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ABout The Force Of Tekken

The Force Of Tekken

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The Force Of Tekken is going on 3 years now. Though we have stayed pretty much Underground or nonmainstream if you will. Originally the love for Tekken itself is what inspired The Force Of Tekken. When Tekken 2 was released, it pretty much took over the lives of those included on this site (George and Todd were also involved in that time frame though they are not involved with The Force Of Tekken). With it came an infacuation of the game, the characters, the story, the merchandise, and everything that goes with it.

When Tekken 3 hit the arcades, searches on the net began vigioursly trying to find out as much about the new Tekken as possible. It wasn't until it was released on Playstation that we realised, we didn't know as much about the background of the game as we originally thought. Searches on the net began vigioursly and it seemed everyone had something to say about Tekken, but it just didn't seem to be what we were looking for. Blackdove, Sirus and Dankerbella worked together to find out as much background information possible on Tekken, Tekken 2, and Tekken 3's story and characters. An idea was formed to store the information on a website for others to be able to reference in case they ever were looking into the series just as we did. Thus, The Force Of Tekken was born.

But again, something was missing. The site would just be another Tekken site on the web. We needed something to make the site stand out and be different than the other Tekken sites around. An idea came to mind .... tourguides. It was decided that The Force Of Tekken would explore the past and present of each character individually through their own eyes. But there was more to the series and the staff members than just the individual characters. As you choose a tour guide, you would get a chance to explore that other part of the series and The Force Of Tekken.

Now, The Force Of Tekken has gone through so changes yet remained the same. Constantly holding personal tournaments, the staff enjoy the Tekken series with each new installment just as they did when they first started playing.