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Okay, so this site is not exactly (as you can see by the Angelfire URL), but at least you can get here by typing in in your browser. So it's close enough, darnit. One day when I'm rich I'll have a full site from, but until that day comes, Angelfire (and its pop-up ads) will have to do.

Anyway, enjoy the site!

Current Obsessions

I probably need an intervention

Desktop Screenshot

Geek alert!


Fun time-wasters

UV Spider
Excellent search engine for the best prices on digital movies
Fax stuff for free online sans a fax machine
Awkward Family Photos
Self-explanatory and wonderfully cringe-worthy
Earth 911
Find out where and how to recycle
McAfee Site Advisor
Check to see if a site is safe
Answer questions correctly and rice is donated to the hungry

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Viral video for vicarious viewers

Site Map

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[ Family ]
Robyn at UTK 2003 · December 2003 Family Pics · 2002 Miscellaneous Family Pics · Hilarious Picture of My Lil' Bro Austin · Austin's 'Fro · Robyn's Page · My Family's Trip to DisneyWorld · Angel

[ Friends ]
Sarah & Jessica · JSP People in the Crew Only Click Here · For Kelle Neal · Georgia Phillips Click Here

[ Me ]
About Yours Truly · Portfolio · Year-by-Year Pics · My Desktop · Worst Movies EVER List · Me and Former VP Al Gore · 2000 Graduation Pics · Contact Me · More Links

[ Stuff ]
MTSU Dorm Room Pics 2002-2003 · Marc's Old Car · Photos of the Augusta House

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Facebook · The bj Quiz · UGA Master's Thesis

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