Poem Commentary
& Related Scripture

Matthew 25:36-44..Acts 12:5..
Psalms 146:5-7..
Prisoners of the soul was given to me as
God had been leading me to send my site to Prison
Ministries all over the internet. The poem is a
ray of hope and a path to salvation for those who
are incarcerated and feel the world and all their
family and friends have abandoned them. In most
cases it seems to be true, they are all alone in
what's left of their life and reaching out for a
ray of hope. We Christians need to remember these
hurting souls and understand there is a harvest of
souls just waiting to be touched by the love of God
just beyond those prison walls. The Lord has led me
to be penpals with a few of these souls and share
his Love with them. If you feel God is leading you
to do the same, be obedient to his leading and you
will find the blessings of God resting in your life
as well as in the lives of those you touch. I have
added a Prison Ministry Pen Pal link at the
bottom of this page if you would like to explore
this opportunity. As you read the statements from
the inmates, keep in mind they are not all seeking
God, but neither was I when I found him. I have
also provided Mike Barber's Prison Ministry link if
your looking for a sound prison Ministry to sow
some seeds in.


You sit behind those bars of steel,
wondering where time has gone.
You chose to fight the law one day,
but the law has finally won.

Your memory walks through happy times,
of your family left behind.
And your heart it cries for Love again,
and a peaceful state of mind.

Those thoughts were fresh, when you arrived,
now they fade with passing days.
And that freedom dream you held onto,
is now a smoky haze.

Now a broken heart and shattered dreams,
haunts you day and night.
If the hands of time could turn around,
you would change your wrongs to right.

But it's too late now, to repent your crimes,
no mercy will be shown.
The law is firm and won't forgive,
your crimes it can't condone.

But there's one who will forgive you,
of all that you have done.
He's the bright and morning star above,
he's God's own precious Son.

He died for you many years ago,
as he hung upon a tree.
And on that day, he swept away,
your sins and set you free.

We all are prisoners of the soul,
until Jesus breaks our chains.
And once we surrender our lives to him,
he will ease those hurting pains.

He brings hope to the hopeless everyday,
with his unconditional Love.
If you try him on, you soon will see,
he fits just like a glove.

But you must believe in Jesus Christ,
and make him Lord of all.
Before those chains that have you bound,
will loosen up and fall.

In his very own words, Jesus said,
at least in words of sort.
That every one has sinned in life,
and all have fallen short.

So if you want your hope restored,
just pray this simple prayer.
Invite the presence of the Lord,
and he will soon be there.

Say, Jesus I'm a sinner,
I'm lonely and I'm lost.
I understand you love me Lord,
and paid the highest cost.

Even though I am not worthy Lord,
forgive me of my sin.
I believe you are my Savior,
come dwell and live within.

You died upon the cross for me,
so I could be brand new.
And with this precious gift you gave,
I now die unto you.

I will serve you now and forever,
be my master and my friend.
Please take me underneath your wing,
let your Spirit now descend.

My life from this day forward,
will shine for all to see.
And spread the news of Jesus Christ,
the one who set me free.-Amen.

Now that hopeless soul that daily cried,
has finally found it's hope.
And your brand new friend, you just have found,
will give you strength to cope.

And if nothing else, find peace in this,
no matter the sentence you bear.
Jesus is coming again real soon,
and his Kingdom you will share.

And those years of time your looking at,
will seem like just a thing.
When your record is stamped for all to see,
"Paroled by Heaven's King".

So live each day for Jesus Christ,
and look up to the stars.
Cause a mansion is yours, just through Heaven's doors,
not a cell with prison bars.

And forgive yourself, cause Jesus has,
no need to further fear.
Put your trust in him, that precious gem,
his return is very near.

Written By..Timothy Jon Barrett
Under the direction of the Holy Spirit
Date Written..August,19,1999

Written by..Timothy Jon Barrett

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