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My Lists

Yay! A big @$$ list! What do you know about that? My favorite quotes, give or take a bunch. And things that make me and/or you happy!

Favorite Quotes

53 Things to Make You Happy (in honor of Katie)

  1. being labeled a firecracker (sparkle sparkle)
  2. meeting in a dream
  3. robots to do it for you
  4. peeling shrimp, nothing like it
  5. working out and feeling tired afterward
  6. making things work again
  7. finding an old friend again
  8. watching Smallville together, 900 miles apart
  9. saucy harlots
  10. Hmmm . . .
  11. getting chased by zombie dogs
  12. walking over the body of said zombie dog
  13. snowball fights, the more snow in someone ELSE's face the better
  14. laughing/crying fests; If you can't tell, then why should we?
  15. Libra, the flaming hairdresser
  16. gummi-bear wars
  17. Ruffians
  18. the Dork Brothers
  19. dead squirrels pulled from a toilet
  20. the Newsies
  21. staying up until four thirty and waking up at three thirty.
  22. learning HTML
  23. NOT THE MONKEES! I just saw some episodes. Totally lame. All though, Mike's hat IS pretty cool
  24. decorations on one's foil food protector
  25. fake letters from Charles Worthington
  26. Jack Kornwax
  27. Carryin' the Banner
  28. happy boxes
  29. Little Man Crinkles
  30. sailing by the seat of your pants
  31. Greek nouns (not the verbs)
  32. Purple streaks in one's hair
  34. When are you going to understand that all my ideas are good ones?
  35. Tribbles!
  36. the dust bunnies
  37. German chocolate. Nothing like savoring a piece of that sweet sweet goodness
  38. He tried to eat a rock. That's humorous.
  39. The opening theme to Star Trek (the original duh!) Another suburb episode is sure to follow.
  40. I need a random sentence.
  41. the Kentucky boys
  42. coMfusion
  43. La Muerte Roja, the fever goddess
  44. gopher feet in a jar
  45. weird college nicknames like: Stockenblocken, Huhnstock, Gretel von, G-Bomb, and G-Unit
  46. midnight missions to get lilacs
  47. going to the Post Office
  48. hearing a song from a movie on the radio
  49. sailing when it's very windy; it's is critical that the B-Over Method is attempted
  50. Nebaknuuzer

Things to Make You Humble

(apparently I'm not very humble)

Pictures from Colorado
More Pictures
Things to Make you Happy and Quotes
Who Am I? and you thought you knew me!?!
Out at the Ranch
Gretel's Bizarro World a.k.a. my blog
Some of my doodlings