"Poem Commentary & Related Scripture"

Matthew 28: 18-20...Matthew 10: 7...
Matthew 5: 13- 16...Matthew 9: 37& 38...
Acts 1: 8...Acts 2: 21...John 3: 16...

I have often sat and thought of the lives
that were touched through the letters that Paul
wrote. In his letters he told of the Christ
and how to be saved. He told them how they should
conduct themselves and how to live for Christ
So many other things too were shared through the
letters Paul wrote. These letters inspired me to
write a letter myself to someone I didn't know
and share the Gospel with them. This one is not
Romans or 1 Corinthians, but simply..
"A Letter To A Friend."


Greetings to you friend,
I hear your down and out.
Don't feel alone, I've been there too,
I know what your about.

Your life just seems so useless,
no feeling left inside.
You want to run away from it,
but there's no where left to hide.

You have friends but still you're lonely,
you have family, but yet alone.
A life so cold and empty,
such as no one's ever known.

You've tried everything you know,
to get someone to listen.
you've tried drinking, drugs, and sex,
but still there's something missing.

You feel your looking in,
on an outward cry of pain,
hoping that the sun would shine,
but you still get pouring rain.

You feel like giving up,
to end the grief you suffer.
But believe me when I tell you,
it will only make things rougher.

But I'll share a little secret,
that will help you make it through,
but remember when I tell you this,
I once felt just like you.

The secret that I found,
goes back so many years,
it can take away your lonliness,
it can wipe away your tears.

My secrets name is Jesus,
He died for you and me,
and suffered greatly for our sins,
so we could both be free.

See, God sent down His Son,
so whoever would believe,
that Jesus was the Son of God,
-life ETERNAL- they'd recieve.

So these lonely empty feelings,
that freqently do seize us,
are due to living out our lives,
without the Savior,Jesus.

There's nothing hard about it,
just follow me in prayer,
invite the presence of the Lord,
and He too will be there.

Say, 'Jesus I'm a sinner,
I'm lonely and I'm lost,
I understand You love me,
and paid the highest cost.

Even though I am not worthy,
forgive me of my sin.'
'I believe You are my Savior,
come dwell and live within.'

'You died upon the cross,
so I could be brand new.'
'And with this precious gift you gave,
I now die unto You.

'I will serve You now forever,
be my master and my friend,
take me underneath Your wing,
let Your Spirit now decend.'

'My life from this day forward,
will shine to all around,
and spread the news of Jesus,
the secret that I found. - Amen'

A letter from a friend,
it helped me find a way,
it showed me there's a reason,
to live another day.

I think I'll write a letter,
to someone gone astray,
write to them that someone cares,
and start it out this way.

Greetings to you friend,
I hear your down. and out,
don't feel alone, I've been there too,
I know what your about...

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett

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