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-- Log 5 B --

Those plain look very inviting – should be easy to reach the main road once we get down!

Besides the trench – there was the added problem of mud, which was knee deep and very sludgy!

We got stuck in the mud – and we have to admit the Landy had to pull us out! Good thing we had the snatch kit!

Well that did not work so we waited – and waited – 5 hours later and a lot of hard work all round we had another bash – this time two of the 3 concrete drain pipe were put in and covered – just not wide enough chaps – keep working!

Finally the drain complete and the fill done – the Landy made it to the other side.
We gave Mr W a bit of a run and hit the mud! Good old Toyota, made the crossing like a real lady – no disgrace, baby!


Last updated: 25/06/2002 21:54:50
Created by: Martin Solms

Part of The Africa Overland Network