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10's CUP
First XV
Second XV
Ladies XV
Touring Sides

National Sevens 29th June 2002

Squad: Phil Farthing, James Stern, Martin Donaghy, Oli Hockley, Loren Opindi, Abel, Tim Cochrane, Danny Luyckx, Millhouse, Jorge Bullereich, Sergi, DelBoy

Despite the early start on a Saturday morning we had a full team ready and keen to play by 10:00 am at Forest club. Unfortunately, due to an alarming lack of registered teams actually turning up the start was then delayed whilst the pools and matches were all rearranged. We finally got underway at 11:20, the squad having made full use of the first hour to get started on their tans...

Pool game 1- BBRFC vs ROC (5-17)
We got off to an excellent start - in the first seven minutes we attacked strongly and tackled well. We took the lead after a flowing spell of rugby moving the ball left and right before Tim collected his own weighted chip and scored under the posts. Straight afterwards we almost suffered the same punishment when their fly-half tried the same move. The cover defence managed to get back and we turned round at half time 5-0 up. The second half was not such a good story. We didn't learn quick enough to defend the long ball over the top. During a tiring second half we allowed them to score three tries from kicking long and collecting - and by exploiting holes in the defence from our line rushing up too quickly, and staggered, leaving gaps to exploit. In the last few minutes we did almost save the game - James going close in either corner, but the final pass didn't quite go to hand and we had left ourselves too much to do.

Pool game 2 - BBRFC vs. Liege / Kibubu / Nivelles (24-0)
Our second game was against the combined strengths of the LNK team. In a frenetic first half we managed to completely outplay LNK in every department. Playing more intelligently, using Jorge as a sweeper we managed to consistently drive back the LNK attacks with a disciplined defensive line frustrating them into kicking the ball away. Although we only scored one try in the half we had managed to control the game. As we turned around into the second half we turned the screw running in three more tries and keeping our line intact.

Pool Game 3 - BBRFC vs. Dendermonde (7-29)
Buoyed by our success we started this game strongly, forcing Dendermonde back onto their own line from the off. Some clever running by Jorge and excellent support saw us come close after several phases of play - unfortunately we could not score the points the pressure deserved. As the game wore on, they slowly found their rhythm and created several opportunistic tries - all well finished. However just as Dendermonde thought they were getting away, we managed to up the pace against them and with a great backline move released Martin to sprint to the line. We then finished the game the stronger team.

Pool Game 4 - BBRFC vs Boitsfort (26-0)
As the games wore on we improved in every department. Boitfort expected to come out and jog to a victory - unfortunately we couldn't quite spoil their party. In the first half we created as many chances as Boitfort - we defended intelligently and managed to carve several holes through good running angles. However, the hot sun and lack of general fitness started to take its toll and Boitfort scored two very late tries to turn in a score not representative of the game.

1/4 Final Cup - BBRFC vs. Kituro (38-0)
As was our luck with the whole draw, the plate competition was changed to the wooden spoon play off and we found ourselves facing the top seeds in the quarter final. The team dug deep and played their best rugby of the day against a very well organised 7's team. Kituro did score regularly through the game, capitalising on any mistake we made, but it was in no way one way traffic. The scrum turned over several balls at set pieces and at rucks, Millhouse made a great break down the left wing, and Sergi caused them problems running straight. But again we struggled to make the scoring pass and suffered as a result. It is fair to say the better team won on the day.

I would like to thank all the squad who turned out and played. We were lacking several of our sevens specialists and played a number of new players, rotating the whole squad during the games. I was impressed by the way the team improved through the competition but most of all by the excellent level of commitment showed by all the players in every game. We played the three best clubs in Belgium and gave each one a testing run - we can be proud of the results and the way we achieved them - given a different day this would have been a competition we could have won.

For the record, Boitfort won the final against Kituro.

Phil Farthing