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Personnel Information:

Name: Phlox

Race: Denobulan

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown.

Place of Birth: Unknown

Date of Birth: Unknown

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color:

Martial Status: Married to three wives

Parents: Unknown





Rank: Unknown

Current Assignment: Chief Medical Officer of Enterprise NX-01

Previous Assignment: None.

Commanding Officer: Captain Jonathan Archer 

Security Clearance Code:


Detailed Profile:


Doctor Phlox was working in Starfleet Medical because of a Vulcan Exchange Program. He was sent up to the Enterprise to deal with Klaang's injuries, but after the Enterprise's first mission, Phlox decided to stay aboard the Enterprise.

 Doctor Phlox has an alien accent when he is communicating and he has a weird sense of humor that no one else understands. He is fascinated with humanity. Phlox has filled Sickbay up with all sorts of strange looking medical instruments, alien plants and spores, and the Sickbay also contains a stasis chambers with small living lifeforms placed into stasis. Doctor Phlox uses a brand of "Intergalactic medicine". The crew of the Enterprise do not know what unexpected adventures they will have in Sickbay..