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Personnel Information:

Name: Travis Mayweather

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Late 20's.

Place of Birth: Born and raised on cargo ships

Date of Birth: Unknown

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color:

Martial Status: Single

Parents: Unknown

Hobbies: He spends new ways to make life in space pleasant. 


Starfleet Information:


Rank: Ensign

Current Assignment: Helmsman of Enterprise NX-01

Previous Assignment: None.

Commanding Officers: Captain Jonathan Archer, Sub Commander T'Pol, Commander Charlie Tucker and Lieutenant Reed. 

Security Clearance Code:


Detailed Profile:

Travis Mayweather was born on a two year cargo run on a cargo ship going from Alpha Centauri and Arcturis Prime. Travis has traveled to many different planets and seen many different alien species. 

He also had an alien girlfriend, a Terrelian. When he goes to bed, he turns off the artificial gravity gravity in his quarters and he sleeps in zero-g.