-- Log 32 --
Harare 12/12/02 29/12/02 Kamba Caravan Park Lake Chivero
S17.53.049 E030.48.163 4 471 ft amsl Z$150 pppn Vehicle Z$200.00
pn Temporary Membership Z$50 pn
As we have said before, these guys really now how to camp. Des told us
that they pride themselves on being the best camp in Zimbabwe, and we
certainly cannot argue with him. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay it was
***** luxury for us. We met fantastic people, all positive, working
towards a better future.

We spent a delightful Christmas with Des and Sue and their family. What
a spread!
Thank you to everyone we had a great day!
Des introduced us to the delights of tape books, which kept us occupied
for hours.
Sue was incredibly busy sourcing stocks for the store, and doing a
marvellous job.
She managed to get, sugar, bread, cokes etc, when most other places had
On many occasions I heard we cannot get this in Harare how do you
manage to pull it off here? How indeed! Relationships, Sue and Des work
exceptionally hard at good relationships with everyone. They find that
the good old barter system works very well a fish for some sugar,
some sugar for some petrol etc.
Des and his team managed to pull off bathroom renovations before the New
Year bash in record time we were amazed. It definitely would have
taken twice as long back home. We have lots to learn!
We desperately wanted to send off our Christmas Log before Christmas,
but every cafι we tried, either was off-line, the service provider was
not working, no power, telephones out of order you name it we just
could not get the message through!
Our apologies to you all, it was just one of those things.
Whilst at Antelope Park we met with Janet, David and Tom, and were
invited to visit them in Harare. We took time out, and visited them.
What wonderful people. They started a private school in Harare called
Heritage. We were very impressed at the amazing work that they have
done. Janet and David, we wish you continued success with your ventures,
and thank you for your hospitality.
At long last, they moment we have been waiting for, it is time to pack
up and head to Kariba where we will meet up with our kids boy, are we
looking forward to seeing them.
Lomagundi Lakeside Association Kariba S16.31.605 E28.150.144 1 619
ft amsl Z$ 300.00 pppn 29/12/02 30/12/02
We were very surprised to see that the Campsite was not totally booked
out, so were able to get our old site back, with space for the kids when
they arrived. Little did we know the kids arrived a few days before us,
and were having a ball on the town!
We met by accident at the marina where we were finalizing our trip. A
brilliant surprise!
MR W gets to have a few days R and R and will reside at Lomagundi,
thanks to Jim and Eve.
Lake Kariba - 31/12/02 05/01/03 Royal Game Z$100-000.00 pn
inclusive of boat plus tender and all fuel all food and all drinks for 6
people (bear in mind that because of inflation prices rise at about 20%
- 25% per month - exchange rate for this trip was USD $1.00 = ZD
$1500.00) - Kingdom Calls was the hiring agent.

All aboard!

Time to catch those rays!

Vincent and Gareth

Gareths first tiger!

Kapenta fishing vessel

Past the Chef and Kefrence the Captain
Without a doubt we had a brilliant time. Our crew, Kefrence captain
and Past, cook were exceptionally good to us. We had the best crew, boat
and tender on the whole of Lake Kariba. We were fed like kings, indeed
treated like Royalty. Our thanks to Kefrence and Past you made this a
very special trip.
We saw lots of game up close and personal, caught fish, swam in the
Lake (always on the look out for crocs) and generally relaxed, chatting
and catching up on the last year.
Thank you all for coming, we know everyone made sacrifices to come, we
appreciate it.
We highly recommend Kingdom Calls their service was efficient and really
good value for money. Thanks Denise.
Back on dry land, we collected MR W, and as Dustin had managed to get
fuel, and we had full tanks, we decided to make our way to Bulawayo. The
kids sped ahead, and we did our usual cruise.
We found the campsite at Dutchmans pool the one we had missed after
the cricket, and spend the night there.
Dutchmans Pool Echo Camp - Kwe Kwe S18.52.057 E029.50.871 3 827
ft amsl Z$250 pppn 05/01/03
It is a beautiful caravan club camp site, but neglected and slowly
running down. The minutes of meetings are dated 2000 and 2001, and the
place looks like it has not had a rally in many a year. We asked the
caretaker if they had been busy over Christmas and New Year, and he said
nobody had arrived. It is very sad.
Bulawayo Caravan Park Bulawayo S20.09.543 E028.35.658 4 408 ft
amsl Z$550.00 pppn 06/01/03
Very close to the centre of town, we found this clean and convenient
park. Having found ourselves somewhere to sleep, we opted to visit the
Cape to Cairo restaurant and have a beer.
Our quite beer was interrupted by a rowdy bunch our kids! They were
driving by and saw MR W in the car park! Apparently they had spent the
night at Antelope Park, because we had raved so much about it, and were
now on their way to the Motoba National Park, so we joined them..