Jake & Megan DVD #1 and DVD #2
Jake & Megan DVD #3 - 4 hours [Episode Descriptions]
Jake & Megan DVD #4 - 4 hours [Episode Descriptions]
Jake & Megan DVD #5 and DVD #6

Jake & Megan DVD #3 - 4 hours

At the beach house, Jake’s shoulder is dislocated. Megan thinks Lucky and Jake are acting. Megan leaves. Lucky tries to relocates Jake’s shoulder but passes out.  Luckily, Megan comes back. Jake’s shoulder is popped back into place but still hurts. He asks Megan to message it. She starts rubbing it when Jake flips her underneath him on the Murphy bed.  He kisses her and Megan gets into it. Megan decides she can’t and gets up.  She feels like Jake uses her.  When Megan’s about to leave Jake admits he loves her. Megan stops dead in her tracks.  Megan thinks Jake is lying.  They talk about Jake’s lying.  Jake tells Megan he lied to protect himself from her. He says he’s always had to lie to protect his feelings. He explains that trust has always been hard for him. Jake tells Megan the truth about his childhood. He tells her that Andy is his half sister. Megan figures he probably used Andy, too.  Megan says all the lies are not worth it and tries to leave. Lucky stops her. Jake explains that he felt Andy was safer if no one knew they were related because Grande had threatened her. Jake tells Megan whether she believes it or not he loves her.

Jake then asks Lucky to take Megan back home. Megan has decided she doesn’t want to leave. Lucky goes for a walk on the beach.  Megan wants to know if Jake really meant what he said. He tells her she’s the first woman he’s ever told that too. Jake and Megan talk about their past relationships.  Fear of commitment is something they both suffer from. Jake tells her she’s all he wants and they kiss. They kiss some more. Jake tells Megan he loves her again. Jake gently lays Megan on the Murphy bed. Megan gets up and says she can’t do this. Jake asks Megan if she loves him, too. Megan doesn’t answer him. She is finding it hard to trust herself and her feelings. Jake wants Megan to go to bed with him but Megan doesn’t trust herself. Jake suggests that Megan take a walk on the beach to figure things out. He tells her he knows she loves him. After she leaves, Jake makes a phone call. 

Lucky returns to the beach house. He talks with Jake about Megan. Megan’s on the beach thinking about Jake. Rafe Garretson comes up to her (having looked everywhere) and tells her she’s under arrest for the murder of Michael Grande. Rafe won’t let Megan speak to Jake to tell him why she’s leaving. Megan leaves with Rafe back to Llanview. Bo and Sarah are waiting for Megan. Megan hugs Sarah and tells them she doesn’t need a lawyer because she didn’t do anything. Megan proclaims her innocence. Lucky and Jake enter the beach house after looking for Megan. Jake thinks she just took off. He also thinks something might have happened to her so he calls the police. Jake learns that Megan was arrested for Grande’s murder.  Bo thinks maybe Jake killed Grande. Megan doesn’t believe that Jake could do that. 

Reporters hound Megan. Viki and Jake come to be with Megan. Megan lashes out at the reporters, telling them more that she probably ought to have.  Megan and Jake go into another room while Viki deals with the reporters. They are hugging when Viki enters. Viki goes to get them coffee. Jake and Megan talk. Jake asks Megan, again, if she loves him when Viki walks in. Sarah and Megan’s lawyer file into the room. Megan’s case is next on the docket so she leaves. Jake, Viki and Sarah stay behind. Sarah questions Jake about the night of Grande’s murder and how Megan ended up with the gun. Jake makes it known that he loves Megan and would do anything for her. Megan’s back. She’s out on bail and has to wear an ankle monitor. The trial is supposed to start in a few days because of all the publicity. Jake goes to get the Jeep so he can take Megan home.  Alone with Megan, Sarah feels that nothing good has happened since Megan met Jake. She wonders if maybe Jake called the cops. Megan doesn’t want to listen to Sarah. Megan says she’s as close to loving someone as she’s ever been and not to worry. Megan tells Sarah that Jake is the one good thing in all of this. Jake and Megan leave. Megan and Jake arrive at Megan’s loft. They talk. Megan wants to know who Jake had been on the phone with. Jake says he called the florist because he wanted to give her flowers. He actually gives her some flowers he gathered. They kiss and talk some more. Megan tells Jake she can’t concentrate on romance right now but asks him to stick around. He assures her he will. 

At Max’s Place, Andy and Max (back from the dead and with a new face) argue about Max going by the name Matt Kingsley and keeping everyone thinking Max is dead. Jake enters Max’s Place and tells ‘Matt’ to not speak to his sister like that. They make nice and ‘Matt’ begins asking a lot of questions about Megan. Jake’s not too happy with the junior detective. Andy wants to talk to Jake. She knows some information that could help Megan. It involves Dan and she didn’t want to get him in trouble. Dan knew where the gun was all along. Andy thinks Dan is protecting Brenda McGillis Grande. They ponder all sorts of theories. Jake tries to convince Andy to go to Megan’s attorney with the information. Jake leaves.

Megan’s trying to figure out what to say to the jury. She’s nervous and thinks she’ll probably go to jail. Jake tries to talk her down. He does a good job of comforting her. 
Viki and Clint are at the courthouse when Megan and Jake are mobbed by reporters. Clint saves Megan and Sarah leads her into the courtroom. Sarah doesn’t trust Jake.  Megan does. Jake finally makes it into the courtroom and sits next to Lucky. The trial starts.  Herb makes his opening statements, as does Megan’s lawyer. Dorian’s going to be the first witness for the prosecution. Jake leaves Lucky and goes over to Megan. They hug. Jake is positive about the outcome of the trial. Court begins again. Herb questions Dorian about the conversation she overheard between Jake and Megan.  Dorian is cross-examined.  Megan’s defense attorney accuses Dorian of having killed Grande. 

During a recess, Jake tells Megan that he was subpoenaed and he’s supposed to be a witness for the prosecution. Jake has a plan to prove Megan’s innocence. Megan doesn’t want Jake to lie for her. Jake tells her to trust him. Sarah’s upset that Jake’s testifying for the prosecution. Sarah doesn’t trust Jake and he calls her on it. Sarah tells Jake exactly what she thinks about him. Court resumes. Jake takes the stand. He’s not very helpful to Megan’s case. He becomes disruptive, standing on his feet and yelling that Megan shouldn’t be on trial, Dan Wolek and Brenda McGillis Grande should. Things calm down and Herb continues to question Jake. Megan’s attorney cross-examines Jake and makes suspicion fall on him. Jake stands on his feet and yells for him to stop making it look as though he had killed Grande.  Herb wants to take another crack at Jake.  He begins questioning him, again. Jake admits he thought Megan had killed Grande. Jake tries to make it better but it doesn’t work. Jake is forced to leave the witness stand.

Sarah tells Viki and Clint that she doesn’t trust Jake. Clint’s not so sure that’s a fair judgment and Viki doesn’t know what to believe. Viki thinks as a precautionary measure that Jake should be kept from Megan. Megan and her attorney talk. Megan’s attorney wants Megan to stay away from Jake during the course of the trial. Megan doesn’t want to. Court is adjourned. Jake wants to talk to Megan but Clint won’t let him. Clint and Jake talk about Megan. Megan wants to tell the reporters and Jake that she believes in Jake. Viki convinces her to go to Asa and Renee’s for dinner. Jake is questioned by some of the reporters. Jake takes one of them by the lapels. Lucky gets Jake to back down. They talk about Megan. Jake decides to go see Megan, Lucky tags along.

At Asa and Renee’s, Megan wants to call Jake but Sarah and Viki stop her. Jake shows up and is allowed to speak to Megan after minimal fuss. Megan and Jake go outside. They hug and talk about the case. Jake asks Megan if she believes that he killed Grande and used her to cover it up. Megan tells him she doesn’t believe that he could do that. Jake thinks everything is okay but Sarah tells him that she trusts Viki and Sarah and has to take their distrust of him into consideration. Megan rehashes the past bringing up all of the lies Jake has told. Megan believes in him but needs more from him…something to hold on to. Jake kisses her. Asa and Cord leave the house and interrupt them. Asa threatens Jake not to hurt Megan again. Jake tells Megan how he feels and wants to know how Megan feels about him.  She says that hearing him say the “l-word” is very scary. Jake calls Megan a wimp.  He wishes she’d let him help her. Jake gets Lucky and they leave. 

Sarah comes out and speaks to Megan.  Megan’s upset. Megan’s family rallies around her. Viki offers to let Megan stay at Llanfair. Megan wants to go back to her loft. Viki, Tina and Renee leave the room. Megan tells Sarah that she trusts Jake. She goes on about her fear of commitment.  Megan admits she loves Jake. Sarah doesn’t think Jake deserves Megan. Renee is answering the door, it’s Lucky. Lucky wants Megan to go make up with Jake. Asa comes in and doesn’t like Lucky because Lucky’s friends with Jake. Lucky leaves.  Asa is planning something. Asa and Renee leave the room. Megan tells Sarah that if she doesn’t show Jake that she loves him she’s going to lose him.  Sarah says that if they’re meant to be they’ll be. Megan doesn’t want to hear it. Sarah shown Jake how she feels by trusting him and that now is time for Megan to take care of herself. 

Back in court, Jake apologizes to Megan. He tells her that he loves her. Megan’s attorney doesn’t want Jake anywhere near Megan. Jake argues with him.  Jake tries to physically assault Megan’s attorney but is stopped. Sarah’s had enough of macho Jake and tells him so. Jake and Bo almost come to blows. Lucky promises to keep Jake under control. Sarah can’t believe that Megan is still defending Jake. Renee diffuses the situation. Renee speaks with Sarah about Asa’s plan (he’s bugging Jake’s place). They wonder about whether to tell Megan. Court is in session.  Herb rests his case. The defense calls Bo as their first witness. He takes the stand and is made to look as though he could have killed Grande. Bo proclaims his innocence. Herb cross-examines Bo. Bo becomes upset with the line of questioning which provokes an outburst. He proclaims Herb of Buchanan bashing and Megan to be innocent. 

Clint is the next witness called. He tells the court that he had motive and opportunity to kill Grande so to drop the charges against Megan and try him. He makes an outburst, as well, rising to his feet and questioning why Herb is picking on Megan when he has so many other possible suspects to choose from. Herb passes on the cross of Clint. Brenda McGillis Grande is the next witness called. Brenda testifies about the horrible things Michael did to her and her son. Brenda admits she would have killed Michael to protect her child.  Dan jumps up and causes a disruption. Brenda can’t remember much but she’s sure Megan is innocent. The court is in recess. Bo and Clint are upset at the way Megan’s attorney treated Brenda. Sarah tells Megan about the bug Asa put in Jake’s apartment. Megan leaves to go get the bug out of Jake’s apartment. Jake tells Lucky he’s going to set the rest of the trial out and heads to his apartment. 

Megan gains access to Jake’s room and looks around for the bug. Soon after, Jake walks in on her. She tells Jake she came by for some comfort. When Megan begins whispering and asking Jake not to be so loud Jake jokingly asks her if one of the soap magazines put a bug in his room.  Jake tells her they should give them something to listen to and asks Megan if she wants to ‘make sweet love.’ Megan doesn’t find this so funny. She doesn’t want to talk in Jake’s room and tries convincing him to go elsewhere with her. Jake is trying to get Megan to sleep with him and when he goes to turn the lamp off he finds Asa’s bug. Jake assumes Megan planted the bug and won’t let Megan explain. When she’s finally allowed to Jake yells into the microphone for Asa to leave him alone. Jake wants Megan to say she loves him but she can’t.  Megan tells the microphone that she trusts Jake.  She tries to explain why she’s so commitment phobic. Megan finally tells Jake that she really does love him. They hug and kiss. Jake throws the microphone out of the window. Jake makes Megan tell him that she loves him again. They leave. 

Asa and Renee go to Viki over their concern for Megan and her involvement with Jake. Megan and Jake walk into the room and confront Asa about the bug. Megan tells Asa to stay out of her life.  Asa says that Jake’s the most likely suspect and the Buchanan’s support hinges on Megan getting rid of Jake. Viki tells Asa that she will continue to support her daughter. Jake leaves Megan at Llanfair so she can stay with her family. Megan is upset about the Grande situation. In the courtroom, Megan is talking to Bo. She wonders where Jake is. Jake and Lucky are in Megan’s dressing room. Jake tells Lucky that he’s got to stay away from Megan for her own good. Megan is upset with the way the family is treating Jake. Bo tells her that Jake has earned their mistrust. Renee is upset about an article Dorian wrote about Viki. Court is in session. The defense calls Carlo Hesser. Carlo testifies as to his legitimate business dealings with Michael Grande. He says there’s no drug empire. Megan’s attorney tries to make Carlo a suspect in Grande’s murder. Carlo has an alibi. Herb cross-examines Carlo. 

Next on the stand is Dr. Dan Wolek. He is asked questions about Brenda. Dan is made to look guilty or that he’s protecting Brenda. Megan’s attorney makes a motion for dismissal which the judge promises to take into consideration. Carlo is afraid that if Megan gets off he’ll be implicated in Grande’s murder. He tells his lawyer to do whatever he has to so that Megan is found guilty. Carlo also wants his son Johnny Dee to come to Llanview to handle his appeal. Carlo is taken back to prison. Back in Megan’s dressing room, Lucky and Jake continue to talk about Megan.  Lucky tries to convince Jake to go to court. Jake tells Lucky that Megan told him that she loves him. Jake doesn’t want to mess up Megan’s life. Jake’s upset at Lucky and tells him to leave. Megan, Viki and Bo are outside the courtroom pondering Dan and Brenda’s possible involvement in Grande’s murder. Lucky comes to speak with Megan about Jake. Megan leaves the courthouse. 

In Megan’s dressing room, Jake is typing on a typewriter. Megan enters her dressing room and wants to know what Jake was doing. She wants to see what Jake wrote. He says he’ll just tell her. He was writing a goodbye letter. The judge decides there’s enough evidence to continue on with the trial against Megan. If Megan doesn’t return soon she’ll be held in contempt. A recess is called until Megan shows up. Jake tells Megan that he’s got to give her space. Megan is not thrilled with the idea. Jake kisses her and leaves. Jake and Lucky enter Max’s Place. Andy and Lucky tell Jake he should stick around for Megan. Megan finally shows up for court just before the judge was about to find her in contempt. Megan’s visibly upset. She takes the stand in her own defense. Megan’s taken the stand. Her attorney questions her about the night Michael died. After the defense concludes questioning Herb is given a dossier containing new evidence. 

Back at Max’s Place, Jake tries to make Lucky and Andy understand why he’s leaving Megan. Jake enlists Lucky to be his eyes and ears where Megan is concerned; Lucky leaves for court. Dan enters the bar and Jake wants to speak with him. Jake calls Dan a liar and a murderer he then punches Dan. Andy breaks it up. Dan leaves. Andy’s upset at Jake for wanting to leave. Jake understands that he’s given Megan’s family no reason to trust him. Lucky gets Jake to tell him about the new evidence. Jake and Lucky leave.

The judge admits the new evidence. The evidence is a letter written on Megan’s stationary and typed from her portable typewriter addressed to her father. Megan says it’s a lie. Megan is asked to read the letter aloud. Herb continues reading the letter in which Megan ‘confesses’ to murdering Michael Grande. Megan remembers Jake typing on her typewriter. Herb has no more questions. Megan’s attorney does not want to redirect. Megan steps down. Megan thinks she knows who wrote the letter. The defense rests.  Summation begins.  Herb uses Megan’s profession against her. Megan is visibly upset. Megan’s attorney does his closing arguments, he continues to try to cast suspicion on others. The jury deliberates. Sarah and Renee are supportive. Megan runs into Jake while leaving and asks him if he has been setting her up all along. Jake claims he didn’t write the letter but Megan doesn’t believe him.  Jake says he’s trying to help her. Megan wants to see the letter Jake wrote but he doesn’t have it. Megan tells Jake that she doesn’t want to see him or hear his lies ever again then she walks away. 

Jake follows Megan out of the courtroom and physically tries to stop her from leaving. Megan struggles with him and Bo comes up (accompanied by Sarah) and stops Jake. Viki takes Megan aside and Bo deals with Jake. Lucky tries to get Jake to calm down. Jake enters the courtroom to speak with Herb about the letter. Jake thinks it was Carlo or Dorian or Dan or Brenda who wrote the letter and planted it. Megan thanks Viki for rescuing her from the situation with Jake. Megan tells Viki that she doesn’t want to but that she thinks Jake wrote the letter.  Megan is scared of being convicted and going to jail. She talks about her lousy choices in men. Shockingly quick, the jury has reached a verdict.  Viki and Sarah are worried about Megan. Jake tells Lucky he’s frustrated. The jury files back in. Andy and ‘Matt’ listen on the radio for the verdict. 

Court is back in session. The jury finds Megan guilty of Second Degree Murder. Everyone is shocked. Jake and Lucky yell that Megan is innocent. Viki is upset, Dorian is smug to Asa, and Megan is basically catatonic.  The jury is dismissed.  Before Megan is taken into custody Jake pledges to find out who really killed Grande. Megan doesn’t want to go to prison, she’s crying as she’s taken away.  Everyone leaves the courtroom. The next day, Viki and Megan are allowed to visit. Megan admits that she’s scared. Viki comforts her. Viki takes up for Jake, saying it’s possible that he didn’t write the letter. 

At Asa’s, Sarah’s on hold for Larry on the telephone. Megan’s lawyer and Bo sit drink and talk. They discuss Megan’s appeal. Roger’s still in the same medical condition. Lucky and Jake appear at the front door and want to help with Megan’s appeal. Bo lets them come in. Viki tells Megan that it’s been arranged for her to visit Roger. Viki says Sarah didn’t come because she was too upset and didn’t want to negatively affect Megan.  Megan asks about her mother. Apparently Carrie is on a safari.  Megan thinks it’s probably a good thing that her mother won’t be there. Megan tells Viki that she hates Jake and is sure Jake has set her up. Viki’s not sure but believes one way or another Megan will be cleared. Megan is handcuffed in preparation for her hospital visit with her father. Lucky and Jake tell Bo and Sarah about his pursuit of the real letter he wrote.  Sarah wants Jake to turn himself in. Jake tries to convince them that he loves Megan. Sarah thinks that they’re spying but Bo asks her to give them a chance. Jake is thankful, he thinks they can help. Jake makes the argument that anyone could have easily snuck into Megan’s dressing room and typed the letter.

Jake & Megan DVD #4 - 4 hours

Bo, Sarah, Jake, Lucky and Megan’s attorney, Mr. Troy Nichols, are at Asa’s house discussing Megan and possible appeals. Mr. Nichols tells the group that he’s sure the appeals court will overturn Megan’s conviction. Jake wants to find the real killer. Sarah doesn’t believe Jake. Bo is pretty sure that Jake really does love Megan. Jake leaves. At the courthouse, Jake is looking for the judge. Lucky stops him from getting in trouble with a bailiff. Jake tells Lucky that he’s decided the only way to help Megan is to confess to the murder of Michael Grande. Lucky talks him out of it. Viki, Clint, Bo and Sarah are at the courthouse talking when Jake shows up. Jake asks Viki about Megan. Viki tells Jake that Megan still believes that he typed the note that implicated her in Grande’s murder. An upset Jake excuses himself into the courtroom. 

Megan is lead into the courtroom. Sarah hugs her. The sentencing hearing begins. Megan reiterates her innocence. Megan is sentenced to ten years in Statesville prison. Everyone is shocked. Jake jumps to his feet and yells that Megan is innocent. He is then escorted out of the courtroom. Megan is taken directly into custody. Viki pleads Megan’s case to the judge to no avail. The hearing is concluded. Sarah and Viki flank Megan, trying to be of some comfort. Megan can’t believe Viki was willing to give up her position as mayor for her. Viki and Sarah try to convince Megan that they’ll find a way to prove her innocence. 

Bo and Asa attempt to comfort and help Megan. Jake makes his way into their group. He vows to Megan that he’ll find out the truth.  Sarah accuses Jake of being the guilty party. Asa threatens that if Jake is lying he will wish Grande had shot him instead of the other way around.  Lucky tries to make things better by admitting that Jake was going to take the fall for Megan. Sarah thinks it’s all an act and implores him to confess. Viki doesn’t want him to confess if he didn’t do it. Jake states his innocence, again. Bo tries to get the group back on track to helping Megan. Viki tries to get Jake and Lucky to leave. Megan decides she wants to speak with Jake. Sarah’s not so gung ho about the idea but leaves them alone, nonetheless. Jake apologizes for his help backfiring. Megan still thinks Jake is lying. Megan is very upset and Viki comes over to comfort her and make Jake leave. Viki and Sarah say their goodbyes to Megan and then she’s lead away in handcuffs. Jake tells Megan he loves her as she’s lead away. 

At Statesville prison, Megan is forced to undress for a shower, she hides a key attached to a chain which she was wearing as a necklace. A female guard recognizes her and asks for an autograph. Jake is sitting in an empty courtroom. He recalls Megan being lead out of the courtroom and realizes that the key Megan was wearing was the key to Grande’s safe. Jake tells Lucky he needs to get to Megan. Jake is at Statesville to see Megan. Megan doesn’t want to see Jake. Jake asks for two minutes but Megan just leaves. Jake tells Lucky that Megan refused to listen to him. Jake and Lucky hide from Bo. Bo’s there because Megan was nominated for a Daisy award and if she wins they want to tape her acceptance speech. Jake’s got a great plan that he wants Lucky’s help with, they’re going to bust into the prison. 

Bo goes to see Megan. He tells her about the Daisy awards. Bo’s sure Megan will win the award. He thinks it will show everyone that Megan believes she will be free. Bo tries hard to convince her to tape and he finally gets her to agree. Lucky is pretending to be a makeup artist. The female guard who is a fan of Megan’s wants to be in the footage and have her makeup done, as well. Lucky is really incompetent at putting on makeup. Jake’s pretending to be a camera guy. He’s supposed to check Megan’s light but he has no idea what he’s doing. Another man bails Jake out by having done the light check himself. The warden of Statesville wants to watch. They tape Megan’s acceptance speech. They turn down the lights to watch the footage to make sure that they’ve got what they want. Jake puts his hand over Megan’s mouth and kidnaps her.  Lucky tells them that another matron came and took Megan away.

In the back of a TV van, Jake takes his hand away from Megan’s mouth and she screams that she hates Jake. He then kisses her to shut her up.  Megan wants to get away from Jake. Jake proclaims his innocence to Megan, again. Jake asks that Megan have the warden mail the key to Megan’s lawyer.  Megan pulls the key out from under her shirt and tells him she has it. Megan thinks Jake is trying to trick her. Jake thinks the key could prove who killed Grande. The matron surmises that Megan must have escaped and tells the warden. The warden tells them to sound the alarm. The warden blames Bo and his crew for Megan’s ‘escape.’  Bo doesn’t believe Megan would attempt an escape.  A guard has found two of Bo’s crew tied up in a closet and the warden surmises Megan had two accomplices. 

Megan still refuses to give Jake the key. Lucky yells their code word “Sacramento.”  Lucky gets in the drivers seat and tells them they’re going to make a run for it. Megan tells Lucky to stop.  Lucky tells her he can’t. They argue about whether what they did was kidnapping or a rescue attempt.  Megan says it doesn’t matter what it’s called because she’d rather spend the rest of her life in jail than spend two more minutes with them. Megan makes all kinds of accusations against Jake. Jake tells Lucky that they’ve got to take Megan back. Lucky says they can’t do that because he’s afraid of having to return to prison. 

The men Jake and Lucky tied up didn’t get a good look at them. They did hear the name ‘Jake,’ though. Bo realizes what happened and tries to convince the warden that Megan had no part in it. The warden is informed about the TV van leaving just as a gate was ordered shut; he orders the state and local police to be notified. Bo tries to talk the warden out of considering Megan an escapee but it doesn’t work. 

Lucky gets them lost. They try to figure out their next move. Lucky’s blabbing is too much for Megan and she threatens to strangle him. They break into an abandoned drive-in movie theatre concession stand.  Megan tells Jake that she’ll only let him see the key if he admits that he killed Grande. Jake and Megan fight physically for control of the key. Jake gets it away from Megan. He tells he didn’t kill Grande. He’s upset she doesn’t believe in him. Megan makes the argument that he never gave her a reason to believe in him…that all he did was lie to her from the moment they met. Megan wants to leave. They hear sirens and dogs. Jake wants to know where Megan got the key from. Apparently Viki gave the key to Megan. Viki found the key clutched in Roger’s hand the night Michael Grande died. Megan wants the key back, she believes it belongs to her father.  Jake refuses to give it back. He kisses Megan, who tries to pull away from him and leaves Lucky and Megan to take care of each other. 

The police have closed in on Lucky and Megan. The building they’re in is surrounded. Megan wants to turn herself in and walks out to the police.
The warden at Statesville wants to show Megan what happens to people who escape. Bo enters the room. Megan tells the warden that Jake kidnapped her but she didn’t know where he had gone. Jake looks through Grande’s safe and pulls out a dossier. Dan and Brenda come in the room and question why Jake’s there. Jake tells them that he’s trying to help prove Megan didn’t kill Grande. Brenda tells Jake that that’s what they’re trying to do, as well. Dan thinks Jake is trying to hide something, like his own guilt. 

Lucky and Megan argue about Jake. The warden thinks they’re putting on a show. He promises to do everything he can to stop Megan’s appeal or any possible release on parole. He leaves and Megan is mad at Lucky who is apologizing. A guard takes Lucky away to be booked for aiding Megan. Megan apologizes to Lucky; she believes he got caught up in Jake’s scheme just like she did. Bo thinks Jake left them both high and dry.  Lucky believes that Jake’s working to fulfill the promise he made to Megan. He adds that if for some reason Jake doesn’t come through that he’ll put his life on the line for Megan.  Lucky is escorted out. Bo tells Megan to forget Jake. He tries to give her hope about her appeals and possible parole. Bo has news that will cheer Megan up. 

Jake calls Dan crazy. Dan doesn’t think that Jake’s there to help Megan. Brenda is torn between believing Jake and Dan. Jake punches Dan and rushes out of Grande’s office. Bo tells Megan that Roger regained consciousness last night (though he’s been coming in and out of it) and has a great prognosis. Bo says that Roger knows about Megan’s situation. Megan talks about Jake and her stupidity with men. Megan is told she’s going to maximum security, permanently. Bo and Megan say their goodbyes. Alone, Megan remembers the moment she told Jake she loved him. Megan is escorted out of the room. 

Jake has taken the dossier to Herb. The files prove that Michael had ties to Carlo Hesser and that Carlo is the kingpin they were looking for all along. Jake has some plan that he wants Herb to go along with to expose the real killer. The plan involves Megan’s release from prison. At Statesville, the warden tells Lucky and Megan that Herb wants to see them so they’re going to go visit him under guard. They’re escorted out of Statesville.
At the hospital, Lucky tells Jake that he knew it was him who convinced Herb to get them out. Jake tells Lucky the plan. Dorian comes into the hospital lounge upset that Herb has called her to come there. Bo, Clint, Dan and Brenda are all in lounge, as well. They want to know why they’ve been summoned back to the scene of the crime. They throw accusations at each other. Herb tells them he’s just an interested observer and that this is Jake’s little party. 

Lucky runs into Sarah in Roger’s hospital room. Sarah accuses Lucky of having escaped again. Lucky tells Roger that Herb wants Roger in the hospital lounge. Sarah doesn’t want Lucky to lay a hand on Roger. Jake tells the group that he’ll tell them why they’re all assembled.  Megan is escorted into the hospital lounge and wonders what Jake is doing there. Megan is upset at Jake and asks why he’s not in jail. Jake tries to explain and physically stops Megan from leaving. Herb tells Jake to tell everyone present who killed Grande. Jake tells everyone that there is still one important person missing from their gathering, Roger Gordon. The key Megan had is the key to the Grande murder. Jake says that Michael used to wear the key around his neck and that Roger must have ripped it off of him. They debate whether Roger has any information when Roger is wheeled in accompanied by Sarah and Lucky. 

Roger says that he’ll tell them what they want to know. Megan is upset at Jake for involving her father in this when he’s in such poor health.  Megan accuses Jake of killing Grande and setting up her father.  Roger tells Megan that Jake didn’t kill Michael, he did.  Brenda suddenly remembers and can tell them what happened. She tells them that Michael attacked Roger and Roger just defended himself.  Dan tried to protect Brenda by lying.  Herb says Roger acted in self-defense and so he shouldn’t face any criminal charges. They’re all very excited that the truth has finally been revealed.  Herb apologizes to Megan.  Herb wants to get the ball rolling on Megan’s release but she wants to talk to Jake first. Jake has left.

At Llanfair, Megan’s family is gathered around for a celebration. Megan asks Viki if she invited Jake. Jake was invited but he didn’t show up. Lucky enters the room and goes straight for the food. Megan asks if Jake’s coming. He’s not. Lucky and Megan talk. Jake is really bummed out. Megan tells Lucky she’s going to make Jake talk with her. Megan hangs up a telephone when Sarah comes up to her.  Jake hasn’t answered Megan’s calls.  Sarah suggests that Megan visit Jake in person and make him listen. Megan fears she’s blown it with Jake. 

Lucky is talking with Kevin and Joey. Megan interrupts and asks to speak with Lucky. They talk about Jake. Megan wants suggestions on what to do.  Lucky has a plan but they have to act quick. On the street outside of a real estate office near Max’s Place, Lucky and Megan confirm Jake is at the bar. Lucky enters Max’s Place. Andy hopes Lucky can cheer Jake up. Lucky gives Jake a telegram. He says it’s from the owner of the beach house and there’s a possibility that the owner might sue Jake. It’s decided Jake should go see the owner before any litigation begins. Jake leaves for the beach house.

At the beach house, Jake finds Megan. Megan has made dinner for the two of them. She confesses to conspiring with Lucky to get Jake to the beach house. Jake tells her that he’s tired of having to prove himself all the time. He says they don’t have anything to say to one another except “goodbye” then Jake walks away. Jake’s car won’t start because Megan has taken a part out of the engine. He wants it back so he may leave. Megan threatens to throw it in the ocean unless Jake stays away from the part. Jake enters the beach house but he’s still upset. Megan apologizes to him. She tells him that she loves him and wants to spend the rest of her life with him. Megan wants to call things even and start over. Jake asks how she’d feel if he was the one who tricked her into coming up to the beach house, again. She wants to know if that’s how things went down. Jake says ‘no’ but that she can’t believe him. Megan tells him it doesn’t matter whose idea it was. Jake says that she may love him in her own way but that she can’t seem to trust him.  Megan thinks he’s just running. When he asks for the distributor cap back she doesn’t put up a fight. They both say they’re sorry they ever met. Jake leaves and Megan throws the sponge cake she made in the direction he left. 

Lucky is at the Fraternity Row studio telling Sarah and Bo about Megan’s botched attempt at reconciliation with Jake. Megan enters in a hurry because she’s late for hair and makeup. Sarah stops her but Megan doesn’t want to talk about it. She just wants to forget Jake and get on with her life. Lucky doesn’t buy her ‘act.’  He doesn’t want her to give up on Jake. Megan insists she’s fine. She starts talking quicker eventually tells Sarah to stop it because Sarah is the reason that she lost Jake.  Sarah wants to speak with Megan alone. Megan is hurt and taking it out on Sarah. Sarah apologizes.  Megan apologizes. When Bo and Lucky return Megan apologizes to them. Megan wants to keep busy with work.  Bo’s producing a primetime movie based on Fraternity Row characters that he wants Megan in. It’s going to be shot on location on the island of Badderly. Megan agrees to do it; she wants to get away from Llanview. 

Lucky goes to Jake to get him to stop Megan from leaving.  Jake says he doesn’t care. Lucky mentions trying to get a job on Fraternity Row so he can go and keep an eye on Megan and Jake thinks that is a good idea. Sarah and Bo talk preparation for Badderly. Megan says she needs to study her lines. Bo and Sarah leave. Megan tries to focus on her lines but can’t. Jake is drinking at Max’s Place. Megan says it must be nice to be a team, like Sarah and Bo. She fantasizes about Jake coming to see her. 

Megan and, her co-star (and rival), Spring Skye are looking over their movie scripts. Megan has some funny lines. Spring doesn’t have very many lines at all which she is upset about. Jake walks into the studio. They go back and forth about their trust issues. Lucky enters the studio and wants to know if they’re back together, yet.  Jake tells him they’re like Humpty Dumpty. Spring jumps over and starts in on Jake, feeling him up. Jake tries to get her hands off of him.  Megan wants five minutes with him and then he’s all Spring’s. Megan wants to know why Jake’s at the studio. He gave Lucky a ride so he could ask Bo for a job. Megan and Jake argue. Lucky forces Spring to leave so that Jake can find Megan s they may talk. 

When Lucky returns Jake hasn’t moved and hasn’t talked to Megan. Megan reenters the room. Jake apologizes and says Lucky doesn’t get it. Megan says she doesn’t get it either. Spring is upset because Lucky locked her in a utility room. Jake wishes he good luck on the movie and is about to leave but decides he can’t leave things between them like they are. Jake and Megan begin arguing again. Jake tells her that he’ll probably not be sticking around Llanview. Megan tells him to take care. They shake hands and then kiss goodbye. Jake leaves.

Lucky goes to Bo’s to ask him a favor. Jake enters Max’s Place. Andy’s there, they discuss Megan. Jake decides to call Megan but at the same time Megan is trying to call Jake. Jake just gets a busy signal and is bummed. Lucky tells his plan to get a job to keep an eye on Megan to Sarah and Bo. Bo gives Lucky a job doing laundry on location in Badderly. Andy and Jake talk some more about Andy.  Andy tries to get Jake to go back to Megan. Jake leaves to take a walk.

Megan comes over to Asa’s to see Bo. Megan wants out of the movie. Bo is upset. Sarah tells Bo to catch his plane and she’ll talk to Megan. Bo lets Megan know he’s not letting her out of the movie and leaves. Sarah and Megan talk about Jake. Jake has gone over to Megan’s loft but leaves after being told she’s not home. Sarah tries to convince Megan that the movie will be a good way for her to get over Jake. They talk some more about Jake. Sarah’s got a great idea. Sarah wants to go to Badderly a few days early. She thinks it's a great idea to get Megan’s mind off Jake. Megan finally agrees and they hug. 

Lucky and Jake enter Max’s Place.  Lucky is telling Jake about his job with Fraternity Row. Lucky and Jake are talking about Megan. Jake’s glad Megan’s going away because it will give them a chance to forget about each other. Megan walks into Max’s Place. The guys notice but don’t go over to her. She’s there to say goodbye to Andy. Megan sees they guys leave without a word to her. She leaves upset.

At the Fraternity Row studio, Spring is being her usual annoying self.  Megan and Sarah are packing some of Megan’s things. Lucky is bothering Spring.  
Jake walks into the studio and Megan notices. Sarah wants Megan to talk to Jake. Jake left Lucky’s bird, Tweety, in the studio and came back to get him.  Spring hits on Jake, again.  Sarah tries to initiate conversation between Jake and Megan. Sarah doesn’t want Jake to leave then she leaves so they may talk.  Jake and Megan’s conversation is stilted.  Sarah’s ready to go whenever Megan is.  Lucky promises to keep an eye on Megan. They talk about how this time apart may be a good thing. Jake and Megan say their ‘goodbyes.’ 

Spring is being annoying, before, during and after the group (Megan, Sarah, Cord, Lucky and Spring) enters the boathouse. No one was there to meet them when they arrived on Badderly. Marco Dane arrives at the boathouse and wants them to get back on their boat and back to the mainland. They can’t because their boat is already gone. Marco welcomes them to the island and tells them it’ll be a great adventure even if it’s their last one, which it very well may be.  He tells them they’re either going to die quickly or slowly. Apparently, mobsters cover the island of Badderly. Bo is only alive because Marco pretended that Bo was Whitey Whitehead, some big mobster guy. Marco’s got to figure out how to get the group past a mobster called Johnny Dee. Cord remembers all of the costumes they have with them and has an idea. 

Sarah fakes a southern (she says Texan) accent and pretends to be Bo/Whitey’s wife. Bo introduces Sarah to Johnny Dee and Charlotte Hesser. Sarah introduces Megan as Midge, who is blind as a bat, as Marco’s significant other.  Marco introduces his ‘girlfriend’ to the brother and sister. Lucky and Spring pretend to be married.  Cord pretends to be Bo/Whitey’s lawyer. As he’s speaking Tina looks over at him. Bo tells Johnny Dee and Charlotte that Cord’s also a doctor.  While they’re at the dinner party, Sarah explains to Bo why they came to Badderly early. Charlotte is after Bo/Whitey. Megan is upset at Marco because he’s involved with Carlo’s mobsters. Bo and Sarah discuss the danger they’re all in. Marco tells Megan she’s beautiful. Megan wants to know how Marco got mixed up with the mobsters.  He tells her. Marco admits that he’s not over Megan and pulls her in for a kiss. Megan wants him to take the situation they’re in seriously. He asks her what’s been going on in her life. She tells him about losing Max to Gabrielle and then him dying, she tells him about Prince Raymond and then about Jake. Marco thinks that Megan and he could have been good together.

Back in Llanview, at Max’s Place, Andy has organized a brunch with select people so that Gabrielle, Matt Kingston and she can reveal that Matt is really Max Holden. Asa wants to bury The Intruder.  Dorian tries to blackmail him unsuccessfully. Jake and Max are finally introduced.  They discuss Megan. Max encourages Jake to do whatever to get Megan back. On the island of Badderly, Megan is reading a letter she wrote to Jake in her head.  Lucky come up behind her and answers her question for her. They talk about Jake and Marco. It is announced that the group is not going to be able to get off the island until the mob business is over.  At Max’s Place, Dorian tries to blackmail Asa unsuccessfully. Jake and Max are finally introduced. They discuss Megan. Max encourages Jake to do whatever to get Megan back. Gabrielle and Max are sickeningly sweet.

Marco and Megan are at the boathouse when they hear a boat. Megan thinking it’s her chance to get off the island tries to hail it over. Marco pulls her back in the boathouse. A man enters the boathouse; he says his name is Frank Whitehead. Marco claims the man is a fake and has him taken to Bo. Megan and Marco find Bo first and tell him to follow their lead.  They get the real Whitey thrown off the island.  Lucky has met a woman named Gloria. He writes a letter to Jake on a Badderly brochure asking for help.  He sends the letter off with Tweety, the bird. Megan and Sarah are on the beach. Megan has written a letter to Jake and put it in a bottle. In Max’s Place, Jake and Andy talk about broken hearts. At Jake’s apartment, Tweety finds his way to Jake. Jake reads the note. 

On the island, Sarah tells Bo that Charlotte probably won’t join them for dinner. Charlotte is walking the beach in search of Bo/Whitey, instead she finds Jake who swam to shore. Marco, Bo, Sarah and Megan are talking at a party.  Bo decides to look for the drug lab tomorrow. They’re all in this together. Jake tells Charlotte that he’s just going for a swim. She doesn’t believe him. Jake charms her. Charlotte threatens him. Back at the party Marco and Megan are talking/arguing.  Marco grabs two glasses, some alcohol and escorts Megan to the beach. 

Jake still won’t tell Charlotte his name. Lucky arrives just before Charlotte was going to get security.  Lucky pretends like Jake works for Whitey as his personal chef. Jake learns Charlotte is Carlo Hesser’s daughter.  Charlotte buys the story Lucky gave Jake. Charlotte leaves. Lucky is excited that Jake’s made it to Badderly. Jake wants to know what sort of trouble they’re in but before Lucky can tell him they have to hide from Megan and Marco. 

Megan and Marco talk. He comes on to her and she turns him down.  Marco kisses her and Jake almost jumps out but Lucky stops him. Megan suggests they head back. They leave. Jake is upset because he thinks Marco is why Lucky sent for him. Lucky explains their situation to Jake who decides to play along even though he can’t boil water.  At dinner, the group wonders where Lucky is.  Lucky makes some excuse for his absence. Bo/Whitey’s personal chef has prepared corn beef hash for everyone. Spring is not impressed. Bo pretends to like it.  Megan realizes she’s had that particular meal before. Charlotte decides she wants Bo/Whitey to ‘meet’ his personal chef. Jake comes out to ‘meet’ Charlotte. Spring has a fit when she realizes who the personal chef is. She and Sarah leave to go upstairs. Megan speaks with Jake but it doesn’t go to well because he’s still upset about the kiss he witnessed. Jake leaves to get Charlotte a plate of his food. Megan leaves after him but is stopped by Marco.  Lucky explains Jake’s presence.  They decide he’s not going to be of much help and that he’s a potential liability. 

Marco asks Megan what’s going on with her and Jake.  He thinks they’re both nutcases. Jake makes another appearance and Charlotte wants to dance with him.  They dance and plan to take a swim, later. Tina and Sarah talk after Bo/Whitey is rounded up for an impromptu meeting. Sarah goes over to Megan and tells her what she’s going to do will be her pleasure. Sarah then heads over to Charlotte and Jake and spills her drink on Charlotte. She goes upstairs to shower and change into her beach attire. Megan comes over and Jake is upset at her for kissing Marco Dane. They argue. Lucky tells them to keep it down. Jake leaves for the kitchen. Bo returns. Megan decides she’s going to bed, Marco follows her.

On the beach, the group is waiting for Jake. Charlotte is holding Jake up.  She wants to know why he never went to the beach to swim with her. She wants him to make her breakfast. Tina wants to be on their team. They can’t wait for Jake anymore. Bo decides they need to search the island. They divide the island into three sections and couple up to search the sections. Bo wants Tina to keep tabs on Johnny Dee. Charlotte offers Jake a job as her personal chef. Jake’s finally able to leave but Charlotte’s not willing to let him get away that easily.

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