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LangkawiPur - The Complete Alternative Guide to Langkawi!

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Introducing my friend... The Dukun!

While surfing the internet, I came across this rather interesting website. Unlike the rest, it is maintained by someone who has Langkawi in his heart, and offers more facts than the usual fantasies.(Actually, the man has 2 websites on Langkawi, but for the moment let's just concentrate on one!)

Here are some of the "things" found on his website, which I have "lifted!"

The Temurun waterfall at different months of the year.
[in Feb][in Apr][in Jun]

(If the images above do NOT load properly... try hitting your "Refresh/Reload" button!)

They say, "a picture speaks a thousand words." So, 3,000 words have already been spared; courtesy of The Dukun!
If you wish to know more about waterfalls in Langkawi, visit The Dukun's website*.
*(Please be advised that his site, like mine, isn't 100% complete. However, if you're patient enough, there are some interesting facts... and nice photos too, found there. Also, please note that his site might not be available presently!)