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DAY 2 cont'd

The end point of this trail was an area of petrified trees. What scared them I have no idea but they were certainly damn heavy due to the minerals now embedded in the wood (?)

After lunch we retraced our tracks back to the large dune and made our way across the SUBKA, which began to slow us down, and the Rav 4's struggled a bit in places. I was certainly glad of the 4L V8, which despite the 2 ton weight of the Disco provided me with the power when required.

We made camp at the top end of WADI SHURAM and had a good look around for more fossils when the ORYX Patrol arrived to check out who we were, what we were doing in the area etc. Apparently a permit is required to be in this area, but we did not have one. In the end we talked our way out of it.

Night soon came and we had a barbecue of various meats and some refreshing rum and coke to wash it down.