Gigi Sinclair

Episode-related Stargate SG-1 slash fan fiction

Amo Urgo Sum :: Jack/Daniel :: R :: October 2003

They didn't spend all their time eating pie and singing. 3.16 "Urgo."

Curveball :: Jack/Daniel :: PG-13 :: November 2003

Jack spends some more time with Merrin. 3.05 "Learning Curve."

The Basic Package :: Jack/Daniel :: R :: December 2003

Short, relatively pointless missing scene for 4.03 "Upgrades."

Major Davis's Bad Day :: Daniel/Paul, Jack/Daniel implied :: PG :: February 2004

Major Davis's take on the events of 3.14 "Foothold."

Great Potential :: Jack/Daniel, preslash :: June 2004

Missing scene, 2.16 "The Fifth Race."

The Joy of Meditation :: Jack/Teal'c, Jack/Daniel impled :: NC-17 :: June 2004

Pointless holiday smut. 2.18 "Holiday."

Winning the Lottery :: Jack/Daniel :: PG-13 :: July 2004

Vignette for 2.01 "The Serpent's Lair."

Gigi Sinclair's Slash Emporium is maintained by Gigi. This is a nonprofit fan site. No copyright infringement is intended or should be inferred.