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Personnel Information:


Name: Charlie Tucker III

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: Early 30's.

Place of Birth: Florida-Keys, United States of America.

Date of Birth:

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Brown

Martial Status: Previously engaged to Natalie, but broke up


Hobbies: Playing the harmonica 


Starfleet Information:


Rank: Commander

Current Assignment: Chief Engineer of Enterprise NX-01

Previous Assignment: None.

Commanding Officer: Captain Jonathan Archer 

Security Clearance Code:


Detailed Profile:


Commander Charlie Tucker III position aboard the Enterprise NX-01 is Chief Engineer. Captain Jonathan Archer appointed Charlie Tucker as the Chief Engineer of the S.S. Enterprise, Captain Archer  is like a mentor to him, teaching him everything thing there is to know about working on a starship. Although Charlie is a brilliant Engineer and officer aboard Archer's ship, he has not a lot of experience when dealing with alien cultures.

Charlie spent his youth in the Florida Keys, United States of America working on an ocean reclamation project. Charlie eventually ended up in Orbital Engineering, building starships at the Utopia Planetia Spaceyards.

Charlie Tucker's best friends are Travis Mayweather who is the Helmsman of the Enterprise NX-01 and Jonathan Archer who is the captain of the Enterprise.