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Let me start this page my stressing my concerns with this drug and its long-term effects. I feel that far too many women are misinformed about this drug's "possible" side effects in my opinion, as well as in the opinion of all of the other thousands of women that have suffered. The information I have here is done from months of my own personal research. With this drug, there was so much contradicting information it was hard to pick and choose as to what was true and wasn't. All in all, the truth comes out in the stories of the thousands of women that have suffered.

What is Depo-Provera?
Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate) is a drug very similar to progesterone, a hormone normally produced by the ovaries every month as part of the menstrual cycle. Depo-Provera is an injectable form of this medicine that prevents pregnancy for up to 3 months with each injection ("shot").

How does it work?
Depo-Provera prevents pregnancy by stopping ovulation (the release of an egg from the ovary). If an egg is not released, pregnancy is unlikely. Depo-Provera is given as 1 shot in the buttock or upper arm. The first shot should be given within 5 days after the beginning of a normal menstrual period, and shots should be repeated every 3 months.

Is it effective?
Depo-Provera is as effective as tubal legation (having your tubes tied) and more effective at preventing pregnancy than several other methods, including birth control pills, condoms and diaphragms. It does not, however, protect against sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS.

Is the effect permanent?
No. Depo-Provera only works for about 3 months. The shot must be repeated every 3 months to prevent pregnancy. After a woman stops using Depo-Provera, her normal ovarian function returns after a short time.

Are there side effects?
Most women have some changes in their menstrual periods while using Depo-Provera, including irregular and unpredictable bleeding or spotting, an increase or decrease in menstrual bleeding, or no bleeding at all. After 1 year of use, about 2 of 3 women have no bleeding at all. The absence of periods is not harmful, and periods usually return to normal after Depo-Provera is stopped. If unusually heavy or continuous bleeding occurs, you should see your doctor. Other possible side effects include weight gain, headaches, nervousness, abdominal discomfort, dizziness and weakness or fatigue.

Can I use it if I am breast feeding?
Depo-Provera can be used safely in women who are breast-feeding. Long-term studies of babies whose mothers used Depo-Provera while breast-feeding found no bad effects.

Who should not use Depo-Provera?
Women who have any of the following should not use Depo-Provera: liver disease, a history of blood clots (phlebitis) or stroke, vaginal bleeding without a known reason, cancer of the breast or reproductive organs, known or suspected pregnancy or allergy to the medication in Depo-Provera.


[Depo-Provera| Medical Info]

[The Today Sponge| Today Sponge Reference List]

[Lunelle| Switching & Side Effects]


[Ortho Tri-Cyclen| Reactions| Side Effects]

[Norplant| Side Effects etc...]

[IUD| DOs, DO NOTs & Side Effects]

[Birth Control in a nutshell| My Depo Story]

[Various Links dealing with birth control| More Links!]


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