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Gomer on The Andy Griffith Show

October 3, 1960 - September 16, 1968
CBS Situation Comedy - 249 Episodes

(Gomer made 23 appearances in 2 seasons & 1 appearance in the TV Movie.)

The main character, Andy (Andy Griffith), was a widowed father of the polite little boy named Opie (Ron Howard) and is a sheriff, who works with nervous and very suspecting Barney Fife (Don Knotts). They all live in the nice southern town of Mayberry. But, Mayberry can get a little dangerous when the town drunk Otis Campbell (Hal Smith) is on the loose. Thelma Lou (Betty Lynn) is Barney's sweetheart, although Andy had to help him describe his feelings to her. Aunt Bee (Frances Bavier) is the very loving and caring, but stern housekeeper for Andy and Opie. Gomer Pyle (Jim Nabors) is the bone-head, thoughtless, but humorous character. He is a gas attendant. Goober Pyle (George Lindsey) is Gomer Pyle's cousin. They are very alike, you could say, and arrives in Mayberry when Gomer decides to enlist in the United States Marine Core.

Gomer was a big hit with the public right away, with three catchphrases that lit up the screen in the first year - "Gaaaw-leee," "Shazam," and "Citizen's arrest, citizen's arrest!" After just his first few appearances, Nabors was so popular he was offered several possible series to star in, including No Time For Sergeants which was to air opposite The Andy Griffith Show in 1964. (Ironically, Griffith and Knotts had starred in the movie, TV special and stage versions of No Time For Sergeants - only the weekly TV version didn't have their involvement and it bombed.)

Gomer Pyle first appeared on The Andy Griffith show during Season 3. During season 3, the Gomer character was not fully used. When Season 4 started more stories where written focusing on the Gomer Pyle character and Jim Nabors really shined. Gomer made 23 appearances in the 2 seasons of the Andy Griffith Show and 1 appearance in the TV Movie Return to Mayberry.

Andy Griffith Gomer Episode Guide
(Click the pics below for details of each episode)

Season 3
(6 Apperances by Gomer)

Season 4
(17 Apperances by Gomer)

Return To Mayberry
(1 Apperance by Gomer)

Mayberry is a place full of total characters. Every fan of The Andy Griffith Show knows this. But when Gomer Pyle came to Mayberry, he gave even Barney Fife a run for his money as the maker of Mayberry's absolute funniest faces. Yet for all the expressions the actor Jim Nabors conjured to bring Gomer Pyle to life, it was the actor's singing voice - beautiful and commanding - that Andy Griffith said changed just about everything when it came to Nabors' career. According to Griffith, "He had this extra talent."

It was that little bit extra that gave Griffith a rather big idea. "And I went in Aaron [Ruben]'s office, and I said, Aaron, we better do something for Jim Nabors because he is about to bust out, and somebodys going to if we don't. " At the time, Ruben was pretty busy as a producer and co-creator of The Andy Griffith Show, but he saw what Andy saw, and according to Griffith, Ruben said, "The only thing I know is to put him in some slick runny outfit that he can goof up."

Inspired by Griffith's TV production No Time for Sergeants, Ruben decided to send Gomer to the Marines. In an interview with the Archive of American Television, Ruben said, "Where do you put a guy like Gomer? I thought that that conflict, the juxtaposition of these two unlike subjects, a guy like Gomer and the Marines, would make for some pretty good comedy."

To make extra sure Ruben was headed in the right direction with Nabors, he even asked an actual Marine if there were any guys like Gomer in his unit. According to Ruben, the Marine laughed in response and invited him back to training. He'd see a few Gomers in the field, the Marine assured him. With that, Ruben said, "Gomer became a generic term."

With his concept in hand, Ruben pitched the idea to CBS, but the president at that time was Jim Aubrey, whose idea of great programming usually centered around attractive leading ladies, and he didn't really see a place on his lineup for another goofball, when he already had Gilligan and Jethro on his block. According to Lee Rich, the guy who was in charge of setting up ad sponsors with shows, Jim Aubrey doomed Gomer right from the start, proclaiming, "This will never get on the air."

Yet it did. Lee Rich is exactly the one to know the reason why Gomer Pyle, U.S.M.C. ended up on TV: "General Foods picked up the phone and called, and the show was on the air." At the time, General Foods was the big advertiser, so what they said went, and they, too, agreed with Andy: Gomer Pyle is a star.

And audiences absolutely ate him up, just like the cereals and other stuff the giant company sold in their commercials. "They loved him," Ruben recalled of TV audiences, and as the creator of the character, he's just the guy who knows the reason why: "[Gomer Pyle] was not stupid. And he really wasn’t a clumsy goof. He just did things his own country way."

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