"Poem Commentary & Related Scripture"

1 John 2:10...1 John 3: 11&18...
1 John 4: 7-12...1 John 4: 18-21...

Valentines Day, in our Holiday
tradition, is a time of Love and loving one another.
Just One Day- out of 365, do we dedicate to
the gift of Love! It troubles me that we have to be
given a specific date on which we are to Love one
another.Then after this day has passed, Love is
nothing more to us than a scarcely used four letter
word. Let's make every day Valentines Day and Love
others as God Loves us- UNCONDITIONALLY!! Instead
of giving "Valentines" to your loved ones once a
year, try giving "Valentines" to those you don't
even know, Every Day. Let's send out a message to
those who don't know Love, let's send them
"Valentines From Heaven"!!

"Valentines From Heaven"

Be my Valentine dear JESUS,
draw me closer to your heart.
Be mine this day, forever,
keep me near when we're apart.

A Love that none can match,
I cherish on this day,
and give you back my Love,
that will lift you up I Pray.

A Love that was freely given,
from the cross reached out to all,
as a perfect Love was forming,
through a heart that knew no flaw.

This act was a prime example,
what Valentines really should be.
Share Love with all around you,
give unselfish and give it free.

Thank you Lord for Loving me,
I know you'll never quit.
This Godly Love, so sweet and warm,
from the throne on which you sit.

Please help me be more like you,
to give unconditional Love,
tell others how the Almighty does it,
lets his SON shine from above.

So be my Valentine Jesus,
you're my first Love and my last,
You're the Love that guides my future,
you're the Love that healed my past.

This Love is closely guarded,
sent straight from Heaven's doors.
Be my Valentine forever
and I too will be yours.

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett

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