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Tourist's A-Z

A Page
B Page
C Page
D Page
E Page
F Page
G Page
H Page
I Page
J Page
K Page
L Page
M Page
N & O Page
P Page
Q & R Page
S Page
T Page
U & V Page
W & X Page
Y & Z Page

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The Beginning!

The Alternative Guide to Langkawi!

Although it is called Tourist's A-Z, it is actually a Langkawi A-to-Z, or, if you really insist, it could even be the A, B, and C of Langkawi.

Whatever it is, this section is suitable for just about anyone who wants to know more about Langkawi and, it does not matter if you are a first-time visitor, a seasoned traveller or even a resident! There is always something for everyone.

And, if you are planning on visiting us soon, then let this be the starting place for you to gather that much-needed information.

For the seasoned traveller... so you think you know all there is to know about Langkawi, do you? Well, follow the links at the bottom of the subsequent pages, and be surprised.

And, for the resident... there is much to keep you amused!

Now, before letting you off to explore, let me just remind you of one tiny fact. There are no pictures!

This sad state of affairs should be over, as soon as I can afford a scanner... but, don't hold your breath though, as it might take a long, long while before that happens and you will have turned blue by then... by which time I would have lost another reader and that wouldn't be doing anybody any favours!

Anyhow, even without the pix, I hope you have as much fun reading it, just as I have had, writing them. Enjoy...!

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