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‘Remember that I have commanded you to be determined and confident! Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for I, the Lord your God, am with you where ever you go!’ Joshua 1:9


For God’s ongoing protection – his provision never ceases

Martin – without whom our communication would not be possible

Divine meetings – God’s timing is perfect – we have been at the right place at the right time – by His grace, and have met and had opportunity to encourage fellow believers

Father’s encouragement – slogans like – Trust God, Fear God and Excel, God my provider, Man plans – God decides, Jesus is the Answer, God is Good, Jehovah Jira, Don’t let the car fool you – my treasure is in heaven, and just for a laugh, dirt for sale!
He really knows what we need! The slogans were on buses, taxis, shop windows, bicycles, t-shirts, they are just everywhere!

Thanks for all the good news received from home and for the emails that have encouraged us greatly.


Please pray for the women (every tribe and nation) of Africa – we have seen sights that we are too shamed to even take photographs of.

Pray for the leaders of the various Churches and Mosques in Africa – that they would have an intimate meeting with Jesus.

Include Jenny and Henri in your prayers that they would be safe and that we would soon meet again

We will soon be entering far more dangerous ground (bandit country) and need the Lord’s protection, and wisdom

Please pray that we are able to make the up coming Egyptian crossing

Pray that we keep our focus on Jesus and that we are not discouraged!


Last updated: 15/07/2002 18:39:45
Created by: Martin Solms

Part of The Africa Overland Network