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USS Hiryus Decks



This is a list of the Hiryus 49 decks and there contents. links will take you to a description of the facilities and a number of them contain thes fantastic 3d images of the interior of the USS Hiryu beautifully Crafted by Stuart Archer.\

Big Round of applause please :)

Go see the Bridge



Main Bridge, Captain and First Officers Ready Rooms
2 Main Briefing Room, Computer Core Access, Bar Americana (OfficerÕs Lounge)
3 Flight Operations Control Rooms, Emergency Transporters
4 Secondary Launch Chute, Flight Operations
5 Senior Officer's Quarters, Upper Hanger Deck Fighter Bays, Hanger Lift, CaptainÕs'Quarters
6 Junior Officer's and Residential Quarters, Mid Hanger Deck Fighter Bays, Hanger Lift
7 Science Laboratories, Saucer Dorsal Phaser Array, Main Hanger Deck, Hanger Lift, Fighter Launch Chute Entrance, Fighter Pilot Barracks , Main Sick Bay
8 Fighter Maintenance Bays, Hanger Lift, Residential Quarters, Transporter rooms 1-4, Fusion Reactors
9 Fighter Maintenance Bays, Hanger Lift, Residential Quarters, Fusion Reactors, Saucer Impulse Engines, The Blue Nebula (Enlisted Inn)
10 Fighter Maintenance Bays, Hanger Lift, Fighter Launch Chute Exit, Crew Quarters, Emergency Transporters
11 Crew Quarters, Fighter Ordinance Bays, Dilithi Inn (Crew and civilian Lounge Bar), Marine Deck (Briefing Room, Holodecks, MCO & MXO Office)
12 Crew Quarters, Holodecks 1-3 (Upper), Phaser Power Systems, Fighter Maintenance Support
13 Computer Core Access, Crew Quarters, Holodecks 1-3 (Lower), Ventral Phaser Array, Fighter Maintenance Industrial Replicators
14 Phaser Power Systems, Ventral Phaser Array
15 Cargo Bays 1&2
16 Cargo Bays 1&2 (Lower)
8 Residential Quarters 9
9 Type XX Phaser Power Couplings, Phaser Maintenance
10 Type XX Phaser Power Systems, Phaser Arrays, Emergency Transporters 1
11 Marine Deck (Sniper Range, Marine Barracks, MCO & MXO Quarters, Armoury, The Arsenal (Marine Bar))
12 Life Support Systems, Science Labs,
13 Shuttle Bays 1&2
14 Shuttle Bay Support, Personnel transporters 1&2
15 Starfleet Intelligence Office
16 Crew Quarters (Enlisted)
17 Crew Quarters (Enlisted), Phaser Arrays
18 Crew Quarters (Enlisted)
19 Crew Quarters (Enlisted)
20 Trelinium Storage Maintenance
21 Engineering Support Laboratories, Fusion Reactors, Emergency Transporters
22 Main Impulse Engines, Fusion Reactors
23 Fusion Reactors, Life Support
24 Fusion Reactors, Torpedo Storage
25 Dorsal Docking Port, Forward Torpedo Launcher, Torpedo Storage
26 Torpedo Storage, Launcher Maintenance
27 Trelinium Fill Ports, Trelinium fuel pumps
28 Trelinium Fuel Storage
29 Trelinium Fuel Storage
30 Trelinium Fuel Storage, Trelinium Injection Reactors Port/Starboard
31 Science Laboratories (HAZMAT)
32 Crew Quarters, Auxiliary Bridge
33 Crew Quarters, Transporter Rooms 5-8

Environmental Support, Crew Quarters, Torpedo

35 Aft Torpedo Launcher, Phaser Arrays, Torpedo Storage, Nacelle Access, Aft launch bay.
36 Main Engineering, Warp Core Access Port/Starboard, Secondary Engineering Port/Starboard, Plasma Conduits, Secondary Sickbay
37 Environmental Support, Waste Management
38 Brig, Computer Core (Backup) Access
39 Engineering Support Laboratories, Waste Dump Ports
40 Antimatter Injection Systems (Port/Starboard)
41 Phaser Arrays, Emergency Batteries, Antimatter Storage Pods
42 Antimatter Storage Pods
43 Antimatter Storage Pods
44 Antimatter Storage Pods
45 Antimatter Storage Pods, Phaser Power Systems
46 Antimatter Storage Pods, Phaser Arrays
47 Antimatter Storage Pods
48 Antimatter Storage Pods, Warp Core Ejection Systems
49 Antimatter Ejection Systems, Warp Core Ejection Hatch