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USS Hiryu's Starfighter Command Division.


The USS Hiryu is an enormous vessel with 49 decks. Encompased within these decks are its 7 shuttle bays and within these shuttle bays reside the USS Hiryu's support craft and it's Starfighter group.The support craft consist of 16 shuttles of varrying types, 3 Danube class runabouts, 2 Delta flyer class runabouts and three Orion class scoutships. These are flown by the Hiryu's Runabout pilots. There are also 4 Blackhawk class run by the marine detachment. The marine detachment also commands a squadron of 12 Redemtion Class Fighter Bombers.

Under the Starfighter Command are 38 fighters, one Beowulf class interceptor and 6 Warhammer class escorts.

This is different to the standard set of craft aboard a Carrier class. The 2 usual repulse class runabouts have been replaced with 3 extra Warhammers and an extra Blackhawk at the Commanding officers request due to Chuck Nimitz's strong bias towards mass small craft ops.