Jake & Megan DVD #1 and DVD #2
Jake & Megan DVD #3 and DVD #4
Jake & Megan DVD #5 - 4 hours [Episode Descriptions]

Jake & Megan DVD #6 - 2 hours 45 minutes [Episode Descriptions]

Jake & Megan DVD #5 - 4 hours

Jake finally makes it to the Badderly beach after being detained by Charlotte Hesser.  Bo wants Jake to keep tabs on Charlotte. Megan’s not too happy with this plan, neither is Jake. Charlotte comes upon the group (Jake, Megan/Midge, Lucky, Bo/Whitey, Sarah and Cord). She gets Jake to agree to spend time with her. Megan is not happy about it and Sarah holds her back. The group (minus Jake) heads back to the hotel, leaving Charlotte and Jake alone. Jake digs into Charlotte’s knowledge of her father, Carlo Hesser. She says she’s there, on Badderly, protecting her father’s interest and that she’s the only one her father can trust. Charlotte wants to go for that swim they planned the previous night. Jake reminds himself that he is doing this for information, takes his clothes off and jumps in the water after her. 

Cord and Tina are talking. Tina was waiting for Johnny Dee to come down to get information from him. Bo’s talking to Marco, Megan’s talking to Sarah. Megan’s worried about Charlotte being alone with Jake. Sarah tries to reassure her that everything will be alright. Bo wants Sarah to get her camera so they can get started searching their designated area of the island. Bo and Sarah leave. Immediately afterwards, Marco approaches Megan.  He doesn’t want to search anymore, he’d rather go for a swim. Megan doesn’t respond except to say that she thinks she’s jealous of Charlotte. She tells Marco she’s going to go down to the cove, peel Charlotte off Jake and apologize to Jake. 

Jake comes out of the water (covered in a towel) with a cramp. Charlotte wants to massage the crap out for Jake. He pretends the cramp is gone.  Charlotte wants to play tag on the cove and so she rips Jake’s towel off of him and runs off. Jake is left naked and too hurt to run after her. When Megan finds Jake she is upset. She demands to know if he’s had a good time. She wants to hear an explanation. He covers himself up and tells her it was Charlotte’s idea and he was just listening to Bo.  Megan can’t believe she was going to apologize to Jake and thanks him for reminding her about her bad taste in men. She takes the covering out of Jake’s hand and leaves Jake naked and too hurt to go after her. Jake hides when Lucky and Gloria are heard coming his way. Gloria doesn’t mess with married men (Lucky’s pretending to be married to Spring Skye).  Lucky tries to tell her he’s not really married but she goes off before he can. Jake calls Lucky’s attention over to him. He wants Lucky’s pants but Lucky only laughs at him. He wants Lucky’s towel and they fight over the towel. Jake finally wins and gets Lucky’s towel.  Megan tells Marco that she hates Jake. Marco has some things to do but wants to take a walk with Megan. Jake tries to sneak into the hotel with only Lucky’s towel on. Megan, Johnny Dee and others see him. Bo/Whitey tells Jake to get back to work. Jake heads upstairs only to be met halfway by Charlotte with his clothes. They head for the kitchen so he can cook for her. Megan’s still upset with Jake.

Jake’s in the kitchen reading a recipe; his food is not turning out like it is supposed to.  Megan enters the kitchen and tells Jake that even experienced chefs don’t know how to make rice. Jake wants to know what Megan is doing in the kitchen.  Megan tells him she wants food, which she adds is a good reason to go to a kitchen. They spar some more. Jake gives Megan a peach.  She gets juice on her chin which Jake tenderly helps her get rid of.  She thanks him and he goes back to his recipes. They talk about his cooking skills or lack thereof. Megan says they’re in trouble on this island and Viki’s in trouble back in Llanview because of the drug syndicate. Jake wants to know why Megan really came down to the kitchen. She stands by her food story. Megan complains about Jake’s involvement with Charlotte.  Jake strikes back with complaints about her and Marco Dane. Megan defends her relationship with Marco as them just being friends and having to put on a ruse to save their lives.  Jake doesn’t think that Marco grasps that it’s all just a ruse. They argue. Jake tells Megan to go back to Marco. Megan tells Jake to have fun with Charlotte. Jake makes a crack about Charlotte having all the ‘lumps’ in the right places. Megan is about to leave when Jake burns his arm with steam. 

Megan is tending to Jake’s wound. They laugh and smile at each other; joking about Jake’s cooking. Megan asks Jake why he’s on the island. He tries to put it off as concern for Lucky but finally admits the truth. Jake tells Megan that he came because of her, to make sure she was okay and get her off the island. They’re close in proximity and both hot. Jake takes an ice cube (one that Megan had for his burn) and uses it to cool her off with. Jake nuzzles her and gets the hair out of her face. They kiss and start making out. Jake clears the island and lays Megan down on it. He then covers her with his body as they continue to make out.  Megan thinks she’s heard something but they both dismiss it and continue getting hot and heavy. Jake moves Megan to the floor of the kitchen.  Charlotte calls out, wondering if Jake’s still in the kitchen. 

Charlotte finds Jake on the floor of the kitchen. Megan’s head is seen poking out from the doorway. Charlotte comes on to Jake rather strongly and kisses him.  Megan watches. Charlotte wants to help Jake fix a meal. When she’s about to find Megan, Jake takes her and pulls her into a kiss. Megan wants to beat Charlotte with a rolling pin but quells the instinct and finally leaves. Megan is talking to herself, holding the rolling pin and being thought of as crazy by Marco. She tells Marco that she and Jake are back together and she’s going to kill Charlotte.  Marco stops her and Megan explains what happened.  She is through doubting Jake and his love for her. 

Jake and Charlotte are in the kitchen. Charlotte realizes something is off with Jake’s interest in her. Jake says it’s just because she’s Carlo Hesser’s daughter.  Charlotte promises to tell Jake her life story after he’s finished cooking. All Jake’s recipe needs is fish…which he doesn’t have.  He tells Charlotte if he had a boat he’d go fishing. Charlotte tells him that she and her dad used to go deep sea fishing all the time. Jake’s kissing her neck. She admits that there is a boat but they’re not supposed to touch it because everyone’s been told that there is no boat. Jake tries to convince Charlotte to tell him where the boat is. She wants to know what he really wants from her. Jake spins something about romance and Charlotte seems to buy it. They make plans for later which may or may not include a boat ride. Jake tries to downplay his need for a boat and instead focus on making sure Charlotte doesn’t get in trouble. Charlotte gives him one last, long look and then leaves. 

Megan argues with Marco. They wonder how/why they always find themselves in these kinds of situations together. Cord comes up and tells them that Johnny Dee must have taken the developer tank that they had used to develop some of Sarah’s pictures. This, Cord says, can only mean Johnny Dee’s on to them. Cord leaves to go upstairs when Jake arrives.  Megan asks Jake about Charlotte.  Charlotte then comes down the stairs and right to Jake. Charlotte leads Jake away. Megan asks Marco to remind her whose idea it was for her to be a librarian. Jake enters the Badderly boathouse looking for the boat Charlotte was talking about (which is supposed to be hidden and no one is supposed to know about it).  Charlotte enters about a minute after he does.  She wants to know if Jake’s just not interested in her or if it’s women in general.

Megan wishes Charlotte were interested in Lucky instead of Jake. Megan finds the situation frustrating. Jake tells Charlotte that he finds her very interesting. Charlotte’s not so sure because Jake hasn’t taken advantage of the opportunities they’ve had to sleep with her. Jake tells her that he’s old fashioned. She says they don’t have time for that because the summit meeting won’t last forever. Charlotte kisses him. He makes excuses not to continue making out or going further with her but she doesn’t seem to care. She asks Jake straight out if he wants to make love to her. Jake answers that he does want to he just doesn’t want to get caught. Charlotte suggests they go somewhere private, her room.

Johnny Dee is grilling Cord and Tina about the developing tank he found. Sarah sees that their plan’s about to go up in smoke and makes Johnny Dee believe it belongs to her and that she’s a bored housewife who was looking for an interesting activity. Bo/Whitey takes possession of the tank and scolds her for taking pictures (which they mention have been destroyed). He tells Johnny Dee not to worry. Bo’s upset at Sarah for putting herself in danger but agrees it may have been the only logical way to save Cord and Tina. Cord gives Bo some negatives to look at. They think they might have gotten a partial picture of the drug lab. A meeting begins so Bo/Whitey gives Sarah the negatives to hide in their room, he tells Sarah to be careful because he thinks that they have someone tailing her. Cord leaves to find Tina. Jake and Charlotte are going upstairs when Bo/Whitey notices them and that Megan is upset. He tells Jake to come back down and make them some breakfast. Jake and Charlotte head for the kitchen. Sarah wants to look for a way off this island. To get rid of the tail Megan/Midge and Sarah stage an argument and then hit they guy over the head with a vase. They then sit the man up on a chair with an open magazine, clear the open space of shards and leave. 

Charlotte and Jake come back to the lobby and talk. She complains that he took a long time to make breakfast. She wants them to go upstairs and sleep together. Johnny pulls Charlotte away from Jake, telling her he would like to speak with her. Jake leaves. Sarah and Megan are somewhere on the island of Badderly looking at negatives.  Sarah confirms they are on the right side of the island. They spot part of a building Sarah took a picture of and Megan wants to investigate more.  Bo and Jake are talking about their situation and the need to get to Viki before the mobsters do. They talk about Megan and Sarah and their problems with Charlotte. The man Megan/Midge and Sarah knocked out comes to and tells Johnny Dee. They go after the women.  Bo and Jake run after them.

Megan and Sarah are still looking for the building they saw from a distance. They hear voices and hide. Johnny Dee and the man Megan knocked out, Bobby, look around for the sisters.  The men figure that Megan/Midge and Sarah are on the other side of the island. They somehow open a mechanical door/wall that blends in as part of the forest.  Megan wants to follow them. Jake and Bo see the roof that was in Sarah’s picture. Megan and Sarah scare them when they come out of hiding. All four of them go back to the girls’ hiding place to talk. Johnny Dee and Bobby come back around the mechanical wall. Johnny tells Bobby to stay and guard the wall. Jake has a plan so they go back to the main house to hear it.  The four enter the kitchen and get food to supplement the food they’re getting from Jake. Jake tells them about the boat Charlotte talked of. Megan and Sarah want to look for the boat but Bo says it’s too risky for them and wants Jake to try another crack at Charlotte and if that doesn’t work Jake’s going to look for the boat, himself.  Bo and Sarah leave. Megan and Jake talk about having dinner together on the cove when Marco comes in. Marco tells Megan that they are wanted for a meeting with Johnny Dee and that you don’t turn down a meeting with Johnny Dee. Megan hesitantly leaves. 

Jake realizes there’s not enough food to feed everyone and that he’ll have to cook when Charlotte walks in.  She wants Jake to show her how to make homemade bread. Marco and Megan enter the boathouse. Megan realizes that Marco lied about Johnny wanting to have drinks with them. He confesses that he lied. He wanted to talk with her. Marco has built a raft and wants her to go with him to get help off the island. He uses Viki’s potential trouble and the late hour of the day to get her to agree to go right then. He wants her to take her skirt off. Marco’s raft will be lucky if it doesn’t sink the moment it hits water.  They’ve used Megan’s skirt on the mast. Marco and Megan swim ashore. Megan is unconscious. When she comes to she’s very upset at Marco. They argue. 

Charlotte’s watching Jake make bread in the kitchen. She talks about her father, Carlo Hesser, and when she learned about his illegal activities. She wants to know how Jake hooked up with Whitey. Charlotte realizes that Jake’s no cook and tells him he’s a fraud to his face. Jake tries to convince Charlotte he really is Bo/Whitey’s cook.  Charlotte believes he works for Whitey she just doesn’t believe he’s his chef. Jake tells Charlotte that he’s backup muscle for Bo/Whitey. Charlotte is kind of disappointed until he explains he rarely kills people, he just threatens effectively. Charlotte wants to help Jake get a job working for Carlo. As Bo/Whitey’s trusted assistant he could be sort of a double agent. She comes on to him, again.  They leave to further the conversation in private.

Megan is upset at Marco and shows him, physically. As Marco restrains her he tells her that he’s the one who knows and loves her. Jake and Charlotte come upon them. Megan tries to explain but Marco makes it difficult. They argue and fight some more. Megan/Midge ‘breaks up’ with Marco and leaves. Charlotte thinks he’s better off. She decides to cool off with a swim. Jake decides to go after Megan rather than swim with Charlotte.  He tells Marco to tell Charlotte that Bo/Whitey needed him. In her room, Megan is upset that Jake’s spending the evening with Charlotte. Jake just waltzes in her room and lets her know he ditched Charlotte. Jake wants to know what really happened at the cove. Megan explains about Marco’s raft.  Megan wants to make love to Jake. They end up unclothed in bed but she keeps sneezing and Jake realizes she has a fever. He tells they can make love another time, that she needs her sleep and that he’ll take care of her. 

Jake, Megan/Midge, Sarah, and Bo/Whitey are talking privately. Bo feels they are running out of time to find the drugs and protect Viki’s life. Jake’s about to leave to look for the hidden boat when he’s stopped by Johnny Dee’s man, Greg, who tells him men stay and women leave for the meeting they’re about to have. Sarah and Megan/Midge leave. The rest of the mobsters pile in for the meeting. Johnny Dee announces that Jake is Bo/Whitey’s enforcer. Bo/Whitey claims that Carlo’s hold has loosened and he may have to take over the island.  Megan and Sarah decide to look for the hidden boat. The mobsters, real and pretend, discuss the drugs. Johnny leaves to call Carlo. Sarah and Megan argue about who’s going to get a closer look at a possible boat Sarah spotted. Sarah wins and gets caught in quicksand. Megan leaves for help and Sarah panics. Megan interrupts the drug meeting to get Jake and Bo/Whitey. They run to get to Sarah. Sarah is trying not to panic. She thinks this situation is nothing compared to Austin. She’s in the quicksand almost to her shoulders. When Bo, Jake and Megan arrive she’s up to her neck in quicksand. They create a human chain and pull her out. They talk about the boat and decide to head back to their rooms. Bo and Sarah leave. Megan wants to try again to get to the boat. Jake talks her out of it. 

Megan’s asleep in her room when Jake lets himself in. He kisses her awake and tells her of plans to get to the boat and leave the island. They kiss and stuff.  Sarah interrupts. Sarah is not excited about the plan for everyone in their group to leave except Bo/Whitey (Cord and Spring Skye). Spring comes in the room and makes a fuss about being left. They decide to allow her to come along. Fog is covering the horizon and the boat. Lucky has invited Gloria because he’s in love with her.Jake realizes the boat is gone so no one can go anywhere. Cord and Tina arrive and assume Johnny Dee’s the reason for the missing boat. The group breaks up according to gender, with the girls headed back to the main building and the guys exploring the island. Cord has the remote to the forest wall and the men (Cord, Jake and Lucky) use it. Lucky is given the remote and told to be the watch out. Jake and Cord go past the wall to look for the drug lab. 

Sarah, Megan and Gloria are back at the main house.  The guard won’t let Sarah in the meeting and won’t get Bo/Whitey for her. Spring and Tina come in the main house. Spring is complaining. Megan tells her to shut-up. There’s a close call but Sarah and Megan cover. The girls decide to go looking for Cord and Jake. Spring stays behind. Jake and Cord decide to split up and give themselves 45 minutes to return before Lucky is allowed to panic.  Lucky is fascinated by the mechanical forest wall. Greg and Bobby hold guns on Lucky and tell him to freeze.  Cord and Jake find Badderly’s drug lab. They look around.  Lucky tells the goons that he’s alone, they don’t believe him. He yells out his and Jake’s code word for trouble “Sacramento.”  Jake hears Lucky and realizes what it means.  Cord wants to continue to look around. Cord finds the actual drugs. He also finds explosives and suggests they blow up the drug lab. They hide before a guy with a gun enters looking for them. The guy, Bobby, talks on the phone. He tells whomever he’s talking to that Viki will be taken care of and that Llanview is the first stop. Bobby leaves and then Cord and Jake leave. 

Lucky is being threatened by Greg but continues to play dumb. Megan, Sarah and Tina come upon them and Sarah puts on her Mrs. Whitehead routine. The goons decide to leave after closing the wall and making all parties promise silence. Jake and Cord come out of hiding and they decide to go elsewhere to give their report. At the boathouse:  Bo, Jake, Megan, Sarah, Cord, Tina, Marco, Lucky and Gloria are gathered together talking about what Jake and Cord found out about the drug lab. The men decide to take shifts watching the drug lab (it’s too dangerous for Megan to help). Jake and Lucky have the first shift so they leave. Megan decides she needs to go back to her room and rest. Jake and Lucky are sneaking around.  Lucky talks to Jake about Gloria.  Jake thinks love is all that matters, Megan couldn’t agree more. Lucky takes a cue and leaves Jake and Megan kissing. Megan apologizes but she couldn’t help herself.  Megan pulls herself away and leaves.  Lucky returns and suggests a double wedding to Jake. 

In the morning, Lucky’s on the ground asleep while Jake’s looking out. Megan comes with coffee. They kiss. Jake makes Megan hide when he hears someone coming. It’s Marco and he wants to talk with Jake about Megan. Lucky leaves.  Marco wants to protect her interest against Jake. Jake basically tells him to bug off.  Marco wants Jake just to walk away from Megan. At the main house, Charlotte is looking around the lobby when Megan/Midge enters. Charlotte wants to talk with her. Jake explains his feeling for Megan to Marco.  Charlotte tells Megan/Midge that she’s on to her.  She knows that Megan’s mousy librarian routine is for show and that she’s really after Jake. Charlotte threatens Megan/Midge and tells her to leave Jake alone.  Greg comes in and tells Charlotte that Johnny Dee wants her so she leaves with him. 

Jake sneaks up on Megan and scares her. She tells him they have to stay away from one another because of Charlotte’s threats (because she’s Carlo Hesser’s daughter).  Jake argues with her and pulls her into a kiss. They begin making out and decide to go up to her room.  Before they make the stairs they fly apart and begin arguing when Charlotte is seen at the top.  Megan goes upstairs and passes Charlotte who is going down. Charlotte wants to know what that was all about.  Jake tells her that he just likes to get a rise out of the intellectual types.  He turns on the charm and begins kissing her.  Megan and Tina watch from the stairs.  Megan hates everything about their situation.  Charlotte stops them when she notices the audience. They go to find somewhere private. Charlotte leads Jake to the boathouse. They make out.  Megan/Midge interrupts them with news that she sighted a boat.  When Charlotte looks she says it’s the police. 

Megan basically jumps for joy over the news of the police coming which makes Charlotte suspicious. They convince Charlotte to go warn Johnny. When the police arrive Megan and Jake start to tell the officers about everything. The cops tell them that Viki sent them for Bo. Greg comes along and tells them everything is alright. Jake goes along with him and tells the officers that Megan has an overactive imagination.  Megan tries to get the officers to tell Viki something that will help her realize they are in trouble without alerting suspicion to anyone else. Greg doesn’t buy their innocent act. Johnny considers the incident over since the police are gone.  Greg takes Megan and Jake back to the house. Johnny wants his little sister to do something for him, something she won’t like. Charlotte wants Sarah and Tina to tell her where Jake and Megan are. Charlotte doesn’t get the answer she wants and heads upstairs. Jake and Megan enter a room and argue about having let the police go.

On Badderly Island, Jake and Megan enter Jake’s room and argue about having let the police go. Megan is upset at Jake for letting the police leave the island. Jake doesn’t want to argue. He begins to kiss Megan when Charlotte knocks on the door. Jake makes Megan hide in the closet. Charlotte wants to pick up where they left off so she kisses Jake. Jake feigns exhaustion and promises Charlotte that they’ll pick up where they left off tomorrow. Charlotte leaves. Megan comes out from the closet. She and Jake kiss. Jake wants to make love to Megan and tells her it may be their one and only chance. Megan stops Jake cold…she does not want a one-night stand. Jake promises that he wants to make love to her every night of the week but that sometimes things don’t work out. He mentions his intentions of leaving the island by swimming out with the right current and catching a ride with a fishing boat…then going to get help.  Megan wants Jake to stay. She tells Jake that if he dies out in that ocean that she’ll have to kill him. Jake takes Megan/Midge’s glasses off and her ponytail out. Then, he removes her shoes, nylons and jacket.  He unbuttons the front buttons of Megan’s dress, removing the garment from her upper body. They’re kissing and Jake’s talking. Megan tells Jake to stop talking and guides him to the bed and hovering over her. 

Megan’s covered up with a blanket and Jake’s clothed body. They talk about how long they’ve waited to be together. They kiss some more. Megan is upset at the thought of Jake being in the water with the current. Jake tries to reassure her. Megan loves Jake’s hands…they talk about his hands. Jake tells Megan to turn over and gives her a massage. Jake proclaims his love and the depth of his feelings for Megan. They kiss. Megan tells Jake that she loves him too much to lose him. They kiss some more. Jake and Megan are lying on the bed with Megan’s head resting on Jake’s unclothed chest.  He’s running his hands through her hair.  They talk and Jake tells her that he needs to leave. Megan doesn’t want him to leave and get himself killed.  They talk and kiss…a lot. 
Jake is starting to get dressed when Megan gives him her necklace (one Viki gave her that brought Viki and Roger back together again) she says it’ll help bring them back together.  He puts it around his neck and promises not to take it off until they’re back together. They kiss. There is a knock on the door.  Johnny expects Jake at a meeting at the boathouse right away.  Megan is worried about what this means and Jake tries to reassure her. 

Johnny Dee’s meeting involves all of the men from the drug families and Charlotte. It is about security issues…he believes there is a traitor in their midst.  Johnny names Jake as the traitor. Bo/Whitey pretends to be outraged at Johnny for thinking that about his operation. Bo/Whitey tells the others that he’s out of the drug deal and that they’re leaving tomorrow.  Bo/Whitey’s crew start to leave but Charlotte stops Jake. She’s upset because she thinks Jake used her to get information for the Llanview Police Department. Charlotte reveals an audio recording of a conversation Jake had with Megan about swimming out in the ocean to find a boat and going to the police. It’s decided that Jake must die and Bo/Whitey must kill him.  Megan/Midge and Sarah arrive and interrupt the meeting.  The other bosses leave and Charlotte’s quick to follow.  Greg holds a gun on Sarah and forces Bo/Whitey to take a shot at Jake.  Megan and Lucky go to Jake’s prone body and say he’s dead.  Greg dumps Jake’s body in the water.  Johnny and Greg leave. Bo tells them that Jake’s not really dead because he aimed for the metal Jake was wearing (the Eterna pin Megan gave him).  Lucky dives in to save Jake.  Megan hates Bo and thinks Jake may have really been shot.  Lucky comes back without having found Jake.  He decides he’ll start a fire on the beach so that hopefully Jake can see it and swim toward it. 

Lucky and Megan are asleep by the now extinct fire. They wake up and talk, deciding that Jake must be dead. Jake comes out of the water and asks them if they have anything to eat.  Megan and Lucky are thrilled.  Jake stayed hidden because of men patrolling the beach. Lucky leaves to tell Bo the good news.  Jake and Megan kiss and talk and kiss some more. Megan wants Jake to hide out in a cave but Jake insists on swimming out in the ocean until he happens upon a fishing boat. Bo is overjoyed that he didn’t kill Jake. Bo tells Lucky, Sarah and Marco that he’s going to keep an eye on Tina.  Jake and Megan decide to live at Jake’s place when they get back to Llanview. Jake kisses Megan and jumps in the ocean. 

In a hotel room Bo/Whitey, Sarah, Lucky and Greg are gathered around when Greg notices something in the water that he thinks is a man.  Lucky and Bo/Whitey try to convince him it’s nothing (they realize it’s Jake). Lucky breaks Greg’s binoculars.  Privately Bo shares that Jake was almost to a boat.  Sarah leaves to find Megan. Once gone the men are not optimistic about Jake’s chances.  They need to find the remote asap. Jake finds a fishing boat and climbs aboard!  The fisher does not believe that anyone’s on Badderly (as it’s been abandoned for years, he says). The man pulls a gun on Jake because he thinks Jake escaped from somewhere.  Jake convinces the older man to radio the Llanview Police Department for help. Jake speaks to the mayor, Harding Richards (who is in his office with Viki).  After their call has disconnected Jake attempts to leave the fishing boat to swim back to Badderly. The fisher tries to reason with Jake. When that doesn’t work he pulls the gun on Jake, again, this time in an attempt to protect Jake from himself. After eating some soup, Jake convinces the fisherman that he’s well enough to swim back to Badderly.  The fisherman promises to alert authorities at the next port. Jake jumps into the ocean. There is something wrong with the boat. Megan’s on Badderly beach just looking at the ocean waiting for Jake. Marco brings her food. Marco doesn’t think that Jake’s going to return anytime soon.  Megan doesn’t want to hear it and tells him so. 

Megan sees a body floating in the water. Marco helps her drag Jake to the shore. Jake’s not breathing so they perform CPR. Jake eventually gasps for breath!  He tells Megan, Lucky, Marco and Gloria that he made it to a boat and help should be on the way. Marco leaves to tell Bo and the others. Jake and Megan are alone on the beach.  Jake is eating. They are both talking and kissing. Everyone on side ‘good’ (minus Tina) is gathered on the beach. Jake thanks Bo for not killing him.  A helicopter is heard and thought to be the police but they realize it’s really Johnny’s men. They hide. Bo and Cord head off in search of Tina.  Before they leave they give Jake instructions to set off explosives they set up to get rid of the drugs. 

Everyone argues about whether to detonate the explosives. Sarah is afraid for Bo, Cord and Tina’s lives. Jake agrees with Sarah. He gives the detonator to Lucky with instructions not to push the button until he sees them walking up the path. Jake leaves to help Bo and Cord. Jake interrupts several fights when he gets to the main house (Bo and Cord each have one going on while Tina is running around looking on). Jake then begins one of his own. Although the men get the upperhand in their fights Lucky, Marco and the ladies are brought back to the main house at gunpoint by one of Johnny’s men (Johnny realizes that Bo is not Whitey). Johnny orders the man to kill Sarah if he and the others are not released. Bo, Jake and Cord release the men they’re holding and drop any guns. Johnny announces that he intends to kill all his ‘loose ends.’ Tina tries to beg for their lives but Johnny orders one of his goons to take her to the dining hall.  Tina is carried away kicking and screaming. 
Lucky gets Marco to create a distraction by talking to Johnny about sparing his life (pretending he doesn’t care about the others) then Lucky shows Jake and Bo the detonator. Jake pushes the button causing the explosives to detonate. Johnny and his men are distracted and run out to check on the drugs. Marco knocks the gun out of the hand of the man who stayed behind to guard them. The guy leaves. The main house starts to fall apart due to the explosion. Everyone runs. Jake and Megan search for everyone in the rubble. They find Cord, then Sarah and Bo. The men make sure it’s clear before the women (they found Tina) follow them to the boathouse so they may wait for help (Bo takes a gun). At the boathouse Lucky, Spring, Marco and Gloria are found.  Cord realizes that Tina is gone (she was following behind them). 

Cord leaves to find Tina. Tina is with Johnny. Bo and Jake decide to leave in search of help.  Bo gives Lucky the gun. Sarah and Megan are not thrilled with this plan (especially since neither of them have a gun now to protect themselves with). Jake and Bo leave. Spring’s being herself and Megan can’t deal with it. Greg Ellis spies on them through a window. Gloria sees him. Greg confronts Marco about betraying them. Greg attacks Marco and punches Lucky (the gun had no bullets).  Gloria, Sarah and Megan all sit on Greg to hold him down, then they high-five each other. They tie Greg to a chair. The girls fuss over Lucky’s wounds.  Lucky is upset that he wasn’t able to protect the girls. When Bo and Jake return the girls lie and tell them that Lucky saved the day!  Bo and Jake announce that they found a radio and called the police!  No one knows where Cord and Tina are. At the main house, Tina and Cord are there.  The police handcuff Johnny. The group enters the main house and they celebrate their freedom.  Everyone kisses their significant other. They decide to head home to Llanview. At the airport, reporters surround our heroes. Before Jake gets a chance to tell Megan, a reporter wants a reaction to Viki having been shot. 

Jake & Megan Dvd #6 - 2 hrs 45 mins

At the airport, Megan wants to know what happened to Viki. Harding Richards shot Viki and she’s in the hospital recuperating from surgery.  Megan wants to go see Viki. Tina and Cord make their way toward the swarm of reporters. Tina is delighted to realize she’s considered a hero  They join Bo, Sarah, Jake and Megan and leave to visit Viki in the hospital. Bo and Sarah arrive at the hospital (the others are apparently right behind them). Asa and Renee welcome them back and give them an update on Viki’s condition (which is stable but critical). Asa and Renee want to know what happened on Badderly but before anything can be said Jake and Megan make their way over to Asa, Renee, Sarah and Bo. Renee comforts Megan. Megan wants to see Viki. 

In Viki’s hospital room, Megan hugs and talks with Clint. Clint leaves so that Megan may speak with an unconscious Viki. Megan feels responsible for Viki getting shot.  She tells Viki that she loves her and then kisses her on the forehead. Megan exits Viki’s hospital room. She goes to Jake.  Renee promises to go with Tina to visit Viki because Tina is nervous. Lucky brings Megan food. R Megan doesn’t want to eat but Lucky and Jake break her down. Bo wants to speak with Jake. Bo and Jake join Asa and Cord. They have a “Buchanan family council meeting.” Bo adds that it’s a “war council” this time. Asa wants to get his hands on Carlo Hesser.  They discuss ways in which they will capture Carlo and make him pay. Jake apologizes for contacting the wrong cop. It is announced to the large group that Viki has regained consciousness. Everyone is excited!

Lucky shares his concern about Gloria with Jake (she was supposed to take a later flight but has yet to contact him). Everyone is gathered around the television when the news covers the Badderly thugs being transported.  Among them are Gloria and Marco. Tina leaves after Johnny speaks about moving to Llanview, marrying, and raising a family. Cord goes after her. Jake calms Lucky down about Gloria, promising to help get her off the hook. Then, Jake begs Megan to eat. Megan takes one small bite. Megan, who fell asleep on Jake’s shoulder, suddenly wakes. She wants to see her mother but Viki cannot be disturbed. Jake gets an idea in his head. Jake wants Megan to come with him. Megan refuses until she talks with Viki.  Jake promises she’s not leaving the hospital…he wants her to go into the linen closet. She does as asked then Jake follows her. They kiss and talk and kiss and talk, their talking leads to them arguing. Lucky enters and tells them to stop. They argue a bit more and then laugh and kiss. Lucky wants their help with Gloria. Jake leaves to help Lucky and Megan stays to be with her mother. 

Megan asks the nurse at the desk about Viki then goes to thank the hero who saved Viki. Megan brings ‘Matt Kingston’ (who is secretly Max Holden) balloons and gives her thanks for saving her mother. They talk about Badderly. ‘Matt’ complements Megan. She thinks it’s odd since ‘Matt’ barely knows her. ‘Matt’ reveals his true identity as Max Holden. Megan is very happy! They hug. 

At the LPD, Lucky attacks a manhandling Johnny Dee over Gloria. The ring Lucky gave Gloria was the same (or so Johnny says) that he gave another woman (Tina). Lucky says he found the ring on the cove of Badderly Island. The cop says that it doesn’t matter because he’s going to have to take it while Gloria is being held. Gloria gives the officer the ring in question. Charlotte asks if that’s the ring that Johnny gave Tina. Johnny tells her that Tina has a lot of explaining to do. The officer escorts Johnny Dee and Gloria away. Lucky follows behind them. Jake is left alone with Charlotte. 
Charlotte wants to speak with Jake. She admits that she cares about Jake. She tells Jake that Carlo had nothing to do with the hit on Viki.  Jake doesn’t believe her; he doesn’t respect her and until she stops working with her father he never will.  Charlotte wants to know if he ever found her attractive.  He tells her he does, that she’s bright, beautiful and very deadly. Jake kisses her forehead and walks away. 

Megan’s still in Max’s room. They talk about Al and Gabrielle. Max tells her that he and Gabrielle got married. They talk about Jake and how important Megan is to him. They hug; say some parting words and leave. Jake and Megan are making out when suddenly Megan asks Jake if he can believe that Max is alive. They talk about Max then Jake tries to get Megan to eat something. Before Jake can even get over to the kitchen Megan’s fallen asleep. Jake tucks Megan into bed. She wakes up and asks him to hold her for a little while. When Megan wakes up she and Jake kiss then Jake calls to check on Viki’s condition. Viki slept through the night. They talk about pressing issues. They kiss and talk a lot. The subject of conversation moves to what Jake is going to do for employment.  He wants to be a PI (he tells her he really used to do PI work down in Florida). Megan is hesitant because of the danger involved but Jake convinces her it’ll make him happy. They kiss some more. 

Megan runs into Marco at the hospital. Marco found her to say goodbye, for real this time he says. Megan doesn’t believe he’ll be gone for long. They talk about Jake. Megan kisses him and Marco says he’s leaving for real. Megan still doesn’t really believe him and Marco is upset that she’s not making more of a fuss. Marco leaves. Megan is visiting with Viki. They’re talking about Lucky’s bird Tweety, then Jake gets his turn as topic of conversation.  Viki gets a phone call and Megan takes her leave (she’s going to meet Jake). Some guy in a doctor’s outfit is observing Jake and Megan. Megan and Jake are kissing (with intermittent talking) in the hospital. Clint gets out the elevator and walks right past them, not wanting to interrupt. Megan stops him. They talk about Megan’s happiness and Viki. Clint leaves to Viki’s hospital room.  Before Jake and Megan can leave the hospital they hear a call for help from Viki’s room. 

Clint and Megan are upset about Viki. Larry tells Clint, Megan and Jake that Viki has suffered a massive stroke. Viki has no feeling, no mobility on either side of her body. Megan worries that the paralysis may be permanent. Viki can’t even speak. Larry tells them that Viki may not ever be the same. 
Clint leaves to tell the rest of the family the news. Jake and Megan are going to get some air when Herb wants to speak with them. They tell him about Viki’s condition. Herb asks them to stop by his office at a later time to answer some questions. Before they leave Herb extends his sincerest apologies. 

At Megan’s loft, Megan is going crazy thinking about all the people she needs to call. She can’t remember the number to Llanfair. Jake tells her she can’t call everyone she wants to call and tell them this news over the telephone. Megan is afraid that Johnny Dee and the rest of the Badderly goons will find a way to get by the charges. Jake wants her to calm down and rest. Megan refuses; she wants to nail Johnny Dee. Megan recounts her conversation with Viki to Jake. Jake calms her down. 

In the park, Megan wants a moment to herself before going to see Viki. Megan wants to know why this is happening to Viki. Jake tells her that she needs to be strong for Viki and herself. Megan decides she can’t go see Viki right now. Jake tries to talk her into going to see Viki. Jake talks some sense into Megan. Jake gives Megan back the Eterna pin/necklace that Megan had given him so that she can give it back to Viki. They walk away and a man is shown (the same man who was watching them in the hospital). 

In the hospital, Megan visits an unresponsive Viki.  She tells Viki about the Eterna pin and leaves it by Viki’s bedside for luck. Megan has to leave because she was only allowed a few minutes so she tells Viki she loves her and kisses her forehead before leaving. Megan finds Jake, they kiss. Charlotte walks up the couple.  She wants to speak with Megan but Megan won’t allow her to get a word in. Megan calls Charlotte filth and slaps her. Megan’s about to slap Charlotte again but Jake stops her. Charlotte tells Megan she understands but that she’s not a monster and wants Megan to know that. Charlotte believes her father is innocent and tries to get Megan to believe it, too. Charlotte tells Megan that she just wants to make peace and leaves. Jake kisses Megan and tells her he’ll be right back. 

Jake sits on a bench talking with Charlotte. He tells Charlotte that Megan will come around and let her say her explain eventually. Jake believes Charlotte thinks Carlo is innocent but wonders what she thinks about Johnny and his innocence. Charlotte tells Jake that she doesn’t know about Johnny but that anything is possible. Jake wants Charlotte to turn state’s evidence against Johnny Dee. Jake believes she can do it. Charlotte tells him that she’ll have to think about it. She admits that Megan’s a lucky girl. If things don’t work out between the two Charlotte tells Jake to let her know. She leaves. 

Jake and Megan are standing in the park arguing over Charlotte. Jake thinks they can trust her and Megan does not. The man who has been eavesdropping on the couple is there again. Topic turns to Viki and her recovery. They kiss. Jake and Megan are sitting on a bench talking about Viki. Megan’s glad she has Jake. Jake sees the man spying on them and tells Megan he has to leave for a bit. Megan makes it difficult for him. Jake leaves and Megan starts to walk away. The man begins to follow Megan when Jake attacks him. They struggle. The man says he’s a fan in want of an autograph for his girlfriend’s birthday. After producing what Jake believes to be credible proof, Megan signs the soap magazine. The man leaves. Jake gives Megan a hard time about not trusting him and letting him leave for a little while. They kiss and leave the park. The man makes a phone call on a payphone.  He tells whomever he called that he was unable to get to Miss Gordon. They don’t have much time. 

At Megan’s loft, the air conditioner seems to be broken. Jake warns Megan about the man from the park because he rubbed Jake the wrong way. Jake and Megan play at reading faces. They make out. Megan feels the need to call the hospital. While she’s doing that Jake gets ice-water. They try to get one another with the ice cubes. Megan throws of water at him. They run and struggle in good fun. Jake kisses Megan after he caught her. Megan pushes Jake down to the floor and straddles him. They kiss. Jake puts the last ice cube down Megan’s shirt. She jumps up trying to get it out. They make out. The two are in bed. It’s the next morning and they talk about having made love. A knock from the door forces Jake to answer it. It’s Sarah. Sarah wants Megan to come to hospital. There’s a difference of opinion on what to do with Viki and her care.  Larry, Asa, Renee, Bo and Sarah want Viki to go to a rehab in Seattle while Clint does not (Megan agrees with Clint). 

At the hospital Sarah, Bo, Asa and Renee are gathered around talking about sending Viki to the rehab in Seattle. Herb comes upon them and asks about Viki. Herb then starts talking about the case against Johnny Dee. Megan and Sarah are in the hospital talking about when the plane will arrive to send Viki to Seattle. The girls would feel better if Bo and Jake were there with them. Two men dressed in scrubs talk about it being their chance. Before anything can happen Jake and Bo find the girls. The men in scrubs talk about needing to get to the girls before they get to the courthouse to put Johnny away. The foursome plus Clint say their goodbyes to Viki. Bo and Clint walk down to the ambulance with Viki. Sarah suggests that Jake go downstairs with Bo and that she and Megan will meet them to go the courthouse. Jake leaves after kissing Megan. The two men decide who’s taking who. Larry gives Megan and Sarah an update on Viki. He leaves and the men enter the elevator with them. Suddenly the men attack the girls, making them fall asleep. 

Bo and Jake are waiting for their significant others. The men in scrubs wheel the girls out of the elevator (covered in sheets on a stretcher) right in front of the men’s eyes. They decide to go check on the girls. In the elevator Jake finds Megan’s earring on the floor. They try to figure out where Sarah and Megan are. A nurse saw them get on the elevator.  Bo and Jake do not feel good about this. In an automobile, the men who kidnapped Megan and Sarah are driving. They announce that it is “time” and one of them pulls out cell phone of sorts to call Llanview Hospital. The nurse at the nurses’ station gives the phone to Bo. 

One of the men who took the Megan and Sarah tells Bo “silence is golden” and hangs up. Bo is upset; he wants to know who was on the phone and where the girls are. The man who spoke on the phone reveals to the audience that Johnny Dee is behind the plot to get rid of Megan and Sarah. Sarah and Megan are seen in the back of the vehicle both unconscious. Tina is on the stand against Johnny Dee. Bo is still talking into the hospital telephone trying to get information.  He hangs up and tells Jake that the caller had a distorted voice and a warning.  Bo tells Jake that the girls have been kidnapped and if they ever want to see them again silence is the key. The two kidnappers talk to each other. 

Megan wakes up and tries to rouse Sarah. She eventually comes to and they discuss what happened. Bo tells Jake that it’s no amateur kidnapping. They both feel that either Johnny Dee or Carlo is behind the girls’ disappearance. They realize the need to stop Tina and Cord from testifying. Jake calls the courthouse. Bo questions the charge nurse. When Jake can’t get someone to interrupt court proceedings over the telephone he heads to the courthouse to do it himself.  Bo stays behind to call the police. Bo calls Rafe. 

Jake interrupts Tina’s testimony. He openly accuses Johnny Dee of blackmail and other things.  Jake calmly explains what happened to the judge but begins to attack Johnny once Johnny makes excuses. Tina refuses to testify any further. After becoming upset again Jake is ejected from the courtroom. Sarah and Megan try to figure out who has had them kidnapped. They figure on Johnny Dee or Carlo. They wonder what if the guys were kidnapped, as well. The ladies make a lot of noise trying to get their kidnappers’ attention. The kidnappers turn up their music to drown the noise out. One of the kidnappers shows the driving kidnapper a sharp utensil that can “take care” of the girls. Herb Callison vouches for Jake and stops his ejection from court. Johnny Dee tries to convince the court that he wants the girls’ testimony so that he may be exonerated. Tina is excused from the stand. 

Cord, Tina, Jake, and Lucky talk about Viki. Tina tells Johnny Dee that she’s going to tell the court everything. Johnny seems sure that she won’t. The judge postpones the hearing. The girls are worried because the truck has stopped and they hear a lot of banging. The guys are worried because they can’t hear the girls anymore. They remove the laundry sign from the truck so that the police will be thrown off. Sarah comes up with a plan that Megan thinks is outrageous. 

Rafe and Mr. Nicholson confer with Bo about the kidnappings. The men figure that a small truck or panel van was used to transport the women. Rafe puts that info in the APB. Jake asks about progress which there isn’t any. Jake tells Bo that the hearing’s been postponed.  The point is made that as long as the kidnappers have the girls they can dictate what Bo and Jake do and keep Johnny out of jail. Everyone in the hospital is being questioned.  A statewide APB has been issued with roadblocks and checkpoints. Rafe reassures Bo and Jake. 

Jake kicks a gurney because he feels helpless. Bo blames himself for lack of foresight. They decide to go somewhere to talk about what they can do plan-wise. Megan has a blunt object and when an Amish man opens the back of the truck Megan hits him on the head and they run. Jake is at Max’s Place talking to Andy. Andy tries to give her brother food but Jake pushes it away. He can’t get over that he let the girls’ get kidnapped. Andy tries to convince him that he couldn’t have known. Jake is about to leave, to put his PI skills to test, when Lucky enters looking for him. Lucky informs Jake that they found “a pair of loose lips.” 

Megan stops from running because she thinks the men are Amish and harmless. One of the men restrains her. Megan tells Sarah to run but after they threaten Megan she just stands there. Sarah can’t leave Megan so now they’re both at the mercy of these men. Megan knows a thing or two about the Amish and doesn’t believe the men are Amish anymore. A car begins to pass so the men try to restrain and hide the girls but they both manage to yell out for help. The man who has information wants money for his trouble (and not the $40 Lucky has or the $100 both Lucky and Jake can come up with). He wants $250. Andy has $50 and she goes to get money from the safe, as well.  The man, whose name is Barney, takes the cash and wants a free beer. Barney sees two men enter the bar and suddenly wants to leave, so he does. When Jake tries to follow the men hold him off. 

First the girls say they’re dizzy, and then their thirsty, then they’re hungry.  They threaten the ‘Amish’ men with the Buchanan’s ties to the law. The men stop Jake and Lucky from leaving and make threats. Lucky calmly asks Jake “Sacramento?” and Jake replies “yeah, Sacramento” then they both pull back and slug the men. They get the men into headlocks and throw them out of the bar. Jake apologizes to Andy for the destruction but apparently they were due this month so it works out fine. Jake and Lucky leave to find Barney. Megan and Sarah eat slowly. The ‘Amish’ men are not pleased. Megan realizes that one of the ‘Amish’ men is actually the ‘fan’ who Jake almost beat up. She removes his fake beard to prove it. The men want the girls to change into Amish-type outfits. They refuse until a gun is pulled on them. 

At Max’s Place, Max walks over to Jake, Andy and Lucky. Jake can’t believe he let Barney get away and realizes the need to find him. One of the men who scared Barney calls Megan’s fan/kidnapper to tell him that Barney’s been taken care of. The man warns the kidnapper that they’ll have problems from Megan and Sarah’s family. Jake and Lucky are at Max’s Place holding cool items to their bruised faces. Lucky leaves after Jake thanks him and gives him a hug. Jake sits by himself and remembers Megan. Sarah and Megan have changed into the clothing given to them and are forced to hand over the clothes they took off. The kidnappers lock the girls in the back of the soundproof truck. 
Lucky and Jake are in Heavenly Hash talking to each other about not being able to find Barney. Wanda talks with them a little bit.  Bo enters and Wanda walks over and talks to him.  Bo’s upset at Jake about Barney. The arguing escalates into shouting. Lucky tries to intervene to no avail. Wanda does what Lucky couldn’t, she gets them to stop arguing and sends Jake and Bo to opposite sides of the table. Lucky tries to make them realize they need each other. Jake apologizes. Bo says he understands why Jake did what he did, that he just needed to let off some steam. 

Gloria comes over to the table. She realizes there is no news on Megan or Sarah. She tells the guys that she thinks she should testify against Johnny Dee. Bo tells her that she’s one of them and that they are keeping their mouths shut. Gloria just wants to be able to do something to help.  Lucky and Gloria leave together with plans to shoot pool later.  Bo hangs up the payphone. He and Jake talk about the lack of help the FBI has been in the kidnappings. Jake leaves to get some air.  Bo goes to make another call. 
In Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Megan and Sarah are trapped inside a house.  They are hungry and upset about the situation.  One of the kidnappers (either Kip or Lewis) brings them food).  Megan is about to throw an unlit gas lamp on the man but stops when she realizes a way to get them out. 

Jake and Lucky arrive at Buchanan Mansion with pizza.  Bo was hoping it was a man from the Bureau. They don’t understand why Sarah and Megan haven’t been let go. Asa and Troy Nichols knock on the door. Troy wants to hand over evidence that will make Johnny’s trial proceed even without witnesses. Jake and Bo tell him he can’t because of Sarah and Megan.  Troy says he can’t withhold evidence. Bo and Jake tell him he can’t kill Megan and Sarah. Asa has a plan. Megan tells Sarah that her plan is to set the house they’re trapped in on fire. Sarah blows the match out and talks her out of it. Megan begins to bang on the covered windows and make a lot of noise. One of the kidnappers comes in and stops her.  Sarah misses a second chance to escape and leave Megan behind.  Megan calls the kidnapper a ‘jerk’ and he takes offence. Megan then says that he’s the nicest kidnapper they’ve ever had.  He tells them to stop asking questions and do as they’re told.  Megan decides “no more Ms. Nice Guy.” 

Bo, Jake, and Lucky think that Asa’s plan is insane. Asa thinks as soon as he’s talked to Carlo Hesser the problem will be solved.  Bo and Jake believe that to get the girls back they’ll have to do it their way. The phone rings and Agent Porter from the Bureau has assigned Alex Olanov to the case. They assume Alex is a man. Asa makes it known that they’ll try it by the law for now but if that doesn’t work then they’ll do it the Buchanan way. Asa and Troy leave. Jake and Bo head to the waterfront. Lucky stays behind. 
Jake interrupts Asa having drinks. The evidence Troy had against Johnny has been stolen. Jake wants Asa to back him, Bo and Lucky in a full on war to get the girls back. 
Bo goes back home looking for Lucky. Lucky left a note explaining that he had to leave. FAB agent Alex Olanov comes up behind Bo and Bo basically attacks her. Alex shows her identification and when Bo is still straddling her she knocks him off of her. 

Bo tells Brian (a guy on set of Fraternity Row) that Johnny Dee should be let go soon and that word has it that Carlo’s appeal is going to go through. He makes sure things are taken care of at Fraternity Row. Jake tells Bo that the cops found the laundry sign from the van outside of Lancaster County. Bo is disheartened at the ‘evidence’ found because it could be nothing. Jake tries to make him see it could be something. Bo tells Jake that he wants to talk about the agent that was sent because he doesn’t think Alex will be much help.  Charlotte enters the room and Bo asks her what she did with Megan and Sarah. Jake defends her. Charlotte says she doesn’t believe that Carlo had anything to do with Sarah and Megan being kidnapped. She wants to speak with Jake. Bo leaves. Charlotte tells Jake she was at Palm Beach and came back to Llanview once she heard about Sarah and Megan.  She wants to comfort Jake. They argue over whether Carlo was involved. She tries to walk away but Jake stops her. Jake invites her for coffee so he can get information out of her. Jake tells Bo his plan and convinces him to take a nap. 

Jake and Charlotte enter Max’s Place. Johnny Dee is sitting at the bar. Jake sees him and pulls him up by his lapels. Charlotte intervenes. Jake realizes that Johnny Dee is really a Hesser, son to Carlo, brother to Charlotte. Jake makes threats trying to get Megan and Sarah back. Johnny leaves after advising Charlotte. Jake wants to know how he can trust Charlotte. Bo couldn’t sleep so he’s talking to Brian about Fraternity Row. A couple touring the set show Bo a picture they took when they were in Lancaster that’s a dead ringer for Megan. Bo asks them exactly where they were when they took it. 

Charlotte tells Jake that she was going to tell him today that Johnny was her brother.  When Johnny was thirteen Carlo sent him to a military academy and had his last name changed to their mother’s maiden name ‘Dee.’  Charlotte says he did this because the Hesser name was becoming well known and he didn’t want Johnny to follow him into the family business. Charlotte tells Jake that she’ll talk to her father about what’s happened but Jake tells her that it’s not enough. Jake leaves before the coffee gets to their table. 
At Fraternity Row, Bo’s upset because it’s Alex’s first assignment in the field. Jake comes along and steals Bo away. They both share the information they’ve come up with.  Bo shows Jake the picture of Megan but doesn’t want Alex to know about it. He tells Jake they’ve got to ditch the agent and drive to Lancaster County. Bo says Alex is “worthless” and that she’s going to get in their way. Bo calls for Brian and whispers to him. The lights go out and once they’re back on Bo and Jake are gone. Alex is upset. 
Megan thinks she hears something. She imagines Jake dressed as Zorro fencing to save her. Sarah and Megan start back to work on digging an escape hole.
In front of a building in Lancaster County, Alex, Bo, and Jake are trying to figure out a way to get some kid to talk to them. Alex has an idea but Bo doesn’t want to hear it.  Thankfully, Jake does want to hear her idea. She thinks that if they were to play catch the kid would definitely come out. Since they’ve go a baseball they decide to give it a try.  The boy comes out and begins to talk. He accidently broke some witches’ window and they asked to see his bat. After he gave the ‘witches’ his bat they hit a man over the head with it and he was sure they were witches. His father comes out and as the boy leaves they get a location. Alex tries to stop Jake and Bo from going; she wants to wait for reinforcements. Bo pretends like he agrees with her. Jake leaves to get the car. Alex doesn’t believe Bo. Bo throws Alex onto some hay, covers her with a blanket, and makes a run for it. 

Bo gets in the car but it won’t start. Alex comes over to them and tells them that they’re not going anywhere. She did something to the car and it’s not going to start. Jake makes a deal with Alex. If they take her along then Alex will fix the car. Alex replaces the coil wire. The car starts up and Alex gets in the car. The trio arrives at the Miller farmhouse. They argue about how to proceed. Jake and especially Bo are surprised when Alex actually seems to know what she’s talking about. She tells the guys her plan. Jake and Bo go toward the front of the house while Alex takes the back. Jake looks through a window and sees Megan. Megan’s with a guy. Jake can’t see Sarah.  He can’t see Sarah because Sarah escaped through the side of the house.  Bo hears someone running but is talked out of checking it out.  They decide to break through the front door. 

Inside the house, one of the kidnappers follows Sarah down the hole the sisters dug. Bo and Jake break through and Alex comes in gun blazing. Bo runs out to find Sarah, Alex follows. Jake comforts Megan. Megan wants to go after Sarah but Jake convinces her to sit down. They talk about what happened to Sarah and Megan. They kiss. Sarah runs into a barn. Sarah sees someone she recognizes as one of the kidnappers walks up behind her. Jake and Megan talk about Sarah. Megan’s afraid that something’s happened to Sarah. Jake tries to reassure her. Sarah is grabbed from behind and dragged off before Bo and Alex reach the barn. Both Bo and Alex yell for her. Megan and Jake come to see what’s wrong.  They all go to look for Sarah and call for help. 

The group meets back up at the house, no one has found Sarah. The local cop is not helpful. He leaves. Megan thinks it’s her fault that Sarah is missing. Bo decides to call Rafe.  Megan tells Jake that Kip is the man who was her ‘fan’ in the park. Alex enters the house. Porter let her have it for the way she handled the case. The FAB won’t let anyone else help with the case. Alex is still determined to find Sarah. After searching several barns the group goes back to the Miller farmhouse. Jake wants them to rest. Megan doesn’t want to stop searching. Bo suggests that Megan head back to Llanview. Jake convinces her. Bo tries to comfort Megan. Jake and Megan leave. Alex doesn’t think she’s done very well on this case but Bo thanks her for everything she’s done. Alex thanks him. 

In Megan’s loft she and Jake are in bed. Megan has a nightmare about not being able to save Sarah. Jake talks her down. Megan calls the police but there is no news about Sarah.  Megan feels helpless. She fears her dream might be prophetic. Megan and Jake go to Buchanan Mansion. Megan hugs Renee. She asks about news concerning Megan. Asa’s upset that there isn’t any news to report. Herb enters the room and asks if everyone is there. Asa, Renee, Tina, Cord, Jake and Megan are there. The only ones missing are Lucky and Gloria. Lucky and Gloria arrive and Herb begins. Herb tells them that if they don’t do anything about it then Carlo Hesser will walk out of jail a free man, today. 

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