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Personnel Information:

Name: Malcolm Reed

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Late 20's.

Place of Birth: Great Britain

Date of Birth: September 2nd 

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Martial Status: Single

Parents: Unknown

Hobbies: Working out on exercise machines and upgrading a new type of torpedo


Starfleet Information:


Rank: Lieutenant

Current Assignment: Armory Officer of Enterprise NX-01

Previous Assignment: None.

Commanding Officer: Captain Jonathan Archer 

Security Clearance Code:


Detailed Profile:


Malcolm is shy and awkward when he encounters  women. When he is trying out a new weapon, he puts on a pair of earplugs because he doesn't like loud noises.

Lieutenant Malcolm Reed spends his free time excising out on exercise machines or upgrading a new type of torpedo. Reed and Tucker are always arguing; Reed wanting to expand his weapons inventory in to the Engineering sections and cluttering up Tucker's Jefferies Tubes with grenades.

Malcolm came from a long line of navy officers, he learnt how to pilot a boat before he learnt how to ride a bike. But he joined Starfleet because he has a fear of drowning.