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USS Hiryu NCC-77999


Welcome to the USS Hiryu Website. The USS Hiryu is a Carrier class vessel in the best PBEM Simming group on the net. Bravo Fleet!

This site will show you this giant class of vessel and hopefully inspire you to join our fine Ship.

Commanded by Captain Chuck Nimitz, this ship is the only one of it's class in Task force 9. Based in the Gamma Qudrant the USS Hiryu is the Starfighter command vessel for Task Force 9 and it carries many small starfighters to offer their support with Federation operations in this new and unexplored frontier.


Hiryu means "Flying Dragon" in Japanese


If you are interested in joining or are just looking around, please feel free to visit the links to the left.


Last Updated Tuesday 20th January 2004

This site went online on 25th August 2001. It was built by Laurence Anderson from Surrey England. Thanks for the help from Jon Skinner and Stuart Archer

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