Jake & Megan DVD #1 - 4 hours [Episode Descriptions]
Jake & Megan DVD #2 - 4 hours [Episode Descriptions]
Jake & Megan DVD #3 and DVD #4
Jake & Megan DVD #5 and DVD #6

Jake & Megan DVD #1 - 4 hrs

Andy's in Max's Place yelling that the bar is closed.  When Andy finally answers the door she finds Jake.  Jake's been shot and asks Andy, his half sister, to help him.  Jake doesn't want to go the hospital like Andy wants him to.  Gabrielle comes to Max's Place for Al and goes off on Andy (Jake's hiding).  Andy says Al's asleep and she thought she'd bring him over later.  Gabrielle leaves.  Andy takes care of Jake.  Jake wants to leave but Andy doesn't want him to leave.  Jake says Andy's better off not knowing the trouble that he's in.  Andy says she'll get Jake some medicine.  Jake puts on some of Max's clothes and Andy's upset about it.  She decides he can keep the clothes as long as he needs them as long as they get cleaned and put back where he found them and as long as Jake doesn't touch anything else of Max's. 

There is pounding at the door of Max's Place.  Jake hides while Andy answers the door.  Dr. Dan Wolek barges in and checks Andy's arm.  He says she's lucky he didn't call hospital security.  He says he knows she stole drugs from the hospital but that she seems clean.  She tells him she got the drugs for a friend but won't tell him anything else.  Dan says he'll figure it out and leaves.  Andy yells that Jake can come out now. 

Before Jake comes out Megan enters the bar and Andy hugs her.  Megan says she just heard about Max and that she's sorry.  Andy wishes that Megan and Max could have been together.  They talk about Gabrielle.  Jake watches them. Megan offers Andy a shoulder to lean on anytime she needs it and leaves.  Jake comes out from hiding and asks about Megan.  He says she looks familiar.  Andy tells him about Megan, that she's an actress and her first friend she made in Llanview, a great lady.  Jake says he's going to leave as soon as he can but Andy gets him to promise to think about staying. 

Jake goes to visit Michael Grande.  Jake wants to talk about a deal that's gone bad.  Jake carried what he thought was a briefcase full of papers for a man who worked for Grande.  Jake eventually realized the briefcase was full of drug money.  Michael says for Jake to come back later and he'll have 'enough cash' for him.  Jake leaves. Jake is back at Max's Place with Andy.  Andy's upset that Jake's always leaving.  Andy thinks that Jake's going to end up dead and then both her brothers will be dead.  Jake promises to come back for her.  Andy cries and Jake comforts her.  Jake leaves.

Jake's back at Grande's for his money.  Grande says he'll give Jake a job instead for $30,000.  Jake's supposed to follow Megan Gordon.  Grande wants Megan 'silenced.'  Jake says he doesn't kill.  Grande is backing Herb Callison for mayor while Megan is backing Viki.  Grande wants Herb to win and thinks that Megan's star-power will favor Viki too much.  Grande wants Jake to find some skeletons in Megan's closet so he can blackmail her.  Jake says 'no deal.'  He just wants the money.  Grande threatens Andy and so Jake takes the deal.  Megan's singing in the shower.  Jake hides in her closet as she comes out of the bathroom.  Roger Gordon calls Megan.  The press wants to speak with Megan about Viki's run for mayor. 

Megan is talking to the press about Viki wanting to be mayor.  Jake barges in and wants to know what a rich woman like Victoria Buchanan knows about the working man.  He says he's just a concerned citizen and that Viki just wants to line her pockets.  When he attempts to leave Megan follows him telling him to wait a second.  Megan wants a chance to respond to his comments in front of the reporters.  Jake leaves and Megan is upset. 

Jake meets with Grande and says he feels dirty doing what he did.  Jake tells Grande that he hasn't found anything on Megan, she's clean.  Grande tells Jake to bug Megan's phone.  Cut back to Roger and Megan.  Megan doesn't want to hurt Viki's chances for mayor.  Roger thinks Megan is the best thing to happen to Viki's campaign for mayor.  Megan goes back upstairs to study her lines.  
Jake enters the lobby looks around and leaves.

Megan come down the stairs and enters the lobby.  She tells the front desk that she's leaving so housekeeping can clean her room.  Jake is dressed differently and clips on a badge.  Jake enters Megan's room pretending to be a telephone repairman.  He bugs Megan's phone.  Jake reads a letter from Megan to Raymond King of Mendorra.  When Jake opens the door to leave Megan is on the other side.   Megan wants to know what he's doing in her room.  Jake tells her a lie about her telephone.  Megan knows her phone was perfectly fine before she left because she used it.  Megan realizes she knows the 'telephone repairman' and calls him on it, taking his hat off.  Jake tries to play dumb saying he doesn't know what she's talking about.  Megan tells him he can tell all of his excuses to the cops.  Jake admits to being at the press conference yesterday. He tries to guilt her into not calling the police by saying she's judging him for not being rich.  He adds some lines about Viki and this being how Viki treats people.  Megan eventually says she's sorry after looking at his ID badge.  She says that she's constantly reading and hearing stories about women being attacked and that's the world they live in that even hardworking men like him put her on her guard.  Jake says he understands that he has a younger sister himself that he worries about.  Megan mentions Viki being attacked by drug lords and Roger's fear that they'll come after her next.  Megan says it's suspicious that out of all the repairmen in the city he's the one that comes and fixes her phone.  They talk about Viki's plans to bring more jobs into Llanview.  Megan tells Jake his problem is being a reverse snob.  Megan continues to try to campaign for Viki to Jake.  She bets Jake $10 that if he goes and meets Viki and listens to what Viki has to say that he'll like her. 

Sarah Gordon enters Megan's room.  Megan introduces Sarah to Jake as 'Jake Webb.'  Jake leaves.  Sarah thinks that Megan is a little too lonely if she's hanging around with Jake.  Megan tells Sarah not to jump to conclusions and fills her in on Jake.  She tells Sarah that Jake's not her type.  Sarah's sure a man will come along and sweep Megan off her feet.   Jake visits Michael Grande.  Grande wants Jake to monitor Megan's calls.  Back in Megan's room Megan tells Sarah she's fine.  Sarah says she's worried about their dad.  Apparently, Roger had gone off on Clint for no reason.  Andy calls Megan from Max's Place.  Jake's listening to their conversation.  Andy asks Megan to come by the bar. 

Jake enters Max's Place and gives Andy Max's clothes back minus his boots.  Jake makes Andy promise she won't tell anyone that he's her brother or about his problems in Florida.  Andy was going to tell Megan but Jake tells her she can't trust anyone.  Andy wonders why Jake's still in Llanview.  Jake lies about the job he's got.  Andy's worried.  Jake's about to leave but before he can he bumps into Megan.

Megan asks Jake what he's doing at Max's Place.  Andy realizes they know each other.  Megan tells Andy how they know one another.  Megan continues to try to get Jake to see the error of his ways when it comes to Viki's campaign for mayor.  Jake leaves the girls.  Andy tells Megan she wants to talk about her brother, Max.  Andy asks Megan to take what she wants from Max's room.  Megan feels a distance between her and Andy.  She tells Andy that she and Renee and her friends there for her.  Megan leaves for Max's room. Jake is thankful for Andy lying to Megan.  Andy is upset at Jake.  She tells Jake to leave Megan alone and stop coming on to her.  Megan returns with something of Max's and leaves after reminding Jake about meeting Viki.  Andy warns Jake, again.  Jake warns Andy to mind her business.

Jake meets with Grande.  Jake still has nothing on Megan.  Grande tells Jake to ease up on Megan for a bit but that he has another job for him.   Jake is digging through a desk at Viki's campaign headquarters when Megan and Sarah walk in talking.  Megan goes into an adjoining room.  Sarah hears a noise and Jake stands up.  Sarah thinks Jake is Austin Buchanan, the man who raped her.  Megan comes in and demands to know why Jake is there and why he scared her sister.  Jake makes his presence there sound heroic.  Bo comes to check on the girls and leaves with Sarah.  Megan wants Jake to empty his pockets.  He does and the only thing he took was campaign information on Viki.  Roger comes in and announces he quit as Viki's campaign manager.  Viki follows him and wants to speak with Roger privately.  Jake gets Megan to leave them.   Megan quizzes Jake about telephone wires.  She calls him a fraud.  When he answers correctly she says it was a lucky guess.  Roger leaves after talking to Megan. 

Megan and Roger are talking.  Roger doesn't want to just be Viki's friend.  Sarah calls Megan about the photographer for the wedding canceling.  Jake listens to their conversation.Jake comes over to Megan's room.  She's busy looking for photographers.  He accidently tells Megan more than he's supposed to know but covers.  Jake offers his camera for use in Bo and Sarah's wedding.  She asks him to come with her to the wedding and take the pictures himself.  He agrees if he's her guest not someone hired off the street. 

Megan and Jake attend Bo and Sarah's wedding.  Megan is grateful to Jake.  Jake says he had fun.  They argue about rich and poor people being the same.  Jake takes Megan away from the wedding reception to experience the other side of life at a bar.  She's not so into the idea until some men get into a fight and then she seems to want to prove Jake wrong.  Inside the bar they talk about her soap opera, Fraternity Row, her past experiences trying to make it as an actress.  They argue some more.  Jake can't figure Megan out.  He wants to know the real Megan Gordon.  Megan wants to know the real 'Jake Webb.'  Megan wants to meet Jake's family.  She learns that Jake's parents are both dead.  Jake lies to Megan; he tells her his sister is in Philadelphia 'last he heard.'  Megan can't figure Jake out. She thinks he's hiding something.  Jake says there is one thing he's hiding from her…that he likes to dance!  He takes her to the dance floor and they begin dancing.  They talk while they dance and Megan becomes uncomfortable.  Megan wants to leave and go back uptown. Jake becomes upset and asks if the problem is that he doesn't dance as well as her King Raymond.  Megan wants to know what he knows about her and Raymond.  He blows it off as having read about them in the paper.  Megan's still upset and wants to leave.  She says she doesn't want to know anymore about Jake.  Jake tells her she's lying.  Megan says she's wasted enough time on him for all she knows he's not even registered to vote.  Jake wants to take her home but Megan says she'll take a cab.  Megan leaves. 

Jake enters Max's Place and walks up to Andy.  She's upset that he hasn't kept in touch.  Jake wants to know what went on between Megan and Max.  Andy says that the thing was Max loved Gabrielle and that was it.  Jake says his whole life is a mess and that Andy can't help.  Andy asks him why he doesn't leave town if he's going to be so miserable.  Andy offers to help financially.  Jake says she can't help; he's trapped and doesn't know if he can get out of this. 

Jake visits Michael Grande, again, and quits.  Grande threatens Andy, again, and so Jake has no choice but to continue digging up dirt on Megan.  Jake warns Andy to be careful and not trust anyone. Megan and Sarah are answering phones for Viki's campaign concerning Roger jumping ship to Herb Callison's campaign. Jake shows up to talk to Megan.  He tells her that someone's hired him to look into her.  He says he's a writer for Bubbles, the soap opera magazine.  Megan slaps Jake.  Jake says he's at an all time low in his career and needed the scoop on her to save his neck.  She asks him to leave, then changes her mind. 

In the park, Megan says she'll help him but will not give him any information about Viki's campaign.  She tells Jake about Mendorra and her Prince Raymond.  Jake tells her he's not going to print the story about Mendorra because it obviously still upsets her.  He says that he thinks she is great and someday the right man will come along and see that.  Cut to right outside Megan's room.  Megan thanks Jake for being honest with her.  Jake wants to come in her room.  He checks out her surroundings.  He says he can tell a lot about her just from one print she has hanging.  She says that she should be able to see how he lives, too.  Jake tells her about the 'real Jake Webb.'  Jake tells Megan he thinks she is beautiful and desirable.  Jake decides to leave but Megan wants him to stay for a drink.  Then Jake wants to stay for a drink and Megan thinks he should leave.  They're fumbling around with there words in a nervous manner.  Megan extends her hand and they shake both saying goodnight.  Megan thinks she's an idiot.

Megan calls Andy and says she probably won't be able to make it for Al's birthday party (April 1990).  She tells Andy it's because of a guy and that Andy knows him.  Megan tells Andy about 'Jake Webb.'  Andy doesn't think the two should get involved.  Megan says at least Andy has a guy and that she hasn't received flowers in who knows how long.  Jake's listening to their conversation. 

Megan is about to watch a movie and eat junk food when Jake arrives at her door.  He's brought Megan flowers.  Jake says it's a 'thank you' for helping with the article.  Megan invites him in.  She pricks her thumb on a thorn and Jake kisses it to make it feel better.  Jake says he better leave because her friends will be there soon.  Megan tells him they probably won't even come and asks Jake to hang out and watch the movie with her.  He agrees.  Jake turns down the lights; Megan puts the VHS in the VCR and bumps into him on her way to the sofa.  Megan sits on the far end of the sofa and Jake crowds her.  She makes nervous chatter and tells him they don't have to watch the movie.  She asks if he wants to go to a party.

Cut to Al's birthday party.  Megan introduces Jake as 'Jake Webb.'  Andy wants to talk to Megan about Jake.  Megan defends their relationship.  Andy tells Jake she'd appreciate it if he stayed away from her friends, especially Megan.  Viki is giving a speech.  Megan is in the audience and Jake enters the room.  A man in the audience asks if they can be sure that Niki Smith won't take over the mayor's office.  Megan assures him that they've been told Niki can never come out again.  She makes an impassioned speech about the human spirit.  The man who asked the Niki Smith question is paid his money.  Jake talks to Grande.  It seems Burke heard about compromising pictures of Megan and is trying to track them down.  Jake leaves.

Megan is with Viki they're talking about the young man who asked the Niki Smith question.  Jake comes in and introduces himself to Viki.  He says he needs to speak with Megan.  Jake makes a bunch of suppositions about how the young man may have been paid by someone and how they may now be trying to dig up dirt on Megan because of the way she defended Viki.  Megan says there's nothing they can dig up.  Jake wonders if he'll ever get to see past the wall she's built up.  Jake gives Michael Grande an empty folder and tells him that's what he has on Megan...nothing.  Burke says she found the compromising pictures of Megan.  Burke's arranged for the pictures to release basically everywhere.  They tell Jake to make sure Megan arrives for a press conference they are setting up.  They vaguely threaten him. 

Jake goes to Megan who's working at Viki's campaign headquarters.  Jake wants Megan to leave with him.  Roger shows up and wants Megan to give Viki something for him.  Jake takes the letter, puts in on Viki's desk and makes Megan come with him.  They're in his car at the beach.  They talk about her father.  Megan tells Jake that he makes it easy for her to talk about things.  She's worried they'll be late for Viki's rally but he assures her they have plenty of time.  When Megan's gone off to look for sea shells Jake messes with his car.  They sit together and he puts his arm around her to keep her warm.  She mentions the rally, again, so they get in his car and it won't start.  Jake tells her they'll have to stay there until morning so he has light to fix the car.  He then breaks into the boarded up building behind them.  Megan refuses to be a party to the break-in and says she'll walk to town.  Megan comes back freezing cold but refuses to come in.  When she finally relents and comes in Jake gives her a blanket and hot cocoa.  They argue some more.  Megan's upset about their predicament.  She wants to go to bed.  There's no bedroom just an old Murphy bed.  Megan wonders where Jake's going to sleep.  Jake says they both can fit on the bed.  They fight over who gets dibs on the bed.  Jake claims to be a feminist and by that reasoning believes he should get the bed.  Jake says some stupid stuff and immediately realizes it.  He apologizes.  Megan asks about his personal life.  He reveals his mother left him and that takes Megan aback.  Jake remembers the oven and goes to check on the food.  Megan lies down on the bed and it almost lifts her up into the wall.  Jake saves her.  They eat and talk. 

They both are laying on the bed and Jake cracks a joke about how they could pass the time.  He says his intentions are honorable but that they could be warmer if he scooted over some.  Megan makes a boarder and tells him he needs a passport to cross over. Jake wonders how he could get one.  Megan says he can't.  Jake says he doesn't want one anyway because it sounds like a fascist country.  He takes off his shirt and Megan notices a large scar along his arm.  They talk about the scar then fight over the blanket.  Megan removes the boarder and they share the blanket.  Jake rolls Megan beneath him and tells her she's been invaded by a neighboring, but friendly, country. 

Jake wakes up to an upset Megan.  She found the distributor cap that caused the car to not start and wants an explanation.  She hits him with a pillow and tells him she doesn't want to hear his stories.  He admits he took the part off the car but insists it wasn't planed.  He says she just looked so happy and relaxed… Megan tells him that she's tired of his lies which seem to come out every time he opens his mouth.  She says she can't trust him.  He argues that it was great for her to get away and that she knows it.  He admits he's a bad boy but thought she liked bad boys.  Megan says she doesn't like liars.  He calls her on going through his pockets.  She asks who the little girl in a picture she found was.  He tells her it is his sister.  They talk about their mothers, his sister, how you know that two people belong together.  Megan becomes uncomfortable with the conversation and backs away.  Jake decides they should leave.

Back in civilization, they order food at a diner.  Megan learns about the compromising pictures being leaked to the press.  Megan doesn't know if she can handle the press about the pictures.   Back in Llanview in front of Megan's hotel room, Megan drops her keys.  Both Megan and Jake go to pick them up.  Some reporter asks if that's how she posed for Miss August.  Jake takes offense to the crude question.  Megan gets Jake to back off and takes a swing at the man herself.  Jake stops Megan and apologizes for her then punches the man himself.  Megan thanks him.  They enter Megan's room.  Jake tells her he knew something was going to happen and that's why he whisked her away to the beach.  He says heroes always know things like that.  Megan asks if he knows so much how he wouldn't know about the trouble he'd be in trapping her in the beach house.  He says because he wasn't in trouble.  She says that's because he never saw her personal skills in fighting.  He basically tackles her to the sofa and holds her down underneath him.  Megan gets out from underneath Jake.  They continue to flirt.  Things turn serious when Jake admits Megan shouldn't want to lean on him for support.  Megan blows it off as being okay.  She then asserts her independence.  Jake wants to know why she can't admit she needs people and things.  Megan asks Jake what he needs.  He tells her he needs to take after her and be brave.  So Jake kisses her on the cheek and leaves to be brave.  Megan picks up the telephone and asks information what just happened. 

Jake goes to Grande and tells him he quits.  Jake threatens to reveal what he knows about Grande if Grande does anything to Andy or anyone else Jake cares for.  Grande promises Jake money, an airline ticket and a new identity just because he respects that Jake stood up to him.  Jake thinks it was too easy but leaves.  Carlo is upset but Grande promises that Jake has been neutralized.  Jake is outside Megan's room as she walks toward the door to enter it.  In Megan's room Jake tells her he's leaving town and probably won't be back.  Megan's upset that she wasn't able to peg Jake for the jerk she now thinks he is.  She asks him to leave. 

Megan walks into Max's Place where she sees Andy.  Megan tells her about Jake leaving.  Jake walks in to the bar.  Jake tells Megan he never meant to hurt her but Megan doesn't believe him.  He tries to stop Megan from leaving.  Megan leaves anyway. Andy's upset about Jake leaving and lets him know it.  Jake explains that he's got to take the money and get out of town.  He says he'll call Andy.  They hug and Jake leaves.  Jake goes to meet Michael Grand and Carlo Hesser hides before Jake enters the office.  Michael gives Jake all he's asked for.  Jake thinks it's all too easy.  Grande threatens Jake's life if he ever comes back to Llanview. 

Megan goes back to Max's Place and speaks with Andy about Jake.  Megan's a mess.  They wonder about Jake.  Andy thinks Megan should give him the benefit of the doubt.  While they're talking Jake overhears how upset Megan is.  Andy tells Megan she shouldn't give up hope because there are plenty of great men out there.  Jake interrupts them to tell them that he's staying in Llanview because sooner or later he's got to stop running and more than that he doesn't want to hurt either of them even if it kills him.  Megan doesn't want to hear an explanation while Andy does.  Megan feels there is something going on with Jake and Andy.  Andy says she's only worried that if Jake left business would not be as good and leaves Jake and Megan alone.  Jake tells Megan that they both have an effect on each other.  Megan tells Jake she has nothing to say to him.  Megan's still hurt.  Jake lets Megan know that he stayed just for her.  Megan lashes out at Jake but decides to forgive him.  She says she's happy he's back and hopefully they can become better friends.  Jake wants to talk to Megan alone.  They agree to meet at her place after Megan tapes her show.  Megan leaves.

Andy believes Jake's in trouble but Jake blows her concern off.  Andy knows Jake's not telling her everything but what really bothers her is that Jake is jerking around Megan.  Jake promises to tell Megan the truth when the time is right.  Megan is late getting back from taping her show and is becoming upset that Jake hasn't shown.  Jake is jumped by two guys.  Megan is upset that Jake is so late.  She leaves the lobby of the inn.  Megan sees the two guys beating Jake up.  After a final scuffle the two men leave.  Megan is concerned about Jake.  Jake tells her he has t,o get out of there, somewhere the police or anyone else can't find him.  Megan helps him leave. 

Megan brings Jake to a loft she was planning on looking at to consider purchasing.  Jake lies to Megan about the men who beat him to a pulp.  She sees right through his lies.  Jake is afraid the men may have seen Megan.  He tells her she's got to get away from him but she refuses to leave him in his condition.  Megan says she's not going anywhere until she knows what the situation is all about.  Jake tries to leave but can't.  Megan's upset with him.  She wants to know what this is all about.  Jake gives Megan a rose he was going to give her on their first official date.  He says it's already pre-crushed so she shouldn't have a problem pressing it in her diary.  Jake's in a lot of pain so Megan checks to make sure he didn't break any bones.  Jake tells her he'd know if he was hurt bad because he knows his body well enough.  Megan decides to clean his cuts and tells him that he'll have to take the rest of his clothes off so she can.  Megan wipes the blood off Jake's face.  Jake falls asleep and Megan wonders aloud who Jake is, why someone wants to kill him and why she's allowed herself to get caught up with him. 

Jake wakes up in pain.  The cops bang on the door for them to open up.  Jake hides while Megan gets rid of them.  Megan's real estate agent shows up and Megan is kind of forced into buying the loft.  Megan's a bit upset at Jake because she had to buy the loft.  He says it's a blessing in disguise, that she needs to put roots down.  Megan wants to know why Jake is afraid of the police.  Megan is tired of the lies.  She tells him she doesn't believe he writes for soap opera magazines.  She wants to know what's going on.  Jake admits he's none of the things he's told her he was but that he's always been honest about his feelings toward her.  Megan wonders if Jake is a drug dealer or a murderer or something.  Jake asks if she's afraid of him.  She says she doesn't know what she's afraid of.  He tells her she's more afraid of being in love than of death.       

Jake & Megan Dvd #2 - 4 hours

Jake thinks Megan is judging him.  Megan thinks Jake is in trouble.  Jake asks Megan questions about Prince Raymond from Mendorra.  He asks her if her prince made her heart beat as fast as he makes her heart beat.  Megan becomes uncomfortable and Jake claims she's running away from him.  Megan thinks the issue is Jake being in trouble.  She tells him that he needs to tell her the truth or she's going to leave.  Jake tells her that he's a private investigator.  He says that the men who beat him up are probably going to go after his client and that he hasn't gone to the police because the police don't like PI's to horn in on their territory.  Megan wonders why Jake's lied to her.  Jake says it's because it's second nature to him, that he has to protect his client. Megan tells Jake that he can trust her.  Jake apologizes and Megan says she believes him.  Jake tells her that he should have never come back after having said 'goodbye' and that his plans are to leave.  Megan becomes upset and tells him just to leave.  Then Megan leaves.

Jake is taking a shower when Megan enters the loft with food.  Megan says the sooner he's gone the better.  Viki comes by and surprises Megan.  Megan says the shower is running for her and to wait where she is and Megan will turn it off.  Jake makes it difficult for her.  When Megan returns Viki has Jake's jeans and asks Megan if she's got a roommate.  Megan says 'no' and makes up a ridiculous story that explained nothing.  Viki's worried about Megan's father, Roger.  Jake begins singing and Megan claims she probably left the radio on. Viki's not fooled but allows Megan to get rid of her without too much hassle.  Jake comes out after the all clear from Megan. Megan becomes tongue tied around Jake in just his towel.  They eat their breakfast and Megan starts to suggest plans for another meal but Jake talks about leaving again.  Megan starts to get upset again.  Jake is confused.  Megan states some rules for Jake and number one is not parading around half nude and half un-nude.  Jake then takes his towel off.  Megan becomes flustered and hands Jake his pants.  Megan calls the restaurant where Roger is eating to speak with him but gets Dorian instead.  Dorian tells Megan where Roger is and hangs up on her. 

Megan's studying her lines and Jake's counting his cash.  Jake thanks her for everything she's done to help him and says his goodbyes.  Megan offers Jake a ride to the city limits because she's going out to Pier 32 to look for her father. Jake becomes concerned and says they have to leave.   Roger's at Pier 32.  He begins to open an unlocked case when Jake and Megan barrel through telling him not to open it.  They're too late it detonates.  Jake makes sure Megan is okay.  Roger's unconscious and has wounds.  Jake leaves to call for help.  Megan tells Roger she loves him and she's sorry for treating him so badly. 

At the hospital, Larry works on Roger.  Megan's worried.  Jake and Megan give a statement to Capt. Rafe Garrison. Dorian and Herb show up.  Megan thinks Dorian is lying.  Megan wants to know why Jake thought her father was in trouble.  Jake tells her about the men who beat him up mentioning bringing him down to pier 32 to finish the job.  Larry enters and Megan rushes over to him.  Sarah and Bo come up to Megan, apparently Rafe told them about Roger.  They ask about Roger.  Larry can't tell until Roger regains consciousness.  Bo and Sarah go with Larry.  Megan stays with Jake.  Jake leaves to take care of something and kisses Megan on the cheek before he leaves. 

Bo and Sarah talk.  Bo thinks Michael Grande may be involved with the bomb.  Megan enters and asks about Roger.  They say he's got a concussion and that he hasn't regained consciousness yet.  Megan tells them that it was Jake who knew there might be trouble.  Jake barges in and punches Grande.  He's upset about Grande trying to kill him, Megan and Roger.  Jake threatens Grande's life.  Grande doesn't think Jake has what it takes to kill him.  Jake refuses Grande's offer of money to leave town and forget the past.  Jake wants to know why Grande was after Roger.  Jake lies and says Roger died and he's going to turn states' evidence and tell the police everything.  Grande laughs and figures out that Jake has fallen for Megan.  Jake returns to the hospital and tells Megan there's something they need to talk about.  Before they can Roger begins to regain consciousness. 

The next day at the hospital, Bo wants information from Jake but Jake can't give it to him.  Sarah doesn't understand why.  Jake wants to talk to Megan.  Sarah thanks Jake for getting to her father when he did.  Bo and Sarah go get some coffee.  Jake wants to go somewhere private.  A man follows Megan and Jake down the corridor.  At Megan's loft, Jake tells Megan that what he has to say will probably hurt her.  She says she knows and wants him to tell her who he is and how he knew her father was in danger. Jake tells Megan that he's “hung up on her” and that he “likes her a lot.”  He's afraid his confession will push her away.  Jake tells Megan a basic outline of the truth about him and his feelings then he finally kisses her!  The man who followed them in the hospital is seen outside the door to Megan's loft. 

Megan pushes Jake away, telling him he has no idea how she feels.  He says he didn't expect to fall for her and if he had he would have been level with her from the beginning.  Megan wants to know more about what he was forced to do that involved her but they hear a sound outside the door.  Jake shushes Megan and makes her hide in the next room as he goes to check it out.  It's his buddy, Lucky.  Megan listens to their conversation.  Lucky warns Jake about a guy who is out for Jake named Skaggs.  Megan comes out from hiding and demands to know what's going on.  Lucky accidently lets it spill that Jake was in prison and could go back and that his last name is not Webb.  Megan wants more answers less lies.  Jake tells Megan the whole truth but Megan doesn't trust him.  Jake tries to justify his actions.  Jake wants to turn himself into the police.  Megan tries to leave but Jake stops her. 

Megan tells Jake that she's going to write him out of her life and turns to leave.  Lucky stops her to try and get her to give Jake a second chance.  Megan doesn't believe anything they tell her.  Skaggs opens the door and points a gun at Jake.  Lucky hides behind the open door.  Skaggs' is there to make Jake appear in court in Florida.  Megan tells Skaggs she wants to testify against Jake and pretends she's never heard of Lucky.  Skaggs' has Megan handcuff Jake but Jake makes it so they're handcuffed to each other.  Skaggs mentions killing Jake and Megan.  Lucky makes a failed attempt to subdue Skaggs.  Jake then takes a crack at Skaggs.  Once he's unconscious, they try to leave but Megan wants no part of it.  Jake forces her to come with them or he says Skaggs will kill them. 

Megan, Jake and Lucky are in a car staying off the major highways.  Megan wants out of the handcuffs and away from Jake.  Megan feels used.  They run out of gas.  On the radio, they learn of an APB that was put out for them.  Megan learns Jake's last name is Harrison not Webb. Jake wants to leave on foot.  Megan wants to stay with her car so the police can find her.  Jake wins because the handcuffs hurt Megan as Jake tries to leave.  They find a place to stay.  Megan and Jake pretend to be newlyweds on their honeymoon.  Lucky enters the room later.  Arch brings breakfast causing Lucky to have to hide.  They eat.  Megan wants to go back home.  Jake finally agrees.  Skaggs shows Arch some old prison pictures of Lucky and Jake. Lucky sees Skaggs and it is decided the trio needs to leave.  Megan doesn't want to leave.  Lucky takes off.  Skaggs wants to check their room.  Jake tells Megan to take her clothes off.  They fill the tub with water and bubbles, and a rubber ducky. Megan is able to take her clothes off and Jake is able to hide under a comforter while handcuffed to each other and without suspicion from Skaggs.  Once Skaggs and Arch leave, Jake wants to leave but Megan wants to finish her bath. 

Jake apologizes for putting Megan in the middle of the mess.  Megan doesn't think he knows the difference between the truth and a lie.  Jake tells Megan he never lied about his feelings for her.  Jake promises her no more lies but Megan says she's heard that one before. Jake tells her not to just take his word and kisses her.   Skaggs has caught Lucky and they are in the hallway.  Lucky lies to Skaggs (even though Skaggs has a gun aimed at Lucky) telling him he doesn't know where Jake and Megan are.  Jake and Megan are still kissing. Skaggs starts counting to ten with a gun aimed at Lucky.  Lucky yells “Sacramento” which is his code word with Jake.   Jake and Megan hear Lucky and figure out that Skaggs is on to them.  Skaggs kicks open their suite door.  After a struggle, Skaggs has the three cornered.  Skaggs plans on taking all three of them to Florida.  Arch comes to see what the commotion's all about and Jake takes to opportunity to get the upper hand.  Lucky locks Skaggs and Arch in the bathroom.  Megan isn't allowed to get her pants or shoes before they leave. 

They hide out in a farmhouse.  Lucky goes to find food.  Jake tells Megan about how and why he's involved with Michael Grande.  Lucky comes back.  Jake tells Megan that she's the reason he didn't keep running when he couldn't get money out of Grande.  Jake kisses Megan and then gives her an apple.  They fall asleep.  They find a bird that broke his leg.  Lucky sets the bird's leg.  Megan finds tools to free herself from Jake.  After Lucky breaks the link to the handcuffs, both Megan and Jake seem disappointed.  Megan hesitantly decides to leave.  Jake and Lucky talk about Megan.  Jake is about to leave in order to find Megan when she comes back.  They argue over who needs whom more.  Lucky figures they're in love.  Skaggs shows up and the trio runs off with the bird.  They go into a coal mine and become trapped.  It becomes harder to breathe the deeper they go into the mine.  The bird passes out.  Skaggs claims he broke his leg and is trapped.  Jake helps him and Skaggs holds his gun on them.  On a sign of good faith, Skaggs gives the trio his gun. 

In Florida, Skaggs has talked the judge into letting Jake and Lucky go.  Megan returns to their hotel room with new clothes for the men and flight plans back to Llanview.  While changing clothes Jake drops the key to the handcuffs that he and Megan had been 'trapped' together with.  Megan's upset at Jake.  She leaves.  Lucky tries to explain.  Jake comes behind her and scatters rose petals.  Megan tells Jake to seek psychiatric help.  Jake says all he needs is her forgiveness.  Megan goes back to their room to get her things.  She tells Jake what's wrong with him.  He's arrogant, macho and many other things.  Room service arrives and Megan is very enticed by the food.  Jake convinces Megan to stay for dinner and catch her plane later.  Lucky and the bird go for dinner in the restaurant.  Jake turns on some music and starts dancing with Megan.  He kisses her neck and then her mouth.  Megan's hungry so they decide to eat.  Jake feeds her chocolate covered strawberries.  They talk.  Megan decides she's not hungry and kisses him.  Jake carries her to the bed where they make out.  Jake wants to tell her something but Megan says it can wait. 

Lucky comes in to announce that Viki won the mayoral election in Llanview (it was on the radio in Florida).  He realizes he walked in before they could sleep together.  Megan decides to call Viki to congratulate her.  Megan decides to go back to Llanview (Roger's back in the hospital and Sarah's in jail).  Jake tells Megan just to get one ticket, for herself.  Megan leaves the room.  Jake's upset by himself until Lucky comes back.  Lucky calls him a 'jerk.'  Jake is insecure about Megan's wealth and fame.  Jake goes to tell Megan that he's going with her.  At first she's upset and won't listen but finally Jake gets through to her.  They talk.  Jake kisses Megan. 

Back in Llanview, Jake and Megan arrive at Megan's loft.  Before they can enter reporters stop them.  While they're questioning Megan, Jake leaves.  Jake interrupts Michael Grande's dinner out.  Jake punches Grande for sending Skaggs after them and Megan's father.  Jake throws several other punches until the police arrive. Grande threatens Jake's life.  Lucky saves him. Jake and Lucky go to Megan's loft and get an older man to let them in.  Jake searches for the gun Megan threw out earlier.  When he finds it he mentions Grande.  Lucky tries to get the gun from Jake.  Megan enters the loft and asks why they're fighting.  Megan convinces Jake to leave the gun with her.  Lucky leaves to loiter outside.  Jake kisses Megan.  Megan tells Jake that he thinks he stayed because of her but that she thinks he stayed to get Grande.  Jake hugs her to him.

Megan is at the hospital sitting beside her father's bedside.  Jake comes to collect Megan.  He wants to know when she's going to take care of herself and not just worry about her family.  Jake convinces Megan to go get something to eat with him.  At Max's Place, Andy talks to Megan.  Andy leaves to get them food and they talk about Roger and Grande.  Jake talks about taking Grande out.  Megan is upset about it and doesn't think it's worth it. Jake suddenly agrees with her.  Megan says she trusts him.  Andy comes back with Megan's food but she doesn't want to eat it.  Megan leaves to see her father.  Andy's upset with Jake for not telling Megan that they're related.  Jake doesn't think Megan can handle that news right now.  Jake has nominated himself to stop Grande.

In the hospital stairwell, Megan can't stop shaking.  Jake scares her and can tell something is the matter.  Megan says it's not something it's someone, Michael Grande.  Jake thinks Grande did something to Megan but Megan tells him she did something to Grande.  After they leave, we learn Dorian has overheard their conversation.  People are being rounded up and searched. Dorian tells Megan and Jake that Michael Grande has been murdered.  Megan asks Jake about the gun but Jake doesn't know what she's talking about.  Megan tells Jake she lost the gun.  Jake asks Megan if she killed Grande?  Megan says she wanted to but she didn't, she only used the gun to scare Grande.  Jake tells her to keep her mouth shut.  Megan babbles on and on without thinking. 

Megan and Jake go to Llanfair.  They talk about Grande and Megan having lost the gun somewhere in the hospital.  Megan's afraid the gun will link her to Grande's murder.  Jake gives her an alibi.  She thanks him and hugs him.  Jake says he believes that Megan didn't kill Grande but wonders who did. Back at the hospital, Megan's trying to slip into the lounge unnoticed (which is where she thinks she lost the gun).  When she enters the lounge, Jake sneaks up behind her and asks her what she's doing?  Megan wants to know what Jake's doing there.  They're both looking for the gun that killed Grande.  Jake makes Megan leave before they can find the gun.  Lucky's eating breakfast, Jake and Megan join him.  Megan thinks she should go to the police but Jake won't let her.  Megan leaves.

Megan is at the set having trouble rehearsing her lines for Fraternity Row.  Megan's tense and goes off on one of her co-stars.  Jake comes by and tells her to calm down.  The secrets and lies are taking their toll on Megan. Jake and Megan use the empty "50s" set to dance with one another.  Megan thinks Jake is terrific.  She talks about her feelings for him and then they kiss.  They're about to head home for privacy when Viki comes to speak with Megan.  Roger's had some complications and is in intensive care.  Megan heads for the hospital with Viki and Jake right behind her. 

At the hospital, Megan is intent on seeing her father.  Viki and Megan head to see Roger while it's decided Jake will wait for Megan.  Lucky shows up and runs into Jake.  They talk about Megan and Grande.  Lucky asks if Jake's come clean about Grande blackmailing Jake into spying on Megan.  Jake hasn't.  Jake doesn't want to dump it all on her with her father and everything.  Megan comes back and finds her way to Jake's arms, saying she couldn't hold it together like she thought.  Lucky leaves.  Megan talks about her father and Grande.  The D.A., Herb Callison wants to speak with Jake and Megan in the hospital lounge.  When Jake and Megan enter the lounge they find Dr. Dan Wolek and Brenda McGillis.  Megan introduces the three. All four are there to speak with D.A. Callison.  Bo enters the lounge because Herb wanted to see him, as well.  Bo and Megan speak.  Herb and an upset Dorian enter the lounge.  Herb is apparently expecting Clint, too.  Herb's on a fact-finding mission.  Dr. Dan sees the gun the police failed to locate behind the mini blinds.  Clint enters the lounge.  Herb thinks that the person who murdered Grande is in the room.  The lights suddenly go out; Dan takes advantage of the darkness in order to hide the gun more effectively.  The lights come back on.  Herb questions people.  Dorian shares that she overheard Jake and Megan's conversation and that Herb should be looking at Megan Gordon.  Herb questions Megan.  Megan explains her confrontation with Grande.  Clint defends Megan to Dorian. 

Jake visits Megan at her loft.  They kiss.  Jake suggests Megan get out of Llanview for a little while.  Megan finally agrees to go away with Jake when Herb arrives with a search warrant.  The police search Megan's loft.  Herb theorizes that maybe Jake killed Grande.  While Herb is stringing together his story Megan learns that Jake was working for Grande.  Megan asks Jake if it's true.  Herb tells her that Jake was hired to sabotage Viki's mayoral campaign.  Herb and the police leave after Herb warns them not to leave town.  Megan is very upset.  She doesn't believe Jake is capable of the truth.  Jake tells her that he was hired to spy on her. Jake tells Megan the truth but he's lied to her so many times she doesn't believe him.  Megan yells at Jake to leave her alone and go away.  Jake leaves.

Megan's upset and crying when Sarah comes over to Megan's loft.  Sarah was released from jail and the charges where dropped.  Sarah's concerned about Megan.  Megan tells Sarah that she didn't kill Grande but if she had a gun a few minutes ago she would have killed Jake.  Sarah wants to know what is wrong?  Megan tells Sarah what Jake has done and that she hates him.  Sarah tries to get Megan to see that Jake may have been in an untenable position.  Sarah tells Megan that she thinks Jake does care for Megan.  Megan doesn't understand why Jake hurt her and wonders why she always falls for the wrong guys.  Jake enters and tells her she hasn't fallen for the wrong guy. Jake tells Megan that he was protecting her and her mother from Grande.  Megan is sarcastic with him.  Jake wants time alone with Megan but Megan doesn't want to be alone with Jake. 

Lucky and a woman enter Megan's loft.  Jake wants Lucky to convince Megan and Sarah that he was forced to work with Grande.  Lucky confirms Jake's story.  Megan uses Sarah as a go between so she doesn't have to talk to Jake.  Megan tells Sarah to tell Jake that he had a ton of chances to tell the truth and he should have. Jake tells Lucky to tell Megan that he would have but Michael Grande threatened him.  Jake and Megan begin arguing.  At the same time, Sarah and Lucky talk.  Megan asks Lucky and his friend to leave. Sarah gives Jake five minutes alone with Megan while she waits in the hall.  Sarah leaves and Megan says Jake has only two minutes.  Jake wants a second chance with Megan.  Megan tells him she's given him a third and a fourth.  She wants to know when she can trust him because she keeps getting burned.  Jake and Megan say goodbye. Outside of Megan's loft Lucky sends his girl off.  Jake and Lucky talk.  Jake tells Lucky that his relationship with Megan is over.  Lucky talks Jake into not giving up on Megan.  They go off to formulate the plan “Operation Megan.”  In Megan's loft, Sarah tells Megan she thinks Jake is being more honest than Megan is being.  Sarah wants Megan to swallow her pride and forgive Jake.  Megan says she can't.

Megan's at the hospital because Roger's being transferred from the ICU.  Jake dresses up like a doctor and upsets Megan.  Jake tells Megan that he's not just going to let her walk out of his life.  Megan doesn't believe that she's important to him.  Jake wants her to forget the past for once.  Megan tells Jake that this time it's really over and walks away.  Lucky and Jake talk about Megan and Jake's failed plan to get time with her by dressing as a doctor.  They plan to put “Operation Megan” into full effect.  Megan is at the hospital looking for a coffee machine.  Megan gets a phone call.  It's Lucky but he's pretending to be someone else.  He makes up a story about Fraternity Row needing a last minute shoot and that a car will pick Megan up shortly.  Lucky tells Jake that Megan bought his act but isn't happy about having to go to the studio at night.  They're not planning on taking Megan to the studio.  Jake wants Lucky to pretend to be a chauffeur and take Megan to the outskirts of Llanview.  Jake doesn't think it'll work but he has to try something.  They part ways. Lucky gets Megan to the beach house they were forced to stay in previously.  Megan tells Lucky she's going to 'punch Jake's lights out' and then drown Lucky.  Jake is upset because they are late.  Megan's upset because she's been kidnapped.  Lucky is upset because Megan's been screaming in his ears all night long. 

Jake shows Megan all the trouble he went to so they could have a romantic evening alone together.  They tell Lucky to beat it.  Jake gets Megan some water.  Megan tells Jake about the series of misadventures she shared with Lucky.  Megan takes a drink of the water and then throws the rest on Jake.  Megan's upset and Jake finds it funny.  That makes Megan even more upset.  Megan gives Jake thirty seconds to tell her about Grande.  Jake thinks that what they have is special and they shouldn't just throw it away.  Megan says that Jake's the one who threw it away while shoving him back.  Jake trips over wood and hurts his shoulder.  Megan is visibly concerned.

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