens on your back,
helped to carry someones Cross.

Even now we just can't find the strength,
when we know his return is near.
We are stifled by our lack of faith,
we are crippled by our fear.

We need to shout it from the roof tops
our demeanor must be bold.
We must turn that lukewarm faucet off,
and come out of the cold.

The signs are all around us friends,
the end is coming fast.
God's predicted word is coming true,
that he revealed from the past.

When he takes his precious Church away,
will you come across His mind?
Will you go to meet him in the clouds,
or be sadly left behind?

Will you stand before the judgment seat,
knowing you have done your best?
Or will you come up short that day,
when he grades the final test?

The time for playing Church must stop,
time for hypocrites to fade.
It is time we dust those Bibles off,
time to stop this old charade.

We've been given time to work it out,
it is time to choose our side.
Cause narrow is the righteous road,
the destruction road is wide.

We need to come off of our bottle,
and start chewing on some meat.
Start living now for Jesus Christ,
and stop living in defeat.

Cause the Tribulation is on the way,
God's wrath will not be fun.
So we must be faithful til the end,
this race that we must run.

So put aside all those worldly things,
and look for him each day.
Let the Word of God consume you now,
touch His Spirit when you pray.

Be couragous in your stand for Christ,
be strong in your belief.
He is coming for us very soon,
He is coming Like A Thief.

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett
Date Written...March, 9, 2010

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