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ABout The Force Of Tekken

The Force Of Tekken

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Sirus has always been one of the toughest to beat. Although the groups Tekken craze technically started with Dankerbella, it was Sirus that did the persuading to bring the game to show everyone else.
Quote While Playing (a very strange noise, kinda like a cross between a grunt and a yell)
Most Memorable Moment Playing with Heihachi against Anna(being played by Blackdove) in the semi-final round of the winners bracket and and getting a Double K.O. on the final round putting both completely out of the tournament.

Single Characters Won Tournaments With


Kazuya Mishima (10)
Heihachi Mishima (6)
Jin Kazama (11)
Hwoarang (1)
Baek Doo San (3)
Tag Teams Won Tournaments With

Least Favorite Characters


Ling Xiaoyu
Anna Williams

Top 5 Favorite Characters



Jin Kazama
Kazuya Mishima
Heihachi Mishima
Baek Doo San
Words From Sirus
Note: Sirus does not compete with The Force Of Tekken anymore.


You can always count on Wally to make a night fun. He lives for the saying "It doesn't matter if you win of lose, as long as you have fun, and he sees to it that we all have fun". Win or Lose, you'll still laugh while Wally is playing.
Quote While Playing "Get Up Fool!" (or just repetitive laughter)
Most Memorable Moment Playing Mokujin Vs. Mokujin with moves of Eddy Vs Eddy then Ling Vs Ling and then Eddy vs Eddy again.

Single Characters Won Tournaments With


GunJack (1)
Eddy Gordo (1)
Tag Teams Won Tournaments With
None as of yet

Least Favorite Characters


Jin Kazama
Kazuya Mishima
Heihachi Mishima

Top 5 Favorite Characters



Eddy Gordo
Prototype Jack
Words From Wally
None as of yet.


With the purchase of a playstation, came a demo disc. On that disc was a demo of Tekken 2. Dankerbella started playing the demo and within days The Tekken 2 game was bought, starting the Tekken craze.
Quote While Playing "Why don't I just stay on the ground?"
Most Memorable Moment Actually not being the First to be put out for the first time.

Single Characters Won Tournaments With


Jun Kazama (1)
Tag Teams Won Tournaments With

Least Favorite Characters


Lei Wulong
Baek Doo San

Top 5 Favorite Characters



Jun Kazama
Ling Xiaoyu
Michelle Chang
Julia Chang
Words from Dankerbella

Stumpdog didn't enter into the Tekken world until Tekken 3 had hit the Playstation and Tekken Tag was about to hit the arcades, but in the little amount of time he had been playing, he proved to be a worthy opponent.
Quote While Playing "YOU SUCK!!!!!"
Most Memorable Moment Winning our first Pair Play Tournament with Darka while I had Hwoarang and she had Bryan.

Single Characters Won Tournaments With


Hwoarang (1)
Tag Teams Won Tournaments With
Hwoarang With Bryan Fury(by Darka) (1)
Least Favorite Characters
Ling Xiaoyu
Anna Williams
Jin Kazama

Top 5 Favorite Characters



Baek Doo San
Steve Fox
Bryan Fury
Words From Stumpdog
None as of yet.


Alongside Dankerbella, Darka proves that videogames are not just for guys. She will stay in your face and never let up. A true pitbull. We like to call her "The Swarm" because of this tactic.
Quote While Playing "Yeah boy.... you want some?!?!?!"
Most Memorable Moment Winning a disability tournament at 70% energy against Sirus with 140% energy.

Single Characters Won Tournaments With


Kunimitsu (1)
Michelle Change (1)
Bryan Fury (3)
Julia Chang (2)
Tag Teams Won Tournaments With
Bryan Fury With Hwoarang(by Stumpdog) (1)

Least Favorite Characters


Jin Kazama
Kazuya Mishima

Top 5 Favorite Characters



Bryan Fury
Julia Chang
Michelle Chang
Eddy Gordo
Words From Darka
None as of yet.


Vandoza takes Tekken seriously. Not to say that he doesn't have fun while doing it. If Vandoza doesn't win, he immediately goes and practices more.
Quote While Playing "This controller's not doing what it's suppose to!!!"
Most Memorable Moment None as of yet.

Single Characters Won Tournaments With


King The 2nd (3)
Paul Phoenix (2)
Tag Teams Won Tournaments With
Bruce Irvin With Anna Williams (1)

Least Favorite Characters


Eddy Gordo

Top 5 Favorite Characters



Steve Fox
Bruce Irvin
Armor King
Kazuya Mishima
King The 2nd
Words From Vandoza
None as of yet.


Phoenix started playing with absolutely no knowledge of the game. After picking up a controller and button mashing, he immediately fell in love with the game. To this day, refuses to play any other videogame unless it is Tekken related.
Quote While Playing "They cheat for __" (Feel in blank with Nina, Anna, Jin, Jun, Julia, Michelle, Ling Eddy, or Christie)
Most Memorable Moment At this moment, there is not one.

Single Characters Won Tournaments With


Paul Phoenix (14)
Lei Wulong (3)
Forest Law (2)
Ogre (2)
Tag Teams Won Tournaments With
Paul Phoenix With Heihachi Mishima (1)
Paul Phoenix With Forest Law (2)

Least Favorite Characters


Eddy Gordo
Ling Xiaoyu
Nina Williams

Top 5 Favorite Characters



Paul Phoenix
Marshall Law
Forest Law
Lee Chaolan
Lei Wulong
Words From Phoenix
"The main thing is don't get excited."


Blackdove deserves credit for the Force Of Tekken's Tekken craze as well. He was the very first one to actually purchase a Tekken game. He is probably also the one the people strive to beat the most.
Quote While Playing "I thought you were serious til you got them"(If he loses, he'll say "Whatever")

Most Memorable Moment


Playing with Nina in a Risk Tournament and having 4 other people draw out "choose a disabitly for a character". Nina was given-set energy to 70-no juggles-no throws-and no reversals/parries-and still winning the tournament with Nina.

Single Characters Won Tournaments With









Jun Kazama (1)
Nina Williams (16)
Anna Williams (4)
Wang Jinrey (3)
Ling Xiaoyu (2)
Paul Phoenix (1)
Jin Kazama (2)
King The 2nd (1)
GunJack (1)
Panda (1)
Heihachi Mishima (1)
Julia Chang (3)
Lei Wulong (1)
Ogre (1)
True Ogre (1)
Forest Law (1)
Tag Teams Won Tournaments With
Nina Williams With Wang Jinrey (1)

Least Favorite Characters


Prototype Jack
Doctor Bosconovich

Top 5 Favorite Characters



Nina Williams
Wang Jinrey
Jin Kazama
Jun Kazama
Anna Williams
Words From Blackdove
"Practice makes perfect, and since there's no such thing as being perfect, always practice."