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Switching & Side Effects

It takes approximately 2 months after discontinuation for the drugs in Lunelle to be out of a woman's system.

Beginning with the second month after the last injection, the cumulative percentage of women who became pregnant (and ended with a live birth) was 1.4%. At the end of the first month (3 months total), 52.9%; after 6 months (8 months total), 82.9% and after 1 year (14 months), 94.8% of the pregnancies ended in a live birth. The time to achieving pregnancy was not correlated with the woman's age, weight, or number of injections administered. The percentage of subjects who reported no bleeding, or reported bleeding/spotting episodes that lasted longer than 14 days, ranged from greater than 40% during the first 3 months of injections, to approximately 30% during the last 3 months. By year-end, approximately 70% of the subjects were experiencing regular bleeding cycles that were similar to their spontaneous, pre-treatment menstrual cycles. Subjects experienced a median body weight increase of 4 lbs. from screen to visit. The median weight gained remained at 3 to 4 pounds between visits 8 and 14, and increased to 5 lbs. at study completion.

Switching from combination OCs
Within 7 days after taking pill pack's last active pill. Use 1.5-inch 21- to 23-gauge needle.

Switching from MPA
Within 13 weeks after last MPA injection. Deep intramuscular injection-gluteus, deltoid, or anterior thigh.

Switching from implant
Injection should be prior to implant removal and within 5 years after insertion.

Switching from Copper 380A IUD
Injection should be prior to IUD removal and within 10 years after insertion

Some Simple Facts
-Zero pregnancies in more than 700 women.
-Though completely reversible, is as effective as surgical sterilization.
-It contains estrogen and progestin and can cause such side effects as breast tenderness and weight changes. It isn't recommended for women with cardiovascular problems.
-Most women on the shot have regular menstrual bleeding that is slightly lighter than usual.
-Fertility returns within a month of a skipped shot. By contrast, Depo-Provera, a shot given every three months, stalls fertility for an average of nine months after the shots stop.
-It offers a number of advantages, e.g., high efficacy, rapid return of fertility and bleeding patterns that mimic normal menses.
-Injectable users had infection, headache, breast tenderness, accidental injury, weight gain, irregular or prolonged bleeding, and acne.
-20% of injectable users and 8% of pill users dropped out of the study because of these side effects.
-With respect to daily activities (such as attending work or school, or doing housework): Eighty (80) percent of injectable users reported interference with their day to day life.
-Fewer than one-fifth (17%) of the injectable group reported a dampening or loss of libido.
-The women's assessment of their psychological well-being decreased over time. However, the changes did not differ substantially for injectable users and new pill users. Furthermore, results of regression analyses indicated that the changes were similar for the injectable group and the pill group overall.
-Maintains regular cycles and causes minimal lifestyle alterations.


[Depo-Provera| Medical Info]

[The Today Sponge| Today Sponge Reference List]

[Lunelle| Switching & Side Effects]


[Ortho Tri-Cyclen| Reactions| Side Effects]

[Norplant| Side Effects etc...]

[IUD| DOs, DO NOTs & Side Effects]

[Birth Control in a nutshell| My Depo Story]

[Various Links dealing with birth control| More Links!]


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