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The Stories

Okay, so you probably notice the drastic lack of stories. Farf has already linked to this site and the sad part is I don't have much to show for myself yet. I have a few of my stories that I'll put up within the next couple of days, but there's not much here. SO that means if you are interested in this pairing, perhaps you have some of your own writing to submit. Or perhaps you'll now feel inspired to write some. If there is anything you want to see here, or have work you want on this site contact me through the link on the main page or the bottom of this one.


Dear Pavel Rated PG. What is it about girls and wanting Valentine's Day Dances?

Birthday Rated G. They were a Russian Inwention you know!

Joel Parthemore

Out for the Evening on Regulus V Rated PG. During shore leave Chekov helps Sulu loosen up a bit.


Things I Need To Do More Often Rated G. Sulu is bored and Chekov is busy.

The Big Bang Rated G. Fireworks. You kind of have to read a little into this one to find the slash.

To Catch a Firefly Rated G/PG. Chekov misses the point on shore leave.

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