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About Yours Truly Year-by-Year Pics Portfolio Zooomr Photo Sets
Worst...Movies...EVER List The bj Quiz Site Map Contact Me

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Make yourself @ home

Okay, so this site is not exactly (as you can see by the Angelfire URL), but at least you can get here by typing in in your browser. So it's close enough, darnit. One day when I'm rich I'll have a full site from, but until that day comes, Angelfire (and its pop-up ads) will have to do.

Anyway, enjoy the site!

What's New

Newest site additions

Now online are pictures from Christmas 2010.

There are also photo sets of when we went to visit my grandparents in Virginia in October, My dad's childhood friend Darryl came to visit, I went to Louisiana in June, my sister came for a visit (new baby in toe) during the Fourth of July weekend, and I took some pictures of my brother Austin's hideous shoes. And boy do I mean hideous. They just need to be seen to be believed.

Oh, and I've added two oh-so-deserving titles to my Worst...Movies...Ever list. My eyes are still burning from those two...

Finally, I added pics of me at 28 to the Year-by-Year section. I'll put up 29 eventually...

My Current Obsessions

Um, I mean current "interests"

Desktop Screenshot

Click below for a larger image

Wish List

Dream BIG

Random Video Clip

Viral video for vicarious viewers

Latest Guilty Pleasure

Because we should all indulge ourselves every once in a while

Wendy's New Natural Cut Fries

Changing age-old recipes can be a gamble, but in the case of Wendy's new natural cut fries, change is indeed (to quote Martha Stewart) a good thing. The old fries weren't bad per se, but they weren't great either. These are tastier, saltier, and healthier (okay, probably not healthier, but who cares?) and overall just better than the old ones. These may be my new favorite fast-food fries (even over good ol' McDonald's). Kudos to Wendy's for the much-welcomed improvement!

Sites to See

Web sites worth visiting

Killer Apps

Must-have programs (all free of course)

Darius Goes West film
Darius Goes West is the documentary of Darius Weems (who has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy) and his trek from Athens, GA to California as he attempts to get MTV to "pimp" his broken-down wheelchair. The entire movie is now online for free. Get your tissues out, as this inspirational movie is quite the tear-jerker! There is also a link on the site to donate some money for research if you desire
Putting music on an iPod is easy, but getting it off in .mp3 format is a different story. iDump is here to help! Easily and quickly gets music off your iPod in a format that you can actually use outside of iTunes. Please note that this is now shareware, but you can still get the free version here.
Useful site that provides aggregates of ratings from a variety of sources on video games, movies, music, and more. Why waste time individually checking what others are saying about a particular medium when you can simply check them all at one place at the same time?
File Renamer
This program does exactly what the name implies--it renames files. Useful for instances in which one wants to give a large number of files the same name (such as digital photos)
Internet Archive
A great time-waster, but also a goldmine of valuable information. This site has archived a tremendous amount of educational and research films, audio files, important historical texts, television shows, and much more for you to use as you see fit
MP3 Tag Tools
Versatile program for tagging .mp3 files. Allows one to quickly tag large numbers of .mp3s and specify artist, album, year, picture, lyrics, and more
While DC has its cool characters as well, I've also been a "Marvel man." Marvel's site has everything you would want to know about anything Marvel-related, from character bios to upcoming movies and shows and, of course, comic books. Plus, the site has a bunch of great free wallpapers (may require free registration for access)
Free Sound Recorder
Simply records any sound played through your computer's video card. Comes in handy from time to time

© bj chaplin. All rights reserved and all that good stuff.