"Poem Commentary & Related Scripture"

Romans 3:23-26..Romans 6:21-23..Romans 6:6-11
Romans 8:1-5..John 3:17..Isaiah 64:6

"Can I Live With Myself?", is a question I had and
I know many other Christians have concerning their
worthiness toward God. Then the Lord opened
my eyes to the fact that, no one is worthy, but
only through the grace of Jesus,are any of
us justified. A lot of us let our past rule our
future, even though our past has been forgiven and
forgotten by God.Sometimes we find it hard
to forget and forgive ourselves. In Philippians,
3: 13&14, Paul tells us to "forget those things
which are behind,"and (vs 14),"to Press toward the
mark for the high calling of God in Christ


Can I live with myself? With all that I've done,
I've lived for the world, I've had all the fun.

Can I live with myself? All the pain that I feel,
my soul is in shambles, this hurt is so real.

Can I live with myself? All the hurt and the pain,
were the years that I lived, have they all been in vain?

Can I live with myself? All the emptiness felt,
the cards that I played, were the ones I was dealt.

Can I live with myself? The guilt deep inside,
I can not control it, my feelings have died.

Can I live with myself? Just who can I be?
Is there hope for my future? Is there hope left for me?

Can I live with myself? Somebody said,"Yes!"
"Confess me your sins, and I'll do the rest."

"I died for your sins, before you were born,
so lean on me now my child, don't mourn."

"Then take up your cross, and follow me near,
and stray not away, I love you so dear."

"The things you have done, are all in the past,"
"Just stick close to me, this time it will last."

You can live with yourself, with all you have done,
Jesus Christ is the answer, He's Gods only Son.

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett

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