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Requirements For The Force Of Tekken

The Force Of Tekken

Staff FAQ Contact About Guide

It is best to view The Force Of Tekken at a resolution of 800 x 600 as that's what it was made for.

It's also best to view through IE (while Netscape users should be fine) and have javascript compatibility and enabled.

You'll Also Need the following fonts to view some pages (the pages you'll need them for are specified) If the Fonts below do not show up or look just as this font, then you do not have the font and need to get them to view the pages the way they were meant to be viewed. In the coming days, we will put these fonts up for download for those that do not have them.

CAC Valiant (used in The About, FAQ, Contact page, Staff, Requirements pages)
CAC Norm Heavy (Used in Bryan Fury's pages)

Verdana (Used in Christie Montiero's pages, Tourguides Page, and Contact page)
CAC Krazy Legs (Used in Eddy Gordo's pages)
Lucida Handwriting (Used in Jin Kazama's pages)
CAC Saxon Bold (Used in Julia Chang and Michelle Chang's pages)
white horses are still in bed (Used in Nina Williams pages)
Hobo (used in Steve Fox's pages)
Birch (used in Wang Jinrey's pages)

We appreciate any support or ideas you may have, if you have any question don't hesitate to let us know as our email can be found throughout the site.

"The Staff of The Force Of Tekken"